Summary of News Kyaukhtu PDF will reward 8 million kyats if the military armed forces surrender with full weapon Htet Myat Aung, a soldier from
Summary of News Union Minister Dr Sasa says all ethnic brothers and sisters have signed the Panglong Agreement in the blood of ending the military
Summary of News Minister of Ministry of Home Affairs and Immigration, National Unity Government arranged to meet Saw Htoo Ka Shaw, Strategist of KNLA The
Summary of News 1.6 million people lost their jobs in Burma after military coup 2021 The All Burma Federation of Trade Unions (CTUM) said in

Summary of News Defense Minister U Ye Mon informs that the number of weapons seized from the enemy in the daily battle is increasing day
Poems by Myanmar Spring Revolution CDM Hero
April 29, 2022 Myingyan Zero CDM police officer Hein Htet Hein Htet, the deputy leader of Myingyan Zero, is a CDM police officer who is
Summary of News Project A1 guns announced by PSPT will be released soon The Gangaw-Kalay Road is being inspected by the PDP Special Operations Drone

Summary of News The chairman of the Pyidaungsu Hluttaw’s representative committee said that the fall of the military dictatorship was imminent Union Ministers of the

Summary – France strongly condemns new sentence imposed on State Counselor Aung San Suu Kyi