Summary of News

  • One villager was killed in Khwint Taung village, Depeyin Township and more than 5,000 locals from nearby village were fleeing
  • Military council troops are rushing to villages in Myaung Township, shooting and killing civilians and burning down houses
  • A front-line soldier leaves the army with a weapon and joins KNDF Battalion 16
  • A spokesperson for the NUG President’s Office said that the Judicial Advisory Panel would monitor the actions of judges in 15 townships in Sagaing Division, and that those convicted could be appealed to the President’s Office

One villager was killed in Khwint Taung village, Depeyin Township and more than 5,000 locals from nearby village were fleeing

Depeyin Township Brotherhood said that more than 20 military council troops stormed Khwint Taung in Depeyin Township, Sagaing Division on May 19 and killed a civilian.

He also added that more than 100 troops marching in Depeyin Township from the Ye-U burned the Thayattaw village twice and the extent of the damage is sill unknown.

Military council troops are rushing to villages in Myaung Township, shooting and killing civilians and burning down houses

On May 19, Civilian’s Defense and Security Organization of Myaung (CDSOM) announced a statement with the terrorist army arson record that the military council troops were carrying out violent crackdowns on villages in Myaung Township, Sagaing Division.

The statement states “On May 19, Terrorist Military council set fire to 10 houses in Ywa Pale village; burn 20 houses and killed an innocent civilian in Nyaung Kaya village and set fire in the three areas in Pauk Chaung village until 9 pm and it is estimated that the whole village was burnt down. In addition, at around 9 pm, terrorist military troops council coming down from Myaung Township opened fire on the villagers, injuring three people and set fire again in Kuto Kone village, and the exact value of the loss is unknown at the moment.”

A front-line soldier leaves the army with a weapon and joins KNDF Battalion 16

KNDF Battalion 16 announced that the soldier escaped from the Karenni front-line on May 16 took refuge on May 17 with the weapon.

It is said that he is a soldier from the 66th Light Infantry Division and is currently being take cared by the KNDF. The news was reported by Radio NUG correspondent Min Min.

Next, the public voice program section will be presented.

A spokesperson for the NUG President’s Office said that the Judicial Advisory Panel would monitor the actions of judges in 15 townships in Sagaing Division, and that those convicted could be appealed to the President’s Office

The National Unity Government (NUP) announced on May 19 that it had given power to township judges who can handle cases including the death penalty in 15 townships in Sagaing Division.

The Spokesperson of NUG President’s Office U Kyaw Zaw explained that a panel of five-judge was formed to prevent conflicts of interests and corruption, and the Judicial Advisory Panel would monitor whether the judges are acting in accordance with the procedure.

He added that NUG had set up a judiciary with the aim of reviving the judiciary, which has been devastated by a series of fighting since the military coup. Currently, judges have been formed in the 15 townships of Sagaing Division because the NUG can control the territory, and planning to expand depending on the size of controlled territory.

The number of townships that the National Unity Government can control the territory and form an interim governing body has risen to 36 across the country.

Legal experts assesses that while NUG is doing well, it remains to be seen whether it will succeed.

The local PDF leader said Ye-U Township is facing the worst situation in May

The military council declared Ye-U Township in Sagaing Division as a military district on May 17 and committing acts of violence. In May. the arson attacks by the military council destroyed several houses, including three houses owned by the Ye-U PDF leader, according to a Ye-U PDF leader.

Bo Nagar said that Myanmar Royal Dragon Army is assisting the PDF Alliance with a mobile system in Sagaing Division.

He evaluated that Sagaing Division is facing the worst situation in May.

He said that in Sagaing Division, the military council is committing acts of violence and thousands of houses have been set on fire.

From the time of the military coup until April 2022, more than 11,000 houses were set on fire in Myanmar, among them, Sagaing Division is the most devastated with more than 7,500 houses burned.

#Credit : Radio NUG

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