Myanmar Spring Revolution Morning Fresh News for 2023 September 15

1. Since the coup, drug production and illegal trafficking in Myanmar have increased more than before

The National Unity Government announced on September 14 that since the terrorist military led by Min Aung Hlaing seized power, drug production and illegal trafficking in Myanmar have increased more than before.

“Since the Min Aung Hlaing-led terrorist military seized power, drug production and illegal transport trade in Myanmar have increased more than before, leading to widespread danger of narcotics and psychotropic substances entering neighboring countries as transnational crimes.

The National Unity Government states that the prevention of the dangers of narcotic drugs and psychotropic substances, which can cause the degeneration of mankind, is a revolutionary obligation.

The National Unity Government will uphold the principles outlined in the United Nations Conventions on Combating Illegal Trafficking in Narcotics and Psychotropic Substances, to which Myanmar is a signatory.

According to the provisions of The Narcotic Drugs and Psychotropic Substances Law (1993) and the law amending this law (2018), the National Unity Government will form necessary mechanisms for the prevention and control of narcotic drugs and psychotropic substances, and will cooperate with the State Parties to the United Nations Convention, international organizations, neighboring countries, and allied revolutionary forces,” it stated.

2. It is important to be united and move forward at this time when the revolutionary forces are at advantages

The Union Prime Minister said this at the meeting of the Interim Local Administration Central Committee (ILACC) (37/2023) held on September 14.

“Revolutionary forces have the advantage of being able to make good use of technological advances, and being able to learn from the needs of previous revolutions and prepare for them is a factor that will lead to the quick success of the revolution. It is important to be united and gather together to move towards the goal in such a time and situation. The Acting President said in his speech on the 2nd anniversary of the People’s Defence Forces to operate under a single command system. The more we can gather forces, the faster the offensive will increase, so I want to strongly urge people to unite together,” said the Union Prime Minister

Following, attending members of the ILACC explained the completion status of the resolution adopted at the meeting (36/2023), future plans, and processes that needed to proceed, and the relevant officials discussed them extensively.

Led by Union Prime Minister Mahn Winn Khaing Thann, the meeting was attended by Union Ministers, Deputy Ministers, Permanent Secretaries, Associate Secretaries, and officials from ministries.

3. The Ministry of Home Affairs and Immigration held a meeting with the district people’s administrative bodies

On September 14, the meeting between the Ministry of Home Affairs and Immigration (MOHAI), and the district people’s administrative bodies (30/2023) was held. At the meeting, the Permanent Secretary of the Ministry of Home Affairs and Immigration, gave an opening speech.

Following, the Associate Permanent Secretary explained the activities of the ministry and attending members of the district people’s administrative bodies asked and discussed the issues, needs, and difficulties encountered on the ground, and the officials of the ministry responded.

The meeting was attended by Permanent Secretary, Associate Permanent Secretary, officials from the Public Administration Department of the Ministry of Home Affairs and Immigration, and members of the district people’s administrative bodies.

4. Yinmabin District battalions No. (3), (4), (5) and (6) are committed to maintaining their roles as People’s Defense Force battalions and will steadfastly adhere to two COC

The Ministry of Defence of the National Unity Government issued a statement on Yinmabin District Battalions No. (3), (4), (5) and (6) on 14th September 2023 as follows:

“On 14 March 2022, the Myanmar Royal Dragon Army (MRDA), stationed in Yinmabin District of Pale Township in Sagaing Region, officially underwent a restructuring process. As part of this transformation, the MRDA’s forces were reorganized into Yinmabin District battalions numbered (3 ), (4), (5) and (6). This reconfiguration was carried out with a commitment to honor the Chain of Command and the Code of Conduct jointly established by the Ministry of Defense of the National Unity Government and allied Ethnic Revolutionary Organizations. .

Similar to other People’s Defense Force battalions operating under the same command structure, these Yinmabin battalions have received financial support totaling MMK 318,000,000 (EUSD 122,976.48) since May 2022 through to the present date.

Prior to their integration into the command structure, the MRDA received roughly EUSD 24,166.67 in support specifically allocated for weapon production. Additionally, donations totaling around EUSD 28,070, including contributions from local sources and the diaspora (including the People’s Revolutionary Supply Family), were channeled through the Ministry of Defense.

In March 2022, the Ministry extended support to the MRDA by providing approximately EUSD 90,000 for the purpose of procuring weapons. The Ministry also collaborated with allied parties to facilitate the acquisition of these weapons.

During the early phases of the revolution, the MRDA was initially supplied with five automatic rifles and ammunition through the Ministry, and 15 grenade launchers with ammunition via No. (1) Military Region. Among the four Yinmabin District battalions under the command, Yinmabin District battalion No. (6) was outfitted with an impressive arsenal, including 93 automatic rifles and seven grenade launchers.

As the People’s Revolutionary allies work diligently to establish a well-defined and resolute command structure aimed at securing victory in the defensive war, Yinmabin District battalions No. (3), (4), (5) and (6) are committed to maintaining their roles as People’s Defense Force battalions. They will steadfastly adhere to the Chain of Command and the Code of Conduct. It is hereby declared that both the Ministry of Defense and No. (1) Military Region will provide all forms of support to these battalions, and that they will remain under their existing command structure.”

5. In accordance with the Counter-Terrorism Law, the NUG designated a total of 44 employees from the Director General to the Director of the Central Bank under the Military Council as terrorists

In accordance with the Counter-Terrorism Law, the NUG has declared a total of 44 employees, from the Director General to Director of the Central Bank under the Military Council, as terrorists.

On September 14, the National Unity Government’s Anti-Terrorism Central Committee issued Notice No. 03/2023.

“The employees of the Central Bank under the Military Council are involved as the main accomplices in financial support, financial flow, and the purchase of weapons that can kill many people, including jet fuel from foreign countries, in order for the terrorist military council to commit heinous acts.

From the president to low-level staff of the Central Bank under the Military Council, have deviated from ethical responsibilities and used improper influence to commit ethical breaches, resulting in serious adverse impacts on the public.

NUG designates a total of 44 employees, from the Director General to the Director of the Central Bank under the Military Council, as terrorists, and those declared terrorists will be dealt with in accordance with the provisions of Chapter (14) of the Counter-Terrorism Law,” the statement said.

6. The military council’s troops who came to occupy the tower camp hill where the Tiger Column of the underground guerrilla force (Okpho) was stationed were ambushed 

It is reported that the military council’s troops who came to occupy the tower camp where the tiger column of the underground guerrilla force (Okpho) was stationed were ambushed, resulting in heavy damage.

At 12:10 p.m. on September 14, Company 4—Underground Guerrilla Unit (Okpho) of Battalion 3802 of No. 2 Sub-Military Region—informed that the 30-strong military council’s column had marched. The defense forces ambushed the column near Kaingchogyi Village with eight landmines.

The troops were thrown into disarray due to this sudden attack and returned fire with heavy weapons. After exchanging fire for about twenty minutes, the military council’s troops retreated to their police outpost.

During the battle, one 60-mm weapon fired by the military council side exploded near the defense comrades, but the comrades were not harmed. According to ground reports, there were 1 dead and some injured on the side of the military council.

7. Thousands of local residents from more than 10 villages in Myaing Township are fleeing due to the raids of the junta troops

On September 14, some revolutionary forces in Myaing Township confirmed that thousands of local residents from more than 10 villages in Myaing Township are fleeing the villages due to the invasion of junta troops.

“Early on the morning of September 14, around 150 strong military council troops from Industry 2 raided the villages of Seik Thet, Kon Lat, and Myo Soe in columns, as well as nearby areas around the villages of Thetkal Kan, Wahgyi Taw, and Myo Soe in columns,” it stated.

According to the initial report, one civilian in the forest between Wahgyi Taw and Thetkal Kan Villages, two from Seik Thet Village, and one from Myo Soe Village have been arrested.

Thousands of local residents from more than 10 villages in Myaing Township, such as Thetkal Kan, Myo Soe (north), Myo Soe (south), Wahgyi Taw, Baw Don, Kon Lat, Magyi Kone, Seik Thet, Gway Kone, Taung Yoe, Than Chaung, Magyi Su, Kaing Yoe, Sin Sein, Khway Hmway, and Baung Bin Villages, are fleeing from the danger of those junta troops.

8. The defense forces attacked a junta column that arrived between Nyaung Zauk Village and Mae Gone Village in Yesagyo Township

“On September 13, we ambushed a 50-strong junta column that came out of the IB-256 and the troops stationed in the city with mine detonation and drone bombings at around 1:30 p.m. between Nyaung Zauk Village and Mae Gone Village,” it stated.

It was initially learned that 4 members of the junta army were seriously injured due to the attack, but the details are still being confirmed.

Although the public defense soldiers were not injured, they lost a Mavic3 drone worth over 10,000,000 kyats.

9. Within a month, 31 terrorist military council’s soldiers were killed and 26 were injured in battles along the Kawkareik – Myawaddy Asia Road

On September 14, the KNU Headquarters confirmed the military news that 31 terrorist military council’s soldiers were killed and 26 were injured in battles along the Kawkareik – Myawaddy Asia road within a month.

“After the rains destroyed the road sections of the Kawkareik – Myawaddy Road, the military council forces operating for the security of the area in order to repair the road, were attacked 12 times by guerillas or contact battles by KNLA Battalion 18 of KNU – Brigade 6 and joint revolutionary forces.

In the battle, 31 members of the coup military council were killed, 26 were injured, and 7 of their military vehicles were also destroyed.

During these battles, 4 comrades of the KNLA and joint revolutionary forces sacrificed their lives for the country and people, and 1 was seriously injured.

Kawkareik – Myawaddy Asia Road is a major support pillar of the coup military council government, both economically and in terms of military transportation,” it stated.

  1. Since the coup, drug production and illegal trafficking in Myanmar have increased more than before
  2. It is important to be united and move forward at this time when the revolutionary forces are at advantages
  3. The Ministry of Home Affairs and Immigration held a meeting with the district people’s administrative bodies
  4. Yinmabin District battalions No. (3), (4), (5) and (6) are committed to maintaining their roles as People’s Defense Force battalions and will steadfastly adhere to two COC
  5. In accordance with the Counter-Terrorism Law, the NUG designated a total of 44 employees from the Director General to the Director of the Central Bank under the Military Council as terrorists
  6. The military council’s troops who came to occupy the tower camp hill where the Tiger Column of the underground guerrilla force (Okpho) was stationed were ambushed 
  7. Thousands of local residents from more than 10 villages in Myaing Township are fleeing due to the raids of the junta troops
  8. Within a month, 31 terrorist military council’s soldiers were killed and 26 were injured in battles along the Kawkareik – Myawaddy Asia Road
  9. Within a month, 31 terrorist military council’s soldiers were killed and 26 were injured in battles along the Kawkareik – Myawaddy Asia Road

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