Summary of News

NUCC announces the formation of a working group to draft the Transitional Constitution

The National Unity Consultative Council (NUCC) announced the formation of a working group to draft the Transitional Constitution in August.

It stated, “The National Unity Consultative Council (NUCC) established a working group on July 11, 2022, in accordance with Article (54): “Arrangement for the Transitional Period” of the Federal Democracy Charter Part (2), in order to develop a Transitional Constitution (Draft). The working group is composed of 24 members, including NUCC council members, representatives from member organizations, NUG representatives, and those who should be involved, such as representatives from the National League for Democracy (NLD), Kachin Political Interim Coordination Team (KPICT), etc.,”

NUCC said that after the working group develops the Transitional Constitution (Draft), NUCC will continue to hold discussions with broader political forces.

NUCC also said that “Drafting the Transitional Constitution” is the eighth step included in Chapter 3: “The Road Map” of the Federal Democracy Charter Part (1).

The Minister of Human Rights says that, in order to give the terrorist military council the serious punishment it deserves, it is important to have evidence that the military council has committed serious crimes

In August, the Union Minister of Human Rights U Aung Myo Min said, “In order to give the terrorist military council the serious punishment it deserves, it is important to have evidence that the military council has committed serious crimes. Therefore, I would like to reiterate that the public can report the evidence obtained not only to the Ministry of Human Rights but also to trusted human rights activist organizations.”

At present, the terrorist military is committing the crime of burning civilians alive  and killing civilians wherever they find them.

The places where the military killed the most were Sagaing Division, Magway Division, and Chin State, as well as Karenni State.

Last night, two soldiers were killed and five were seriously injured when a drone bombed the military base on Myawady-Walley road

On the morning of August 29, the Cobra Column reported, “The Federal Wings Drone Force, which is cooperating with the Cobra column, bombarded the terrorist military council troops stationed near the Kyaw War Bo Pagoda on the Myawady-Walley road last night (August 28) at around 12:00 pm by using drones.”

It is also stated that, according to battlefield news confirmation, the bombing attack killed two soldiers (a CQ and a sergeant) and seriously injure five (two officers and three other ranks).

Taung Myo village in Sagaing Township was attacked by the military council troops and Pyu Saw Htee this morning

According to local news sources, the military council troops and Pyu Saw Htee group, who came from Kyal Pon village, attacked Taung Myo village in Sagaing Township at around 6:00 am today, August 29.

According to the Data for Myanmar, as of August 25, 2022, the military council and its affiliated groups burned down 20,153 civilian houses and civilians were fleeing their homes in Sagaing Division.

The townships that lost between 100 to 700 houses include Yinmarbin, Salingyi, Ye-U, Myaung, Myinmu, Mawlaik, Chaung-U, Sagaing, Wuntho, Paungbyin and Budalin townships.

Three soldiers, who were patrolling the EPC office from Myitthar Dam-Phayargone in Gangaw Township, were gotten rid of

The CDF – KKG Battalion 5 reported, “At 10:00 a.m. on August 29, three soldiers from the military council patrolling from Myitthar Dam-Phayargone to the EPC office were ambushed and exterminated by the allied forces of the KKG Battalion 5, YDF-14, and Tilin (North) PDF Division 7. The operation took 2 days.”

The incident is that when three soldiers on two motorcycles, fully armed and in plain clothes, patrolled the Electric Power Cooperation (EPC) office, the defence forces attacked them at the entrance of the office.

The CDF – KKG Battalion 5 said that they had to retreat due to a reinforcement vehicle following them while they were picking up weapons, and the defence forces were able to retreat unharmed.

A battle broke out between the defence forces and military troops near the village of Longsin-Yaywei in Mogok Township

The People’s Liberation Army (PLA) force reported that the battle started on the morning of August 29.

It said, “According to the locals, in the morning today, the battle between the PLA force, PDF Mogok Strategic forces and the terrorist military was fierce near Longsin-Yaywei village in Mogok Township.”

Mogok Township and the surrounding areas are active areas for revolutionary forces, and there are frequent encounters and shootings.

The KNDF B-16 and KA went to the military council camp on Mount Matsalaung and opened fire with snipers, killing three soldiers

On August 29, Karenni Nationalities Defense Force Battalion 16 (KNDF B-16) reported the military news, “We from KNDF B-16 and KA went to the military council camp on Mount Matsalaung on August 27 from 7:40 a.m. to 8:30 a.m. and shot 3 members of the military council (2 with snipers and 1 with small arms).”

As a result of the attack, three soldiers were killed, and the comrades were able to retreat unharmed.

The Burmese Independent Army, under NUG, has started to form a drone unit

It is reported that the Burmese Independent Army, under NUG, is starting to form the Tabayin Drone Force.

On August 29, the Burmese Independent Army (B.I.A Tabayin) confirmed it.

It said, “Yes, we are going to form it now.”

It is reported that, currently, B.I.A (Tabayin) comrades are practicing drone driving and are ready to attack together with the allies and provide reconnaissance for the allies.

A protest is carried out this morning in Yangon by holding a banner “Building with the People’s Arms and Marching with Coalition”

The Democratic Party for a New Society (DPNS) reported that the activity took place in the center of Yangon on the morning of August 29.

It stated, “In the center of Yangon, a large number of people marched and protested. The members of the Youth for a New Society (YNS) and the Democratic Party for a New Society (DPNS) participated in it.”

This morning in Yangon, an anti-fascist campaign that carried out mass mobilization with the slogan “Building with the People’s Arms and Marching with Coalition” was carried out jointly by township strike committees, student unions, and the General Strikes Committee.

#Credit : Radio NUG


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