Spring Revolution Local News – Mar 17 (Evening)

Summary of News

1. Acting President and Union Prime Minister engage in discussion with the committee responsible for forming the Interim Federal Education Council

Acting President Duwa Lashi La and Union Prime Minister Mahn Tinn Khaing Thann of the National Unity Government (NUG) engaged in discussion with the committee responsible for forming the Interim Federal Education Council, appointed by the National Unity Consultative Council (NUCC) on March 15, 2024.

The discussion centred on determining the sectors to be included within the Interim Federal Education Council, as well as identifying the stakeholders that should be included in its formation.

The meeting saw participation from NUCC members, union ministers, deputy ministers, and other relevant officials from the Ministry of Education. Additionally, education policy advisor Dr. Thein Lwin, and representatives from the Interim Federal Education Council formation committee were also present.

2. NUG calls for effective and impactful measures to be taken regarding the Myanmar’s issue at the Human Rights

Minister of Human Rights U Aung Myo Min discussed his recent meeting with the UN High Commissioner for Human Rights and provided insights into a diplomatic briefing at the UN concerning Myanmar’s situation during an interview with Mizzima. He mentioned, “During the 55th session of the Human Rights Council, a resolution concerning Myanmar’s situation is under consideration, with the European Union taking a leading role. The resolution calls upon nations to take impactful, effective, and targeted action, to highlight ongoing human rights violations, and to unequivocally speak out against the crimes against humanity and war crimes committed by the military in Myanmar.”

On March 8, Union Minister U Aung Myo Min held a diplomatic briefing at the United Nations, addressing significant topics including Myanmar’s human rights concerns and the country’s expectations from the international community.

3. Deputy Human Rights Minister raises alarm: Military junta resorting to using civilians as human shields amidst its collapsing state

On March 14, Deputy Minister of Human Rights U Aung Kyaw Moe posted a message on social media platform X (formerly Twitter), expressing concern over the military junta’s use of compulsory conscription as a tactic. He highlighted, “Military junta is sending official notice to each household to come (without failure) to ward administrators’ office for conscription and forceful recruitment. They collapse in all aspects and are accelerating to use civilians as a human shield. International community must move forward to help people of Myanmar.”

The military junta activated the compulsory conscription law on February 10, 2024, and there are current reports indicating that it is issuing notices to certain civilians, compelling them to join the military.

4. World premiere of omnibus film “Daring Flowers” by revolutionary artists garners support in Boston

The world premiere show of the omnibus film “Daring Flowers,” featuring four short films, which were created by artists actively taking part in the revolution, took place on March 16 in Boston, United States, and garnered considerable support. Attendees also had the chance to speak with some of the actors featured in the films, and merchandise related to the movie was available for purchase. Fundraising activities were also included in the event, with all proceeds earmarked for necessary areas of the ongoing revolution.

The film will next be screened in Sydney, Australia, and Los Angeles, United States, on March 23 and 24, respectively.

5. A young woman in Mrauk-U loses her life in military junta’s aerial bombardment

According to Western News, an independent local media outlet, the military junta targeted Rakhine State’s ancient town of Mrauk-U with unprovoked aerial bombardment at around 6:00 a.m. on March 17. The attack resulted in the tragic death of a young woman in her twenties. Additionally, numerous houses were destroyed as bombs struck residential areas in the wards of Taung Yat and Kone Thel Tan. Additionally, on the same day, the military junta’s naval vessels stationed near Sittwe reportedly fired artillery shells at the state’s capital from early morning until around 8:00 a.m.

Prior to this incident, the military junta had carried out similar unprovoked aerial bombardments on Mrauk-U and its surrounding areas on March 15 and 16, which resulted in the death of a 15-year-old girl from Ywa Haung village and injuries to a 13-year-old Muslim child.

Reports indicate that the military junta has been consistently attacking civilian targets in Rakhine State with aerial bombardments and artillery shelling on a daily basis, regardless of whether there is ongoing conflict in the region.

6. Houses destroyed by military junta’s aerial bombing in Kyauk Ka Char village, Hopong

According to a report from the Pa-O National Liberation Army (PNLA), on March 16, the military junta conducted two aerial bombardments using 500-pound bombs on Kyauk Ka Char village in the Mei Nei (Lwe Mei) Mountain area of Hopong township, southern Shan State, resulting in the destruction of at least four houses.

Additionally, earlier on March 15, the military junta reportedly carried out similar aerial attacks in six instances on Htam Yan village in Hsihseng township, using 500-pound bombs and fireballs, resulting in the destruction of a monastery and two houses.

The PNLA denounced these actions, stating that the military junta has consistently targeted villages in Hopong and Hsihseng townships with fighter jets, constituting repeated war crimes.

7. KNLA reveals seizure of over 90 firearms and ammunition at strategic military junta outpost in Kyaikdon, Karen State

On March 17, general headquarters of the Karen National Liberation Army (KNLA), the armed wing of the Karen National Union (KNU), revealed a cache of more than 90 weapons and ammunition seized along with a military junta’s hill-based strategic outpost in Kyaikdon sub-township, situated within the terrain of KNU’s Dooplaya District in Karen State.

A revolutionary coalition led by the KNLA 6th Brigade has been besieging the strategic outpost, which operates under the No. 13 Military Operation Command (MOC-13), since January 27. They launched an attack against the outpost on March 13 and successfully captured the outpost on March 14, seizing 86 light arms, including RPGs, M2 browning (browning 0.50 calibre), Mg 3 machine guns, as well as four 60-mm mortars, two 81-mm mortars, one 120-mm mortar, two anti-drone guns, ammunition, and other numerous military equipment.

Furthermore, the KNLA-led revolutionary forces have also taken control of the military junta’s 355th Light Infantry Battalion (LIB-355) headquarters near Thingan Nyi Naung in Myawaddy. They are reportedly continuing their offensives to capture additional battalion headquarters and strategic outposts.

8. Three military junta troops killed in mine attack during return to Chaung-U after advancing

The People’s Defence Team of Chaung-U Township reported that they conducted a mine attack on two up-armoured military trucks transporting junta troops back to Chaung-U town after conducting a raid on Kyee Oat village. The attack was reportedly conducted at around 7:30 p.m. on March 16 and resulted in the deaths of three troops and injuries to several others.

The Chaung-U Township People’s Defence Team collaborated with the Anyar Mine Force’s BLDF squadron in executing the attack.

9. CDF-ZOTUNG commemorates successful conclusion of Special Force Training for new recruits

On March 17, the Chinland Defence Force-Zotung (CDF-Zotung) held a ceremony to commemorate the successful conclusion of special force training for new recruits. During the event, awards were given to the new recruits, and prayers were offered for their future endeavours. The CDF-Zotung expressed gratitude to the officials in charge of the training as well as supporters both domestically and internationally.

Additionally, the CDF-Zotung reaffirmed its dedication to contributing to the establishment of the Union of Myanmar, which ensures national equality, and pledged to continue fighting for the Chinland and its inhabitants.

#Credit : Radio NUG


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