Spring Revolution Local News – Mar 18 (Evening)

Summary of News

1. Union Minister Dr. Tu Hkawng suggests junta leader Min Aung Hlaing and generals planning to flee to foreign countries with embezzled state funds amidst looming defeat 

In a recent social media update, Union Minister Dr. Tu Hkawng called on members of the junta’s armed forces to defect promptly. He emphasised that Min Aung Hlaing and his associates have embezzled the nation’s funds and are already prepared to relocate to nearby foreign nations. He noted that they no longer have an interest in the battles on the frontlines. He said that all the things the junta does are destructive acts that involve the indiscriminate bombing of residential areas by planes. Dr. Tu Hkawng highlighted that such actions only deepen public hatred towards them and their armed forces. He urged members of the junta’s armed forces to dissociate themselves from Min Aung Hlaing and his group as soon as possible.

Currently, the military faction is not only facing a financial crisis but also experiencing diplomatic isolation.

2. “Junta’s Frontline Soldiers in State of Demoralization, Compelled to Fight Under the Influence of Drugs”

In Episode 16 (“Operation 0307 and the Revolution’s Move”) of the Nway Oo Hman Ku Kwat Myar interview programme in March, U Nay Phone Latt, Spokesperson of the NUG President’s Office, highlighted the deteriorating morale among the junta’s frontline soldiers. He observed, “Merely firing a few gunshots or heavy weapons at their bases causes them to flee. Their morale is shattered.” He noted a stark contrast between the strong spirit of troops aligned with the resistance and the depleted morale of the military junta’s forces. U Nay Phone Latt suggested that the only way to boost their morale is by resorting to drug use, a practice of the Myanmar military he claimed to have heard about in the past, such as feeding alcohol before battles.

Currently, the military junta forces frequently surrender as entire battalions or flee to neighbouring countries during confrontations.

3. Political decision reached for the formation of the Interim Federal Education Council

On March 18, Dr. Thein Lwin, founder of the Thinking Classroom Foundation (TCF) and an education policy advisor, announced that a political decision had been reached to establish the Interim Federal Education Council. He stated, “To all educators, students, and fellow education professionals, a political decision has been made to establish the (Interim) Federal Education Council to implement the federal democracy education policy that we all have advocated for and requested. The process takes time, as we need to engage in discussions and seek advice from relevant stakeholders in the education sector.”

On March 15, a meeting was conducted to organise the committee responsible for overseeing the establishment of the Interim Federal Education Council. Representatives from the National Unity Consultative Council (NUCC), the National Unity Government (NUG), and the Federal Education Coordinating Committee, organised by the NUCC, participated in the meeting. Discussions centred on determining the sectors to be covered by the Interim Federal Education Council and identifying relevant stakeholders to be included.

4. Junta-appointed ward administrators in Myingyan, Mandalay Region, collect recruits for first batch of conscription list

The Myingyan Community Action Committee, a local community organisation, reported on March 18 that junta-appointed ward administrators in Myingyan, located in the Mandalay Region, have started the collection of recruits for the initial conscription batch. The committee stated, “In Myingyan town, individuals are being randomly selected for inclusion in the conscription list, and efforts are underway to locate them. It has been revealed that military training is scheduled to start on April 25.”

The committee further revealed that, as of now, two individuals from Ward No. 17, two from Ward No. 10, two from Ward No. 1 (Dhobigone), and an unspecified number from Ward No. 12 have been identified for conscription.

5. 500 million kyat fundraising campaign launched to equip PDF battalions in Yaw region with urgently needed military gear

A fundraising initiative aiming to raise 500 million kyats has been initiated for the 19 battalions and a drone unit operating under the People’s Defence Force (PDF) within the NUG Ministry of Defence in Gangaw District of the Yaw region. The primary focus of this initiative is to enhance military equipment, predominantly firearms and ammunition, along with additional necessities like bulletproof vests and helmets. The campaign is set to take place from March 15 to April 30.

The organiser of the campaign emphasised the necessity of supporting district battalions of the NUG-MOD, suggesting that while Ethnic Armed Organisations (EAOs) engage in combat, it is important for PDFs to seize the opportunity to confront the military junta.

6. Arakan Army takes control of Rathedaung town in Rakhine State successfully

The Arakan Army (AA) declared the successful capture of Rathedaung town in Rakhine State after overtaking military installations stationed there. According to AA, the operation to seize control of the town lasted approximately two weeks, culminating in the capture of all three headquarters of the military junta’s battalions by 4:00 p.m. on March 17, despite heavy coordinated defences from the junta’s Army, Navy, and Air Force. During the operation, as stated by AA, roughly 200 junta troops managed to flee, abandoning some Rohingyas who had been coerced into service under the guise of compulsory conscription laws. AA confiscated the bodies of Rohingya recruits, along with those of some junta troops, and seized a cache of weapons, ammunition, and other military supplies.

AA reiterated its commitment to continue capturing Buthidaung and Maungdaw townships, with ongoing efforts focused on finalising the capture of the 552nd Light Infantry Battalion (LIB-552) under the No. 15 Military Operation Command (MOC-15) in Buthidaung.

Furthermore, AA reported the military junta’s escalating war crimes and targeting public infrastructure, including schools, hospitals, clinics, religious buildings, roads, and bridges, on a daily basis. AA highlighted the increasing casualties among innocent civilians due to the junta’s targeted attacks on the public.

7. Intense clashes continue in villages of southern Shan State’s Pinlaung township following Operation 1111 of Karenni alliance

The Mobye-Pekon Operation Alliance recently announced that fierce clashes have erupted in Naunk Woe, Ban Mauk, and Nam Hpar Mu villages in Pinlaung township, southern Shan State. These clashes, stemming from Operation 1111, have shifted towards defending against the offensives launched by the military junta forces and the Pa-O National Organisation (PNO) forces, which act as militia for the junta. Given the intensity of the ongoing clashes, the revolutionary forces have urged local residents to avoid travel by both land and waterways and to evacuate to safety as soon as possible.

Pinlaung township shares a border with Nay Pyi Taw, the headquarters of the military junta.

8. Southern Shan Revolution Youth (SSRY) issues warning against implementation of junta’s conscription law in southern Shan State

On March 18, the Southern Shan Revolution Youth (SSRY) issued a statement, warning individuals involved in implementing the junta’s conscription law in southern Shan State that they would face consequences. This warning stemmed from actions taken by the junta’s immigration department, general administration department, and junta-appointed ward administrators in southern Shan State, who exploited the political instability to advance their own interests.  These actions included intimidating the public following the military junta’s announcement of implementing compulsory conscription laws and coercing young individuals into military service.

Battalion 1008 of the SSRY said that it had obtained a list of those pursuing their own interests and affirmed that effective measures would be taken against ward administrators involved in enforcing the military junta’s conscription law. In addition, it pledged to eradicate both the military junta and those exploiting the situation at a time when Myanmar’s younger generations are sacrificing their lives for the nation and the general public is enduring the hardships of civil war.

9. Kyaikhto Revolution Force (KRF) warns of consequences for collaborating in junta’s forced conscription law implementation

On March 18, the Kyaikhto Revolution Force (KRF) released a statement warning individuals involved in facilitating the enforcement of the junta’s conscription law that they would face decisive action. This warning followed a meeting held by military junta where ward and village administrators in Kyaikhto township were instructed to select 10 individuals from each village for military enlistment. Consequently, the KRF’s statement warned that employees of the junta, ward and village administrators, as well as individuals supportive of the military regime who participate directly or indirectly in implementing the junta’s coercive conscription law in Kyaikhto, will face significant consequences.

The KRF has strongly condemned the compulsory conscription law imposed by the military junta.

10. Member of pro-junta militia in Khaunglanhpu surrenders to PDF Puta-O, hanging over weapon

On March 18, PDF PUTAO announced that a member of the pro-junta militia in Khaunglanhpu township of Puta-O District in northern Kachin State, aged 50, had surrendered along with a weapon. PDF PUTAO emphasised that the surrender made this decision to align with the public.

According to PDF PUTAO, the surrender escaped from the Sumprabum camp of the Khaunglanhpu militia, where clashes have been intense. He reported to PDF PUTAO that approximately 20 militia members were left in the camp but were unable to escape due to the ongoing fierce fighting. Additionally, he said that there were approximately 30 junta troops remaining there.

PDF PUTAO extended a warm welcome to the surrender, who chose to stand with the public and invited other remaining individuals to join them before late.

#Credit : Radio NUG


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