Spring Revolution Local News – Mar 19 (Evening)

Summary of News

1. Union Minister Dr. Tu Hkawng indicates the killing of Pastor Sr. Nammye Hkun Jaw Li was not a coincidence but a systematic plan

On March 19, Union Minister Dr. Tu Hkawng took to social media to discuss the killing of Pastor Sr. Nammye Hkun Jaw Li, suggesting that it was not a random occurrence but rather part of a systematic plan. He stated, “Sr. Nammye Hkun Jaw Li, a pastor residing in Nanamti town of Kachin State and a prominent social influencer, was assassinated by an unidentified group using firearms. In September 2022, during intense fighting at the Kachin and Sagaing border between the KIA+PDF forces and the military junta+SNA forces, Kyaw Soe Oo from People Media lobbied for the killing of pastors who were well-known among the Kachin community as a deterrent. Therefore, this incident is not coincidental but a calculated plan.”

Dr. Tu Hkawng highlighted Pastor Hkun Jaw Li’s role in continually advocating for the people’s liberation through his Facebook account. Dr. Tu Hkawng further mentioned, “Though the perpetrator remains unidentified, the public is aware of the despicable nature of this act, particularly at a time when hopes among the Myanmar people, including the Kachin community, are rising due to the news of the military bases of Min Aung Hlaing’s forces near Laiza falling one after another.”

Dr. Tu Hkawng asserted that this incident would undoubtedly galvanise the Kachin people even further.

2. UN Secretary-General expresses deep concern over escalating conflict and airstrikes in Myanmar, highlighting civilian casualties and forced recruitment of youth

United Nations Secretary-General Antonio Guterres expressed deep concern regarding the worsening situation and escalating conflict in Myanmar, particularly noting the expansion of conflict in Rakhine State, which has led to displacement and exacerbated existing vulnerabilities and discrimination. This concern was conveyed in a statement released on March 18 by his spokesperson.

Furthermore, the statement highlighted the Secretary-General’s alarm at reports of ongoing airstrikes conducted by the military junta, including an incident in Minbya township on the same day that reportedly resulted in the deaths and injuries of numerous civilians. He also expressed concern over reports of forced recruitment of youths, including Rohingyas, and emphasised the potential negative impact of forced conscription on human rights and community cohesion in Myanmar.

The Secretary-General unequivocally condemned all forms of violence and reiterated his call for the protection of civilians, including aid workers, in accordance with international humanitarian law. He urged for an immediate cessation of hostilities and emphasised the importance of humanitarian access.

Furthermore, he called for sustained international and regional attention to Myanmar’s crisis, advocating for the strengthening of regional refugee protection efforts and the sharing of responsibility among countries hosting those fleeing. Addressing the root causes of systemic discrimination in Myanmar and seeking accountability for serious violations of international law were emphasised as central to any lasting solution to the crisis. Addressing the root causes of systemic discrimination in Myanmar and seeking accountability for serious violations of international law are identified as crucial steps towards finding a lasting solution to the crisis.

The United Nations reaffirms its commitment to continuing its operations in Myanmar and collaborating with all stakeholders, including ASEAN and other regional actors, to achieve sustainable peace.

3. Chin National Front vows to eliminate barriers hindering implementation of Chinland Constitution

The Chin National Front (CNF) has announced its determination to confront and dismantle obstacles hindering the enforcement of the Chinland Constitution. This declaration was made in a statement released on March 18 to commemorate the 36th anniversary of Chin Revolution Day. The statement emphasised, “At present, Chinland is undergoing construction in accordance with the legislative, administrative, and judicial pillars outlined in the Chinland Constitution 2023. During this period, the CNF will oppose and eliminate any hindrances to the functioning of each pillar, in cooperation with the public. Additionally, it will seek to collaborate with nations, governments, organisations, and individuals sharing its political stance.”

The CNF paid tribute to all the heroes who sacrificed their lives or bodies during the revolution, expressing pride and respect for the sacrifices made by the Chin people.

Furthermore, the statement highlighted the military council’s activation and enforcement of the compulsory conscription law of 2010 amid the military and political crises it has faced during the Spring Revolution, with the underlying goal of prolonging military dictatorship. Consequently, individuals falling under this law were encouraged to join the CNF/CNA without delay.

The CNF also committed to effectively combating organisations involved in drug trafficking in Chinland and neighbouring Mizoram, capitalising on the political, military, and economic crises during the Spring Revolution.

4. Myanmar workers illegally entering Thailand face daily arrests

According to Myanmar Labour News, which cited reports from Myanmar workers residing in Thailand, individuals from Myanmar who have entered Thailand illegally are being arrested on a daily basis. The border districts, including Mae Sot, are being closely monitored by Thai army special forces.

A migrant worker from Myanmar currently in Thailand informed Myanmar Labour News, “Officers from the Thai army special forces are personally patrolling and monitoring, even extending their surveillance towards the Myanmar side. They are taking precautions because Myanmar citizens who do not wish to serve in the military may attempt to enter Thailand through various means due to Myanmar’s conscription law. It may not be feasible for Myanmar citizens to enter Thailand. It is their fate.”

Since March 15, Thai army special forces have been conducting patrols and monitoring operations along the border area, utilising military patrol vehicles across districts, including Mae Sot. Thai media reports indicate that special border security patrols are being extended to five districts along the Thai-Myanmar border due to heightened military tensions in Myawaddy and Thingan Nyi Naung.

Moreover, hotels, businesses, and homeowners in the Thai-Myanmar border area have been instructed to strictly register guests with comprehensive documentation. Additionally, individuals entering the border for visits are required to obtain recommendation letters from authorities and guarantees from two legal residents.

5. Two policemen killed in IED attacks on Bahan municipal and general administration offices in Yangon

Reports indicate that the municipal office (Yangon City Development Committee—YCDC office) and the former general administration office in Bahan township were targeted in remote-controlled mine attacks. These attacks were carried out simultaneously by the Yangon Region People’s Defence Team (Special Force) at approximately 4:00 a.m. on March 19. Two junta police officers guarding the offices inside the bunkers were killed in the attacks, and several junta soldiers and police sustained injuries. Military vehicles and ambulances reportedly arrived at the scene approximately half an hour later.

The Yangon Region People’s Defence Team (Special Force) stated that they conducted the attack as a severe punishment against the two junta offices, primarily due to their involvement in the illegal auctioning process of Daw Aung San Suu Kyi’s 54 University Avenue Residence, located in Bahan Township, Yangon.

Furthermore, the Yangon Region People’s Defence Team (Special Force) reiterated their commitment to taking effective action against any individual or organisation engaged in illegal activities contrary to the will of the public.

6. Rocket attack targets junta’s Artillery Battalion 5004 in Ayadaw, resulting in troop casualties

Tha Pyay Nyo Guerrilla reported launching an attack on the military junta’s Artillery Battalion 5004 stationed in Ayadaw, Sagaing Region, employing 15 rockets on March 17. According to the report, 13 of the 15 rockets detonated within the base, resulting in the death of one junta soldier and injuries to five others.

The operation was conducted collaboratively by local defence forces, including the Tha Pyay Nyo Guerrilla, the Ayadaw Township People’s Defence Team and the Ayadaw Township Drone Team.

7. KIA captures Nam Kawn outpost of the junta’s 297th Infantry Battalion in Tanai township, Kachin State

According to military news sources close to the KIA, the Kachin Independence Army (KIA) launched an assault and successfully took control of an outpost of the military junta’s 297th Infantry Battalion near Nam Kwan village in Tanai township, Kachin State, on the evening of March 18. Information regarding casualties on the junta’s side and the seizure of weapons and ammunition has not been disclosed yet.

The Nam Kwan outpost represents the first military outpost being seized by the KIA in Tanai township.

The operation targeting military junta outposts and facilities, initiated on March 7 by the KIA-led revolutionary coalition, has thus far resulted in the capture of over 30 outposts and bases. Additionally, more than 300 junta troops have been taken prisoner of war.

8. Military junta deliberately destroys Haing Yu village in western Bago Region through aerial bombardments and artillery attacks, wiping out over 100 houses, school, healthcare facility, and religious structures in five days

According to local reports, following a four-day battle between the military junta and people’s defence forces in the Bago Range, the military deliberately targeted Haing Yu village, situated near the battleground, for attack. This attack lasted from the evening of March 12 until March 17, resulting in the destruction of nearly the entire village, including public facilities and civilian residences.

Haing Yu village, located in Minhla township of Thayarwaddy District in western Bago Region, was under the control of people’s defence forces at the time of the junta’s attack, and villagers had already evacuated.

During the four-day battle in the Bago Range, which started on March 7, the military junta suffered significant losses, with 83 troops reported killed. Consequently, on the evening of March 12, approximately 1,000 troops, led by special commandos from the Naypyidaw Regional Operation Command, targeted Haing Yu village, as reported by Squadron 5 of Thayarwaddy District People’s Defence Force Battalion 3802. The military junta forces attacked the village using aerial bombardments via drones and artillery strikes, continuing the onslaught until March 17. Reportedly, the village school, clinic, two Christian churches, a Buddhist monastery, and 110 civilian homes were destroyed. Furthermore, on March 17, the military junta employed an attack helicopter to indiscriminately fire machine guns into the forests surrounding Haing Yu village.

#Credit : Radio NUG


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