Spring Revolution Local News – Mar 16 (Evening)

Summary of News

1. Defence Minister U Yee Mon encourages PDF soldiers to draw lessons from enemy’s failures and build a trustworthy, people-supported army

During an interview with Al Jazeera, Dr. Sasa, Union Minister for International Cooperation of the National Unity Government, said that the military junta (State Administration Council—SAC) has blatantly disregarded ASEAN’s Five-Point Consensus, which calls for an end to the violence, thereby undermining ASEAN’s standing. He emphasised that ASEAN had failed to take decisive action despite the junta’s continued atrocities over the past three years, which violated the principles of the Five-Point Consensus. Moreover, Dr. Sasa noted that the military group has violated UN Security Council Resolution 2669, which calls for an end to violence and the immediate release of President Win Myint and de facto leader Aung San Suu Kyi as well.

The military junta is currently striving to regain acceptance within the diplomatic community, including ASEAN.

2. Deputy Minister U Maw Htun Aung urges junta armed forces to surrender

On March 16, Deputy Minister U Maw Htun Aung from the Ministry of Electricity and Energy within the National Unity Government reiterated his call for the surrender of the military junta’s armed forces in a social media post. He shared news that 66 junta troops, including 12 officers, surrendered to the 6th Brigade of the Karen National Union (KNU) during the seizure of Kyaikdon town in Karen State.

The offensive, led by the Karen National Liberation Army (KNLA) and allied revolutionary forces, was launched to capture Kyaikdon town on March 13. They successfully took control of the last junta stronghold on March 14. During this operation, 10 junta soldiers were reported killed, while the remaining 66 surrendered to the KNU forces. Two members of the revolutionary alliance sacrificed their lives during the operation.

3. TNLA announces reopening of public hospital in Namtu with CDM health workers

The Palaung State Liberation Front/Ta’ang National Liberation Army (PSLF/TNLA) announced on March 16 that public healthcare services are resuming in Namtu, northern Shan State, with health personnel participating in the Civil Disobedience Movement (CDM). According to the statement, Namtu Public Hospital, located in the 4th Brigade territory in Ta’ang State, is now being operated by a team of 18 health personnel, including CDM specialist doctors invited from lower Myanmar, local CDM health workers, and healthcare workers from the CBHT program.

Despite some staffing shortages, the statement said that, the hospital is striving to offer 24-hour healthcare services to local residents, said the statement, thus inviting CDM healthcare personnel from various parts of the country to collaborate in providing full-time healthcare services to the public in Namtu township.

4. “Broken Dreams: Stories from the Myanmar Coup” to premiere in Fort Wayne, Indiana, home to largest Myanmar diaspora in the USA

The premiere of the omnibus film “Broken Dreams: Stories from the Myanmar Coup” is set to take place in Fort Wayne, Indiana, which hosts the largest Myanmar diaspora community in the United States, on March 30. The screenings will be held at the Allen County Public Library in downtown Fort Wayne, with two showings scheduled for the day. Fundraising activities will also be featured during the event.

Comprising nine short films by eight exiled Myanmar filmmakers, “Broken Dreams” offers a diverse portrayal of the perspectives of Myanmar people amidst the oppression unfolding in the country. The film captures a range of emotions, from heartbreak to inspiration, resulting from these extraordinary circumstances. Notably, it has been recognised with the NETPAC Award in the Asian Select Category at the Kolkata International Film Festival 2023.

5. Around 47 military junta troops killed in battle for Kani town, Sagaing Region, despite heavy airstrikes

According to a statement released by the No. 1 Military Region of the National Unity Government on March 16, a fierce 11-day battle ensued for Kani town in Yinmarbin District, Sagaing Region, from March 2 to March 12, resulting in the deaths of around 47 military junta troops, with 11 bodies retrieved.

The statement outlined that during the confrontation for control over Kani town, a coalition of People’s Defence Force (PDF) units, including the 1st, 2nd, 6th, 9th, 17th, 18th, 21st, 22nd, 23rd, 25th, 27th, 30th, and 32nd People’s Defence Force (PDF) Battalions under Yinmarbin District Command, alongside LPDF, Salingyi Column, Alpha Column, various drone teams, township people’s defence teams, and township people’s administrative teams from Kani township, successfully engaged the military junta’s combined forces. These junta combined forces consisted of approximately 100 troops from the 87th, 89th and 222nd Infantry Battalions, as well as the 313th Light Infantry Battalion, all stationed at the general administration office, police station, town’s general hospital, schools, and on a pagoda hill inside the town, and additional reinforced units of about 120 troops, and the notorious Ogre Column from Ye-U town with around 80 troops. Despite facing relentless aerial bombardment—54 airstrikes carried out by Mi-35 helicopters and fighter jets dropping over 100 bombs—the PDF alliance managed to capture Kani town, seizing 11 firearms, 50 various grenades, 13,000 rounds of ammunition, 20 fireballs, and two jammers, among other supplies.

11 members of the PDF alliance selflessly gave their lives during the battle, contributing to the successful occupation of the town. However, the PDF forces later withdrew from Kani town on March 12 as the military junta intensified its reinforcements, deploying helicopters and escalating airstrikes.

6. Sedo and Myayni villages in Kawlin township damaged by arson attacks from military junta forces

According to a report from the Kawlin Revolution (KR) team, on March 16, military junta forces ignited fires in Sedo and Myayni villages situated in Kawlin township, Sagaing Region. Following this, they proceeded towards a forest near Nyaung Kaing village.

This incident is part of a pattern where military junta forces have been setting ablaze eight wards in Kawlin town and adjacent villages on a daily basis.

7. AA discloses acceleration of ongoing offensive against remaining military junta bases in Rathedaung

In a military situation report released on March 15, the Arakan Army (AA) disclosed that it has redoubled the offensives against the remaining military junta bases in Rathedaung—the 536th, 537th, and 538th Light Infantry Battalions— despite coordinated defence efforts by the Air Force, Navy, and Army.

Additionally, according to the report statement, widespread offensives continue against remaining military junta bases—552nd Light Infantry Battalion under the No. 15 Regional Operation Command (ROC-15) inside Buthidaung town as well as some remaining border guard outposts in Maungdaw townships—in Rakhine State.

Meanwhile, the AA said that those junta troops abandoning their bases and fleeing in disarray are being hunted down and arrested.

8. Fighting escalates in Kalay, Sagaing Region

On March 16, reports from the Kalay region support centre indicated ongoing intense fighting in Kalay town, Sagaing Region. The military junta deployed a Mi-35 helicopter for airstrikes and severed all communication channels, including internet and telephone connections.

The revolutionary forces urgently require bulletproof helmets, and the Kalay region support centre has appealed to the public for assistance.

9. Mon State’s NMSP-AD strikes police convoy with mine attack in Mudon, Mon State

The New Mon State Party-Anti-Dictatorship (NMSP-AD) confirmed its involvement in a mine attack targeting a police convoy, which included the head officer of Ka Mar Wet police station in Mudon township, Mon State. The incident occurred at 6:45 p.m. on March 14. Following the attack, the NMSP-AD confiscated a firearm from the police vehicle and destroyed both vehicles as junta troops fled the scene.

Additionally, earlier on the same day, the NMSP-AD carried out an attack on a military junta outpost near Kyan Taw village in Kyaikmaraw township.

10. Civilians in Kutkai and Namhkam lose legs to landmines planted by military junta forces

According to a report from the Palaung State Liberation Front/Ta’ang National Liberation Army (PSLF/TNLA), on March 16, a civilian inadvertently triggered a land mine planted by the military junta forces in Kutkai township, located within the controlled territory of PLSF/TNLA’s 5th Brigade. The incident occurred on the evening of March 14 when a local resident named U Aik Nyo, 42, was gathering firewood near a church on a mountain in the No. 5 ward of Kutkai town. This resulted in the loss of his right leg and injuries to his left leg. PSLF/TNLA troops promptly transported him to the hospital for medical treatment.

Similarly, on the same day, another local resident in Namhkam township lost one of his legs due to a landmine laid by the military junta forces on Sakhanthit pagoda hill, as reported by the PSLF/TNLA.

In January this year, according to PSLF/TNLA, a total of 12 men and 3 women were injured, and a woman was killed by landmines in various townships in northern Shan State, including Hsipaw, Lashio, Muse, Namhkam, Mantong, Namhsan, and Namtu. 

#Credit : Radio NUG


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