Myanmar Spring Revolution Morning Fresh News for 2023 October 30

1. CRPH expressed its gratitude to Timor-Leste for standing with them and helping them during this difficult time

The Committee Representing Pyidaungsu Hluttaw (CRPH) expressed its gratitude to Timor-Leste government, parliament and people for standing with them and helping them during this difficult time.

At the 147th Inter-Parliamentary Union assembly held in Angola, CRPH expressed its gratitude to Hon. Madam Veneranda Lemos, Speaker of the National Parliament of Timor-Leste, who said that she will continue to protect Myanmar’s democratic rules.

While talking about peace and justice at the conference, the Speaker of the National Parliament of Timor-Leste also asked for a resolution showing that the Inter-Parliamentary Union (IPU) stands with the people of Myanmar as thousands of Myanmar people, children and women, peace and justice are affected by the coup military council.

The speaker emphasized that the people of Myanmar are being oppressed every day and are fighting for their basic rights, and pointed out that the international community has not yet taken strong measures for the people of Myanmar. She also called for effective actions from the IPU.

During the Inter-Parliamentary Union assembly held between October 23 and 27, 2023, the Myanmar Parliamentary Delegation met with the Timor-Leste counterpart and had a friendly exchange of views on the situation in Myanmar and the possibility of mutual cooperation, CRPH reported.

2. Union Minister Dr. Tu Hkawng said that the scenes of the former dictator and the current dictator are different, and now is a good time for everyone to take action

Union Minister of Natural Resources and Environmental Conservation, Dr. Tu Hkawng, said on October 29 through his social media page that the scenes of the former dictator and the current dictator are different, and now is a good time for everyone to take action.

“It is no longer possible to cease fire in one place and launch an all-out offensive, as in the revolutionary scenes that occurred after 1988. The military council’s enemy front is spread throughout the country, and the wide enemy front is an opportunity for the revolutionaries.

Moreover, since independence, fighting has spread to areas unheard of, and now any well-prepared revolutionary group has a chance to fight.

The enemy can no longer focus in one place. The victory of the KIA and the Northern Shan allies is due to the strength of the Spring Revolution, which has spread across the entire country,” the minister concluded.

“Currently, the enemy’s forces and reinforcements will not be able to easily reach the place where the KIA and the northern Shan region are fighting. It will be because of the revolutionary forces in Sagaing. There is no need to spread the force of a single group like before. The enemy is already having difficulty gathering forces due to groups such as the Karenni region, the KNU region, and the Tanintharyi region.

Therefore, the existence of a revolutionary force that is being watched by the enemy is important, and it is true that wasting the enemy’s forces is a big help to the group that is actually on the offensive,” the Union Minister said.

3. The Union Minister of the Ministry of Human Rights met with the Myanmar-born ethnic people in Toronto

Union Minister for Human Rights U Aung Myo Min, Deputy Minister U Aung Kyaw Moe, and NUG Spokesperson U Kyaw Zaw met with ethnic people born in Myanmar in Toronto, Canada, on October 27.

“At the meeting, the Union Minister and the delegation expressed their gratitude to the Myanmar-born ethnic people in Toronto for fighting in the spring revolution so far and urged them to continue to participate with high momentum.

After that, the Union Minister explained the purposes for his visit to Canada, the progress of the spring revolution, and the NUG’s activities. The NUG officials discussed and answered the questions that the public wanted to know,” the Ministry of Human Rights stated.

4. 3 ethnic armed groups stated they were deeply disappointed in JMC being proposed as a “neutral agency for humanitarian support” by some diplomatic missions and UN agencies

On October 29, the 3 ethnic armed groups; All Burma Students’ Democratic Front, Chin National Front and Karen National Union, released joint statement, “OPEN LETTER to UNCT, UNSE, UN and ASEAN Member States and JPF”, stating that the military coup of February 2021 violated the basic principles and objectives of the NCA and made its implementation impossible, and they were deeply disappointed in some diplomatic missions and UN agencies in Myanmar that were promoting the collapsed NCA’s Joint Monitoring Committee (JMC) under SAC control as a “neutral agency for humanitarian support”.

The open letter was sent to UNCT, UNSE, UN and ASEAN Member States and JPF. The letter said to rectify the misunderstanding to the UN and its member states, including JPF members that JMC being proposed as “neutral agency for humanitarian support” proposal by some diplomats that claim the KNU’s endorsement of this proposal citing KNU participation at NCA celebration.

“The attendance at the NCA Anniversary events by individual former office bearers and retired members of the KNU should under no circumstances be interpreted as the KNU’s support of the defunct NCA and its “joint” implementations structures,” it stated.

It also stated, “It is unacceptable that SAC-managed entities be mobilized to provide humanitarian support to territories and hundreds of thousands of displaced persons that they are attacking and trying to eliminate or destroy.”

“When international actors promote the SAC’s inaccurate and harmful propaganda narratives, it risks driving greater mistrust in our work towards future inclusive peace, harming public attitudes towards international involvement in our country, fomenting divisions rather than unity, and rewarding the SAC’s commission of human rights atrocities,” it stated.

5. The 3 Brotherhood Alliances expressed their gratitude to the organizations and the people of Myanmar who welcomed and supported Operation 1027

On October 29, the 3 Brotherhood Alliances announced that they would like to express their gratitude to various organizations and individuals, including the entire Myanmar populace, who welcomed and supported Operation 1027 that began on October 27.

“As the 3 Brotherhood Alliances, we will continue to fight until we fully achieve the aspirations of the people of Myanmar along with our military and political objectives.

In order for our operation to triumph, the public’s encouragement and support hold immense significance. We must stand united until the completion of this mission.

Hence, we urge all to persist in offering any kind of support and assistance towards this great operation, whether directly or indirectly,” it stated.

There have been a total of 57 military council camps that the 3 Brotherhood Alliances and allied groups were able to capture until around 9:00 p.m. on October 29, and many prisoners of war and military equipment have also been seized.

6. In the fighting in the Northern Shan area, the military council’s soldiers used war refugees as human shields, and seven refugees were killed by heavy weapons fired by the junta

Tai Students’ Union, a Shan youth organization, announced on the night of October 29 that 7 refugees have been killed as the terrorist army has been firing heavy weapons by covering displaced people as human shields during the fighting in Lashio, Hsenwi, Namhkam and Kyaukme townships in northern Shan State.

“In Hsenwi Township, 40,000 to 50,000 people from nearly 10 villages on the side of Taung Town, where the military council troops are, are stuck without being able to escape due to the continuous firing of the military council’s weapons and fighting on both sides. About a thousand people had fled to the monastery outside Hsenwi Town, and when the war refugees came out of the town, the 69th battalion of the military council in front of the monastery opened fire with guns and heavy weapons, killing 2 people on the spot without being able to receive medical treatment.

An official of the Tai Students’ Union said that the people in Hsenwi were taking shelter in nearby monasteries and schools, and that due to the intensity of the fighting and the cutoff of the internet, the details were not yet known. Similarly, in Lashio, 8 refugee camps have been opened, and there are 3,450 displaced persons. There are also people who have taken shelter in the nearby forest.

Among the local villagers from about 4 villages along the Lashio-Mong Yaw road, more than a hundred villagers who returned to the village to see the situation are hiding in the trenches inside the village. As the military in Lashio city is firing heavy weapons at the IDP camps of Mong Tin, Gone Thar, and Kaung Khan monasteries, they need to be evacuated to an emergency location.

In Naung Pein Village Monastery, Kyaukme Township, there are also 326 people fleeing the war, and there are still people who are trapped in some villages. As the fighting continues in Namhkam Township, there are civilian casualties, but the internet and phone lines have been cut, so the exact details are not yet known,” it stated.

According to the information received at around 6:30 p.m. on October 29, 2 civilians were killed and a child under the age of 5 was injured in Namhkam township, 2 civilians were killed in Nam Hpat Kar Town, 2 in Hsenwi Town, and one in Lashio City, for a total of 7 civilians killed due to the firing of heavy weapons by the terrorist military council, the Tai Students’ Union announced.

  1. CRPH expressed its gratitude to Timor-Leste for standing with them and helping them during this difficult time
  2. Union Minister Dr. Tu Hkawng said that the scenes of the former dictator and the current dictator are different, and now is a good time for everyone to take action
  3. The Union Minister of the Ministry of Human Rights met with the Myanmar-born ethnic people in Toronto
  4. 3 ethnic armed groups stated they were deeply disappointed in JMC being proposed as a “neutral agency for humanitarian support” by some diplomatic missions and UN agencies
  5. The 3 Brotherhood Alliances expressed their gratitude to the organizations and the people of Myanmar who welcomed and supported Operation 1027
  6. In the fighting in the Northern Shan area, the military council’s soldiers used war refugees as human shields, and seven refugees were killed by heavy weapons fired by the junta

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