Summary of News

1. Acting President Duwa Lashi La urges PDF soldiers to adhere to military ethical codes

Acting President of the National Unity Government, Duwa Lashi La, in a recent Facebook post, emphasized that “the international community is well aware that the terrorist fascist military are merely war criminals with absolutely no ethics.” He further remarked, “In this context, it is crucial for our people’s soldiers, born from the people, to demonstrate to the international community that they are indeed adhering to military ethical codes.”

This statement was delivered during a speech at the completion ceremony of the military training for platoon commanders.

2. Interim Local Administrative Central Committee (ILACC) holds discussions with People’s Administrative Organizations (PAOs) from Tanintharyi, Ayeyarwady and Bago Regions

The 34/2023 meeting between the National Unity Government’s (NUG) Interim Local Administrative Central Committee (ILACC) and the Township People’s Administrative Organizations (PAOs) in Tanintharyi, Ayeyarwady, and Bago Regions was conducted online on October 29 at 10:00 a.m. The meeting commenced with opening remarks delivered by Nai Tun Pe (aka) Nai Suwunna, Union Minister for the Ministry of Labour, and Dr. Tu Hkawng, Union Minister for the Ministry of Natural Resources and Environmental Conservation—both central committee members of the ILACC.

The meeting covered the presentation of decisions and future plans, as well as progress updates from the previous session 33/2023.

Participants included Union Minister Nai Tun Pe, Union Minister Dr. Tu Hkawng, deputy ministers, permanent secretaries, associate secretaries, officials from various ministries, and PAO representatives from Tanintharyi, Ayeyarwady, and Bago Regions.

3. Residents displaced by fighting in Northern Shan State urgently need new shelters as heavy weapons pose threats to IDP camps

Amid the ongoing fighting in northern Shan State, reports indicate that seven local civilians, including a child, have lost their lives. Additionally, individuals fleeing the fighting are in urgent need of new places for refuge and safety.

Reports from Shan youth organizations reveal that amidst the ongoing fighting in northern Shan State, which began on October 27, a total of seven civilians have lost their lives. The casualties include two individuals, including a child under 5 years old, in Nam Hkan, two in Nam Hpat Kar, two in Hsenwi, and one in Lashio. Two of those in Hsenwi died from artillery wounds while seeking refuge in a monastery in Kyawng Hkam village, as they were unable to receive medical treatment due to ongoing artillery fire in the vicinity of the monastery.

Currently, in Lashio, more than 3,450 residents who have fled the ongoing fighting are housed in eight refugee camps. Additionally, over 100 residents from four villages along the Lashio-MoneYaw Road are seeking refuge in trenches, and residents from other villages taking shelter in village monasteries urgently require relocation as artillery shells continue to fall near them. The Mansu IDP camp in the center of Lashio Town is already crowded, and the need for new shelter locations grows as artillery fires continue.

In Kyaukme, local reports indicate that 326 people who fled the fighting sought refuge at Nawng Ping village monastery. Additionally, residents from certain villages find themselves trapped in the ongoing clashes.

Reports indicate that displaced people from Hsenwi are taking refuge in nearby monasteries and schools. However, the detailed situation remains unclear as both phone and internet connections in the area have been shut down.

Similarly, in Nam Hkan, where fighting is also taking place, the situation regarding civilian safety and the conditions of displaced people is unknown due to the shutdown of phone and internet connections.

4. In Sagaing Region, local revolutionary forces launch attacks on four junta camps in Kanbalu Township, resulting in casualties among junta troops and Pyu Saw Htee militia

On October 29, in Kanbalu Township, local revolutionary forces, including the Kanbalu Underground Warriors (KBU-UG) and other groups, initiated attacks on three junta camps at Zigon sugar mill, Pyindaw village, and Muu Sone village using 81-mm and 60-mm rockets along with small arms. The attacks resulted in casualties among junta troops and Pyu Saw Htee militia members, as reported by the KBU-UG.

Additionally, in the evening, they carried out another attack on a junta camp in Nyaung Zin Lay village using small arms.

The details regarding casualties among junta troops and Pyu Saw Htee militia during these attacks are not yet known, said the KBU-UG.

5. In Mandalay Region, PDF allied forces launch an attack on a toll gate on the Myingyan-Taungtha Road

At about 4:00 p.m. on October 27, in Mandalay Region, allied forces of the People’s Defence Force (PDF) launched an attack on a toll gate along the Myingyan-Taungtha Road. Approximately 20 junta troops and 10 police were stationed at the toll gate. Squadron 1 of the Myingyan District PDF Battalion No. 3 (MDA) claimed the use of a drone, artillery, and small arms in the attack, resulting in 23 junta members killed and 7 others injured.

Subsequently, the PDF-allied forces launched another attack on a convoy of four military vehicles carrying 20 junta troops en route to reinforce the toll gate from Taungtha. The attack, involving the use of mines and artillery, resulted in the destruction of three vehicles and the deaths of ten more junta troops, according to the MDA.

These coordinated assaults involved the joint efforts of Myingyan District PDF Battalion Nos. 1, 2, 4, 8, Meiktila District PDF Battalion No. 3, Sagaing District PDF Battalion No. 4, Natogyi Township People’s Defence Organization (PDO), and other allied forces. Members of the PDF-allied forces reportedly suffered no harm during the operations.

#Credit : Radio NUG


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