Myanmar Spring Revolution Morning Fresh News for 2023 October 23

1. NUG Acting President Duwa Lashi La urged local authorities to provide security and assistance to Myanmar nationals who are in Israel

On October 19, Duwa Lashi La, Acting President of the National Unity Government (NUG), expressed his condolences on Twitter for the loss of many civilian lives and the destruction of buildings during the Palestine-Israel conflict that began on October 7.

A large number of foreigners, including Myanmar nationals, were trapped in Israel during the fighting, and the Acting President urged the international authorities to immediately send humanitarian aid to the people of both Palestine and Israel, and to protect all other foreigners, including Myanmar nationals, by the local authorities.

“The president has requested the relevant authorities to provide protection and necessary assistance to all civilians, Myanmar nationals and foreigners,” U Kyaw Zaw, spokesman for the NUG President Office, told the media.

Due to the emergency situations happening around the world like Ukraine, Afghanistan, Syria, Israel-Gaza, etc., the Myanmar people’s issue, which looks like a civil war, is not in a priority position, and it is as if the international community is turning a blind eye.

Taking advantage of this situation, the Myanmar military launched an airstrike on the Mung Lai Hkyet IDP Camp near Laiza in Kachin State, killing 29 people, including children, and injuring more than 50.

2. The Interim Local Administration Central Committee (ILACC) briefed the work activities and future processes at the Committee Representing Pyidaungsu Hluttaw (CRPH) regular meeting 

It is reported that the National Unity Government’s Interim Local Administration Central Committee (ILACC) attended the CRPH regular meeting (42/2023) held via video conference on October 20, and presented the work activities and future processes.

In the meeting, the Interim Local Public Administration Development Central Committee explained in detail the formation of PaAFa (township, district), PaLaFa formation, police formation, PaAFa trainings, handling of cases, drug issues, regional meetings, complaint actions, and discussed future work.

After that, the attending committee members asked what they wanted to know, and the officials clarified the answers and discussed activities that could be done cooperatively in the future.

The meeting was attended by the chairman, secretaries and members of the Committee Representing Pyidaungsu Hluttaw (CRPH), members of the Affairs Committee, and officials from the Interim Local Administration Central Committee (ILACC).

3. The Ministry of Humanitarian Affairs and Disaster Management provides emergency food aid to people affected by natural disasters

It is reported that the Ministry of Humanitarian Affairs and Disaster Management of the National Unity Government has provided emergency rice rations to 304 households affected by natural disasters in the Sagaing Region.

The Ministry of Humanitarian Assistance and Disaster Management announced on October 22 that the assistance was done in connection with the funding of an international organization and the management of the township’s humanitarian officers.

“In connection with the relevant administrative bodies on the ground and in charge of humanitarian aid, the Ministry of Humanitarian Assistance and Disaster Management is providing food, shelter, and emergency relief materials to the people fleeing the war from the villages that were burned and destroyed by the terrorist military council in Sagaing Region.

In addition, since the military council army destroyed the houses and buildings where the people live, we are providing emergency shelters to rebuild temporary tents and houses in safe places,” it stated.

4. Introducing the “100,000 Spring Development Bank Account Campaign” to protect public funds and achieve victory

In October, SDB announced the “100,000 Spring Development Bank Account Campaign” in order to protect public funds and achieve victory. 

The Spring Development Bank announced through it social network page, “While the enemy is doing its job, the people of justice need to shoulder the responsibility and show the power of the people. Let’s organize to get 100,000 accounts to protect public money and achieve victory.”

The Spring Development Bank (SDB) was established with the aim of cutting off the flow of money in the banking system controlled by the military council, raising funds and preparing a reliable banking system during the revolutionary period.

Now, Spring Development Bank has introduced 6 new types of currency, such as the Australian Dollar (AUD), Malaysian Ringgit (MYR), British Pound (GBP), Euro (EUR), Japanese Yen (JPY), and Korean Won (KRW).

5. The terrorist military arrested and tortured 8 local residents from Chatthin Ward, Kanbalu Township, and destroyed the body of a deceased without returning it to the family

According to local news sources, 8 local residents from Ponnagyi Village of Chatthin Ward, Kanbalu Township, Sagaing Division, were arrested and tortured by the terrorist military, and then the body of a deceased was destroyed without returning it to his family.

Kotaungbo Revolution KTB-R announced that the military council troops stationed at Chatthin Sanpya Village in Chatthin Ward, Kanbalu Township, arrived at Poongyi Village on the morning of October 21, arrested 8 innocent villagers and took public goods from the village as food. 

7 of the abducted villagers were released around 9 a.m. with injuries from torture, but the body of a 35-year-old man who died from torture was not returned to his family members.

Kotaungbo Revolution KTB-R reported that those who were arrested and tortured by the terrorist military from Ponnagyi Village were 40-year-old U Sein Lin, 35-year-old U Kyaw Aye, 40-year-old U Myint Lwin, 34-year-old U Aung Khin Tint, 60-year-old U Myint Thaung, 37-year-old U Ngwe Soe, 40-year-old U Htay Aung, and 17-year-old Ko Kyaw Khant Naing.

6. A military council soldier from Tedim Township’s Thi Ngin Village military camp defected the CDF CDM – Siyin 

The Civic Defense Militia – CDM – Siyin announced that a military council soldier from the military camp of Thi Ngin Village in Tedim Township, Chin State, defected and took refuge at the CDF CDM – Siyin.

The person who defected at the Civic Defense Militia – CDM – Siyin was a soldier from the IB-269 of military council, and it was reported that he defected on October 20. CDF CDM-Siyin stated that he was welcomed with pleasure and also arranged to live safely until he reaches the liberated area.

As the final battle approaches, CDF CDM-Siyin will encourage and welcome anyone who wants to take refuge in the people’s embrace in time.

In addition, Civic Defense Militia – CDM – Siyin announced that if the defectors come with weapons and ammunition, they will be awarded at least 5 million kyats or more, and depending on the type and quantity of the items, the reward will be increased.

7. 7 soldiers were killed and 7 were injured in the battle that took place in the territory of KNU Brigade 5 in Karen State

According to the KNU Mutraw News Letter, 7 soldiers were killed and 7 injured in the fighting in the territory of KNU Brigade 5, Mutraw District Administration Area.

On October 20, the forces under the Karen National Liberation Army-KNLA Brigade-5 Battalions attacked the military council camp in K’Wah Kyo, Bu Tho Township, killing 3 terrorist military council soldiers. 

In the morning of October 18, the forces under the Karen National Liberation Army-KNLA Brigade-5 Battalions attacked the terrorist military council camp in Hkay Pu Village Tract in Lu Thaw Township, killing 1 military council soldier and injuring 3.

In addition, on October 17, the forces under the Karen National Liberation Army-KNLA Brigade-5 Battalions attacked the terrorist military council’s Blal Lu camp in Meh Way, Dwe Lo Township, killing 2 soldiers and injuring 2.

On October 16, in attacking the Khaw Daw Kho and Htoe Nyo Khee camps of terrorist military council troops invading the area, they attacked the camps of Gadokho and Sognyokhee, and one soldier was killed and two were injured from the terrorist military council, according to the KNU Mutraw News Letter.

8. CDF Kanpetlet attacked 4 places where military council troops were stationed again, resulting in casualties

The Chin Defence Force – CDF (Kanpetlet) released the military news that they raided and attacked 4 locations where military council troops were stationed in the town of Kanpetlet in southern Chin State at the same time.

On October 20, around 6:00 a.m., the CDF (Kanpetlet) attacked the general administration office, basic education high school, Yan Aung Pagoda and the township education office in Kanpetlet at the same time. 

It was said that during the clash that lasted for around 5 hours, the military council troops may have been killed, and the defence forces were able to withdraw without being harmed.

At the end of September last year, 2 places where military council troops were stationed were raided and fired upon in Kanpetlet, resulting in the deaths of military council troops.

The defence force has warned the public not to go near the places where the military council troops are stationed in Kanpetlet, where the military is tense.

9. Joint forces of People’s Defence Forces repair village roads in Bilin Township that were destroyed by the terrorist military council

According to the locals, the roads in Dauk Yat Village and Khe Mauk Village in Bilin Township, Mon State, which were destroyed by the terrorist military council troops, have been repaired by the People’s Defence Forces.

Last October 20, around 7:00 p.m., the military council troops, after taking security with excessive force and heavy weapons, destroyed the roads by digging 15x6x6-foot trenches with 2 excavators in the road between Khe Mauk Village and Dauk Yat Village and near the rural hospital of Khe Mauk Village, according to local residents.

On October 21, the Seven Ravens Column reported that the joint forces of the KNLA and People’s Defence Forces attacked and drove away the military council troops while they came to destroy those road sections.

According to local residents, these road sections that were destroyed by the military council army were repaired by the Seven Ravens Column, the Tabin Shwe Hti Column and the KNLA joint forces on the afternoon of October 22.

A villager said that since these roads are the main roads that the local people in at least 10 villages rely on for livelihood, they were worried that it would be difficult for them, but the people’s defence forces repaired them the next day.

The military council army has destroyed the roads of the villages in Thaton, Bilin, and Kyaikto in Thaton District of Mon State, and restricted the transportation of rice, medicine, fuel, etc.

  1. NUG Acting President Duwa Lashi La urged local authorities to provide security and assistance to Myanmar nationals who are in Israel
  2. The Interim Local Administration Central Committee (ILACC) briefed the work activities and future processes at the Committee Representing Pyidaungsu Hluttaw (CRPH) regular meeting
  3. The Ministry of Humanitarian Affairs and Disaster Management provides emergency food aid to people affected by natural disasters
  4. Introducing the “100,000 Spring Development Bank Account Campaign” to protect public funds and achieve victory
  5. The terrorist military arrested and tortured 8 local residents from Chatthin Ward, Kanbalu Township, and destroyed the body of a deceased without returning it to the family
  6. A military council soldier from Tedim Township’s Thi Ngin Village military camp defected the CDF CDM – Siyin 
  7. 7 soldiers were killed and 7 were injured in the battle that took place in the territory of KNU Brigade 5 in Karen State
  8. CDF Kanpetlet attacked 4 places where military council troops were stationed again, resulting in casualties
  9. Joint forces of People’s Defence Forces repair village roads in Bilin Township that were destroyed by the terrorist military council

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