Summary of News

1. Acting President Duwa Lashi La emphasizes the importance of the ongoing people’s revolution to consistently heed the voice of the public

Acting President Duwa Lashi La said, “It is very important for the revolution, which is advancing based on the aspirations of the people, to consistently listen to the voice of the people. I would like to encourage everyone to come together with their utmost strength and wisdom to eliminate the military junta.”

This statement was excerpted from the Acting President’s speech during a cabinet meeting, as shared on the Acting President’s official Facebook page on October 22.

2. Magway Region Military Command successfully completes its 7th batch of basic military training

According to a statement from the Ministry of Defence, the Magway Region Military Command, operating within the No. 1 Military Region of the People’s Defence Force (PDF), successfully finished the 7th batch of basic military training. A ceremony marking the training completion took place on October 19 in a controlled area in Magway Region. The training focused on imparting skills related to teamwork and weapon installation.

The ceremony was attended by the PDF Magway district officer, the district intelligence officer, battalion commanders, and deputy battalion commanders. The ceremony comprised saluting the PDF flag, observing a moment of silence in honor of fallen heroes, delivering speeches, and presenting arms, and was concluded with the collective singing of a revolutionary song, as described in the official statement.

The 7th batch of training gathered active participation from comrades of the People’s Defence Force (PDF) and the People’s Defence Organizations (PDO/Pa-Ka-Fa) across various townships. The Magway Military Region Command has conducted a total of seven basic military training sessions, engaging 800 participants. These training sessions have focused on imparting essential skills related to teamwork and weapon installation. The Magway Military Region Command has also successfully equipped 29 PDF battalions with arms through these training programs.

The statement conveyed that the Ministry of Defence of the National Unity Government has been consistently making efforts to facilitate military training and armament with the support of public contributions.

3. Urban Guerrilla Group launches Rocket Attack on Hmawbi Air Force Base, with the potential for significant damage

Urban Special Operation (U.S.O), an urban guerrilla group based in Yangon, announced this morning that they had attacked an Air Force base in Hmawbi Township, Yangon Region, with 107-mm rockets with the potential for substantial damage. The attack was made at 9:00 p.m. on October 22, 2023, by using five 107-mm improvised rockets following intelligence indicating the re-parking of planes at Hmawbi Air Force base. The U.S.O. reported that one of the rockets struck a hangar, raising the possibility of considerable damage.

Local residents reported hearing a series of loud explosions following the rocket attack, and conducting searches and checks utilizing helicopters and drones by the junta forces. Additionally, reports indicate that infantry troops have implemented strict security checks at the entrance and exit points of Yangon.

The U.S.O has declared that the attack was a retaliation to the terrorist junta’s targeting of ethnic areas and killing of the general public through airstrikes. They also issued a warning that they would continue to target businesses linked to the terrorist military junta and that individuals aiding the military junta in carrying out such atrocities would be considered military targets.

The Urban Special Operation (U.S.O) guerrilla group has undertaken operations against four military targets, which include the military-owned Myanmar Beer factory and a military-controlled police station in North Dagon Township, during the month of October.

4. A junta column abducting civilians in Bago Range was ambushed

Members of the People’s Defence Force (PDF) ambushed a military junta column of about 20 troops carrying six abducted civilians near a 200-acre teak farm in Bago Range, Min Hla Township, Bago Region. The ambush was carried out by the 5th Squadron of the Thayarwaddy District PDF Battalion No. 3801 on the morning of October 22.

During the ambush, a junta troop was reportedly injured severely while PDF comrades sustained no injuries. Following the ambush, the junta forces retreated, carrying their injured troop.

5. A junta column kills three civilians in Sagaing Region

A military junta column that conducted a raid and occupied Bone Bwe village in Shewbo Township, Sagaing Region, for six days, from October 15th to 20th, reportedly killed three residents and dumped the bodies in the village.

“All individuals killed were male. They encountered this situation upon returning to the village, believing the junta column had left. The victims were aged between 30 and 45,” said a member of the Phoenix People’s Defense Force.

The bodies of the victims were discovered in the village on October 21 when the Phoenix PDF and local defense forces carried out area clearance after the military junta column had left the village.

6. Junta troops set fire to a minimum of 17 houses in a village near the Dawei Special Economic Zone

Locals reported that military junta troops, conducting an invasion near the Dawei Special Economic Zone in the western Yebyu Township, Tanintharyi Region, set fire to at least 17 houses in Muu Duu village. The junta column, consisting of at least 100 troops divided into three groups, invaded villages near the economic zone starting on the morning of October 19, as reported by a Muu Duu village resident. 

On October 22, the column reached Ba War village, approximately ten miles from Muu Duu village, and reportedly abducted seven male residents. Locals speculate that the junta troops may be conducting area clearance, suspecting the presence of people’s resistance forces in the area. Consequently, thousands of local residents from villages in the vicinity of the Dawei Special Economic Zone, such as Muu Duu, Htwet Wa, Ba War, Pa Ra Dat, Aye Ka Ni, and Kha Maung Chaung, are fleeing.

The military junta forces have previously conducted two raids on these villages near the Dawei Special Economic Zone, situated approximately twenty miles from Dawei, in July and August, burning down over thirty houses.

According to a report of the FE5 Tanintharyi, a regional research group, from the beginning of 2023 until the end of September, the military burned at least 670 residential houses in Tanintharyi.

#Credit : Radio NUG


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