Summary of News

1. NUCC, NUG, and revolutionary forces send the Prague Appeal to the EU, emphasizing ten points, including the significance of refraining from negotiations that would benefit the military junta

The National Unity Consultative Council (NUCC), the National Unity Government (NUG), the Ethnic Resistance Organizations (EROs), and other Spring Revolution forces have jointly submitted the Prague Appeal containing ten points demanding the European Union (EU) and its member states. Among the key points, the appeal emphasizes the importance of respecting the people of Myanmar’s decision to defend their freedom and urges against unsolicited attempts to mediate that may inadvertently reward the junta’s intransigence.

Union Minister Daw Zin Mar Aung presented the “Prague Appeal” during her meeting with the Foreign Minister of the Czech Republic at the Forum 2000 Conference. The Myanmar delegation, led by NUG Foreign Minister Daw Zin Mar Aung and NUG Human Rights Minister U Aung Myo Min, participated in the 27th Forum 2000 Conference held in Prague, Czech Republic, from October 15 to 17.

The Prague Appeal clearly mentioned that the consolidated revolutionary forces have established “a democratic and united federal coalition that is expanding territorial control”, emphasizing that the current period is not the time for mediating a ceasefire or engaging in negotiations, and it is also for a sham election.

Furthermore, the appeal calls on the EU to offer humanitarian assistance to all internally displaced persons in need and to expand sanctions against enterprises, financial institutions, and extractive operations associated with the junta.

The appeal also explicitly stated that upon the defeat of the military dictatorship, a transitional government will be established, inclusive dialogues with all groups and nationalities in Myanmar will be initiated, and a constitutional process will be undertaken.

2. Ambassador U Kyaw Moe Tun says that the UN is still failing to take action despite strong evidence regarding the junta’s war crimes, mass killings, and extrajudicial executions

Ambassador Kyaw Moe Tun, Myanmar’s Permanent Representative to the United Nations, stated that despite having substantial evidence of the junta’s repeated commission of war crimes and crimes against humanity, the UN has yet to take decisive action. This statement was made during the address at the Interactive Dialogue with the Special Rapporteur on extrajudicial, summary, or arbitrary executions of the Third Committee (Social, Humanitarian and Cultural) of the 78th Session of the UN General Assembly on October 20, 2023.

The Ambassador clarified that over the last 32 months, the military junta has been engaged in extrajudicial killings, torture, and severe and systematic human rights violations. Pro-democracy activists, human rights defenders, and young individuals have been executed, and the voices of civil society and journalists have been suppressed, while arbitrary arrests, enforced disappearances, and torture persist.

Ambassador Kyaw Moe Tun emphasized that the UN system has documented the repeated commission of international crimes, such as crimes against humanity, mass killings, and extrajudicial executions by the military junta. He pointed out that despite this documentation, there has been no decisive action taken to halt the atrocities committed by the military junta.

He further conveyed that the people of Myanmar had anticipated robust support and decisive action from the UN, especially the UN Security Council. Therefore, he urged the UN not to fail the people of Myanmar.

3. TNLA reports significant junta troop casualties in the clashes in Mogok and Namhkam, along with the seizure of weapons and ammunition

On October 21, the Ta’ang National Liberation Army (TNLA) reported clashes in Namhkam Township and Mogok Township, territories of PSLF/TNLA Brigades 1 and 2, between PSLF/TNLA forces and military junta forces. The TNLA announced significant casualties on the junta side and the seizure of weapons and ammunition.

In Namhkam Township on October 21, around 10 a.m., the junta’s Light Infantry Battalion No. 427 (LIB-427), operating under the 7th Military Operation Command (MOC-7), launched an offensive from Pang Han Gyi village towards the location of TNLA forces. This led to a confrontation with TNLA forces providing area security between Sel Nay village and Hpar Pyan village. The clash lasted until 4:00 p.m., and the TNLA forces captured the body of a junta troop, an assault rifle, and ammunition during the clash.

Also in Mogok Township, intense clashes broke out between the PSLF/TNLA forces and junta forces, including the Light Infantry Battalion Nos. 102 and 104 operating under the 44th Military Division, along with Infantry Battalion No. 88 operating under Central Military Command. The confrontation lasted approximately 20 minutes, around 2:00 p.m., near Nyaung Kone (upper) village. The clash resumed at 5:20 p.m. when junta forces launched another offensive from Nyaung Kone (lower) village towards Nyaung Kone (upper) village, where TNLA forces were positioned.

The Mogok Township clash resulted in significant casualties for the junta forces, including a military officer. Consequently, junta forces stationed in Hpyu Yaung village unleashed 36 rounds of heavy weapons toward Nyaung Kone (upper) village, where the clash occurred. Additionally, junta forces based in Namhpakka fired heavy weapons five times at Ti Mar village and Loi Mauk Taung, while two fighter jets dropped eight bombs. The airstrike resulted in the destruction of at least ten civilian houses in Nyaung Kone (upper) village.

The PSLF/TNLA’s News and Information Department disclosed that a total of 15 clashes occurred between PSLF/TNLA forces and military junta forces in October.

4. Four military junta outposts were captured in three days in Kachin and Northern Shan State

According to local military sources, the Kachin Independence Army (KIA) and allied forces have successfully taken control of four military junta outposts in Kachin State and Northern Shan State in recent days.

Over the three-day period from October 18 to 20, the combined revolutionary forces, led by the KIA, achieved the capture of four junta outposts situated along the China-Myanmar border. These outposts were located in Shwegu and Momauk Townships in Kachin State, as well as Pang Hseng Township and Monekoe in Northern Shan State. According to sources close to the KIA, the clashes resulted in nearly a hundred casualties on the junta side, and the KIA seized hundreds of various weapons. While both sides suffered casualties, specific details have not been officially disclosed.

The KIA and the Shwegu KPDF successfully occupied the frontline outpost of Light Infantry Battalion No. 601, which is also known as the tower outpost hill, and a security outpost of Infantry Battalion No. 56, located near Ngar Bat Gyi village on the Shwegu-Bhamo highway in Kachin State, on October 18, 2023. Furthermore, on October 19, the KIA and allied forces seized control of the junta’s hilltop outpost on Wingla Mountain in the Monekoe area in Northern Shan State, followed by capturing the Lal Long Aungja base along the Myitkyina-Bhamo highway in Moemauk Township on October 20.

Following the capture of its bases and outposts by the KIA, the military junta forces have consistently utilized heavy weapons and deployed fighter jets to conduct airstrikes on the headquarters of the KIA Brigade 6 in Muse Township, until yesterday.

Following the bombing of the Mung Lai Hkyet IDP camp near Laiza, which resulted in the tragic deaths of 29 civilians, including infants and children, and left nearly 60 people injured, the fighting between the Kachin Independence Army (KIA) and the military junta forces has intensified in the surrounding areas near Laiza.

5. Mine attack on the convoy of the District Police Chief in Southern Shan State kills one and injures four, including the police chief

Danu People’s Liberation Front (DPLF) released on October 21 that they had launched a mine attack against a military convoy, containing Taunggyi District Police Chief on the same day at about 8:00 a.m. in Ywangan Township, Southern Shan State in the Danu Self-Administrative Zone. According to the statement, the military convoy was coming back from stationing troops in Yone Bwe areca nut farm in Ywangan Township and the attack killed a member of the junta armed force and injured four, including the district police chief.

DPLF cautioned local residents to avoid the places where military junta troops were located as the military junta troops were carrying out checking on the Ye-U highway road and indiscriminate gunfire after the mine attack.

Since the past two months, the military junta forces have been positioned at the Yone Bwe areca nut farm in Ywangan Township, utilizing and traversing the Ye-U highway road.

6. Global Action Campaign calling on Singapore to stop supporting the terrorist junta to stage from October 25 to 31

As part of the global action campaign set to take place from October 25 to 31, efforts are underway to gather signatures for a petition urging the Singaporean government to stop Singaporean companies involved in procuring arms for the military junta and to block the junta’s access to Singaporean financial systems. An open letter with this petition will be sent to the Singaporean government on the 1000th day of the coup attempt on October 29. In addition, various online and on-ground activities will be staged from October 25 to 31.

The report of the UN Special Rapporteur reveals that $254 million USD of supplies have been shipped from dozens of entities in Singapore to the Myanmar military from February 2021 to December 2022, since the military coup attempt, and that at least 138 Singapore-based companies have served as intermediaries for the Myanmar military.

A spokesperson from the Blood Money Campaign stated that, despite the Singaporean government officials rejecting the descriptions in the report, Singapore maintains a concealed relationship with the military junta. He also asserted that Singapore exports spare parts for fighter jets, attack helicopters, and other systems, facilitating the military junta in conducting ongoing airstrikes.

The Global Action Campaign will also call on the Singaporean government to restrict the Myanmar junta’s access to Myanmar’s foreign reserves of $4.6 billion, currently held in nine banks in Singapore. Additionally, the campaign will urge the imposition of sanctions to block the junta’s access to Singaporean financial institutions for purchasing weapons.

The spokesperson emphasized, “This campaign is a crucial movement for the revolution. If Singapore enforces sanctions on the military junta, whose military spending is already impacted by Western countries’ sanctions, it would significantly benefit the revolution.”

The Global Action Campaign is set to take place simultaneously in almost 20 foreign countries and domestically for a week, from October 25 to 31.

#Credit : Radio NUG


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