Myanmar Spring Revolution Morning Fresh News for 2023 October 21

1. The NUG stated in the “Prague Appeal” that the terrorist junta’s attempt to hold sham elections will only lead to violence

The NUG stated in the “Prague Appeal” that the terrorist junta’s attempt to hold sham elections will only lead to violence.

In October, NUG Foreign Minister Daw Zin Mar Aung met with the Foreign Minister of the Czech Republic, Jan Lipavský, during her visit to Prague and presented the “Prague Appeal” to the European Union member states and the European Union.

In the “Prague Appeal” to European Union member states and the European Union, it is stated that it is not the time for mediating ceasefires or a negotiated settlement, nor is this the time for sham elections.

The statement also included the following:

“Our leaders continue to exercise the democratic mandate given to them in a general election independently determined to be free and fair. The junta has no authority to organize elections. This is evident in its attempt to dissolve 40 political parties representing over 80% of the country’s electorate, including the National League for Democracy and the Shan Nationalities League for Democracy.

Accordingly, the NUCC, NUG, EROs and Spring Revolution forces call on EU Member States and our European partners to: Be very clear that any attempt by the junta to organize sham elections will only lead to violence, endanger regional stability and will not be accepted.”

2. The CRMH, 3 Magway Regional Parliaments, coordinators and health CDM heroes in Magway Region held a meeting

On October 20, the Committee Representing Magway Hluttaw (CRMH), 3 Magway Regional Parliaments, coordinators and health CDM heroes in Magway Region held a meeting through video conference and held a discussion.

In the meeting, CRMH chairman, coordinators and CRMH secretary explained the upcoming processes of the Magway Parliament, judiciary issues, and federal unit affairs. Health CDM heroes in Magway discussed unclear points and federal issues and were able to establish the next steps. It is reported that the meeting successfully ended at 3:20 p.m.

3. Ambassador U Kyaw Moe Tun said that the military threatened and arrested journalists and oppressed the media

Ambassador U Kyaw Moe Tun, Permanent Representative of the Republic of the Union of Myanmar to the United Nations, said on October 19th in the Agenda Item 53: Questions relating to information at the Special Political and Decolonization Committee (Fourth Committee) of the 78th session of the United Nations General Assembly. It included:

“Censorship and Shutdowns: The military has seized control of media outlets and imposed strict censorship rules. Over the last 33 months, the military has intensified its crackdown on the media sector. About 13 media outlets were shut down.

Suppression of Journalists: When journalists try to expose the truth on what is really happening in Myanmar, the brutal military junta threatens and arrests them to silence the truth. The independent media in Myanmar has been targeted for trying to expose the human rights violations and atrocities committed by the military.

As a result, Myanmar became one of the world’s biggest jailers of journalists. Since the illegal coup, at least 156 journalists were arrested; and a number of journalists were killed by the junta.”

4. The Spring Development Bank (SDB) introduced 6 new currencies to expand the international financial network

On October 20, the Spring Development Bank (SDB) introduced 6 new currencies to expand the international financial network.

It stated, “As the most perfect bank in Myanmar’s financial system, along with the demand of revolutionary people abroad, 6 new currencies have been introduced in order to expand the international financial network. The new types of currencies added to the service system of SDB are the Australian Dollar (AUD), Malaysian Ringgit (MYR), British Pound (GBP), Euro (EUR), Japanese Yen (JPY), and Korean Won (KRW). Soon, we will also try to offer fixed deposit services with new currencies.”

Starting on July 22, 2023, the UAT Soft Launch (Private Beta) trial period of SDB Bank has been running with a limited number of test users, and now it has been about 80 days.

During the test period, thanks to the advice and support of users and RMs, we were able to continuously make modifications and upgrades, and through this, we are about to start the ‘Full Launch’, where everyone can use it.

5. A surveillance police from Thanbyuzayat, along with weapons and ammunition, defected to KNLA and PDF joint forces and was awarded 20,000 baht 

On October 20, the Deputy Commander Office, No. 3 Sub-Military Region, Southern Region J.O.C, informed that a surveillance police from Thanbyuzayat, along with weapons and ammunition, defected to the KNLA and PDF joint forces and was awarded 20,000 baht.

“A surveillance police from Thanbyuzayat Myoma Police Station, Mon State, joined CDM and contacted the Taung Nyo Column to take refuge with weapons and ammunition,” it stated. 

On October 2, a surveillance sergeant Tun Tun Lin, who served at Thanbyuzayat Myoma Police Station, took refuge under KNLA and PDF joint forces with 1 Glock .38 mm, 5 rounds of .38 ammunition, 1 bulletproof vest, 1 grenade, 1 icon, 1 police cap, 1 knife, 2 phones, and a pair of handcuffs.

Surveillance sergeant Tun Tun Lin joined the CDM and took refuge because he could not bear the oppression of the senior police and the military council’s abuse of the people.

It is reported that 20,000 baht was given to CDM Police Sergeant Tun Tun Lin, who took refuge in the People’s Embrace with weapons.

6. 27 terrorist junta soldiers, including 2 captains, were killed when a fierce battle broke out between the junta troops and the joint defense forces at the Ye Bridge checkpoint and somewhere between the villages of Wang Pao and Kyongla in Ye Township, Mon State

On October 20, at 7:00 a.m., the Dawna Column, Ye Guerrilla Force (YGF), MSRF, and ABSDF Battalion 1 joined forces and attacked around 100 terrorist junta soldiers deployed at the Ye Bridge Checkpoint in Ye Township, Mon State.

When the joint defense forces retreated, around 30 soldiers, including 2 captains from the terrorist junta’s IB-106, ambushed somewhere between Wang Pao Village and Kyongla Village in Ye Township.

A fierce battle ensued and 27 terrorist junta soldiers, including two captains from IB-106, died. During the battle, the revolutionary joint forces attacked the terrorist junta’s IB-61 and MOC-19 in Ye Township with 81 mm and 60 mm heavy weapons, and there were casualties among those battalions. 

In this battle, a total of 13 different guns, a lot of ammunition, and military equipment were seized from the terrorist junta’s IB-106. Seized weapons included: 1 MA10/RPG, 2 MA3 rifles, 4 MA1 rifles, 1 MA4 rifle, 2 MA2 rifles, 60-mm Canon, 24 40-mm bombs, 5 rounds of RPG grenades, 4 rounds of RPG initiators, 19 Enaga bombs, 4 hand grenades, 1 front mine, 4 landmines, 35 boxes of 5.56 ammunition, 1 box of machine gun cartridges, 2 pistols, 3 boxes of pistols, 18 rounds of 9-mm ammunition, 1367 rounds of 5.56 cartridges, 1 round of AK ammunition, 7 hand phones, 2 communication machine icons, and 3 icon two-way radio.

7. A public strike was held with the banner “Cut Fascist Income, Build Public Finance” against the military dictatorship in Launglon Township

On October 20, Dawei Democracy Movement Strike Committee (DDMSC) led a public strike against the military dictatorship in Launglon Township.

In the campaign, they held a banner saying ‘Cut Fascist Income, Build Public Finance’ to urge the entire public to boycott 8 products and services owned by the terrorist military.

As the second step of the ‘Fiscal Warfare’ campaign, some of the military-owned goods and 8 services are:

1. Aung Barley Lottery

2. A variety of Nan Myaing-brand coffee

3. Shwe Phi Oo brand instant tea, lemon tea

4. Shwe Man Thu Express 

5. Shwe Mying Thu Express 

6. Pathein Thu Express 

7. Than Myan Thu Express 

8. Shan Ma Lay Express.

  1. The NUG stated in the “Prague Appeal” that the terrorist junta’s attempt to hold sham elections will only lead to violence
  2. The CRMH, 3 Magway Regional Parliaments, coordinators and health CDM heroes in Magway Region held a meeting
  3. Ambassador U Kyaw Moe Tun said that the military threatened and arrested journalists and oppressed the media
  4. The Spring Development Bank (SDB) introduced 6 new currencies to expand the international financial network
  5. A surveillance police from Thanbyuzayat, along with weapons and ammunition, defected to KNLA and PDF joint forces and was awarded 20,000 baht 
  6. 27 terrorist junta soldiers, including 2 captains, were killed when a fierce battle broke out between the junta troops and the joint defense forces at the Ye Bridge checkpoint and somewhere between the villages of Wang Pao and Kyongla in Ye Township, Mon State
  7. A public strike was held with the banner “Cut Fascist Income, Build Public Finance” against the military dictatorship in Launglon Township

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