Summary of News

1. NUG Planning and Finance Minister U Tin Tun Naing calls on participation in the 100K SDB account campaign

U Tin Tun Naing, Union Minister for Planning, Finance and Investment of the National Unity Government, encouraged the participation of the 100K account campaign at the Spring Development Bank on Facebook on October 20.

“For the revolution to succeed, it is crucial to cut off the income of the fascist regime while concurrently establishing public funds. Following the revolution’s success during the transitional period, the nation’s economy and socio-economic structure, which had been destroyed by the fascists, must be swiftly restored and rebuilt. Only then will we be able to own a future federal democratic union that is vigorous, cheerful, and firm. The Spring Development Bank (SDB) has been implemented with the aim of covering all three periods,” the Union Minister stated.

Union Minister U Tin Tun Naing further expressed that the Spring Development Bank is an authentic public bank born out of the people’s revolution. He encouraged the public to open accounts at the Spring Development Bank and share their revolutionary strength.

2. Deputy Minister U Maw Htun Aung says that the chances of success for the Burmese Spring Revolution will become more clear

Deputy Minister U Maw Htun Aung emphasized that ongoing global events will significantly impact Myanmar’s Spring Revolution, increasing the chances of success for the revolution.

“As I reflected on whether Myanmar has consistently been an early signal of global political waves, I observed a growing interconnectedness of global events. The 1988 uprising [in Myanmar] marked the beginning of a [global] wave of democracy that followed for the next half-decade. In 1989, China’s rare democratic movement, the world-famous Tiananmen Square Uprising, led by students, took place. Subsequently, the fall of the Berlin Wall occurred, leading to the reunification of Germany,” stated Deputy Minister U Maw Htun Aung.

The Deputy Minister continued, “This time, between 2020 and 2030, Myanmar is once again at the forefront of a wave amid significant political changes worldwide. Since the Spring Revolution is in the middle of these world events, it will be subject to both positive and negative influences. The ongoing world’s events will significantly impact it, so the chances of winning the revolution will become clearer. However, it will also be crucial to steadfastly overcome any adverse effects that may cause these chances to slip away.”

As of now, the Spring Revolution is intensifying its military actions, and the international community is concurrently implementing economic sanctions against the military junta.

3. Approximately 40 junta troops reported killed in clashes in Mon State’s Ye Township

According to an October 21 report from Daw Na Column, clashes in Ye Township, Mon State, between a junta force and the revolutionary allied forces, including Daw Na Column and its Ye-based allies, resulted in approximately 40 junta troops being killed, with many others sustaining injuries.

The report outlines that on October 20, 2023, the revolutionary allied forces initiated an offensive against a 100-strong junta force that had reinforced the Ye Bridge security checkpoint, utilizing snipers and heavy weapons. The junta forces responded with heavy weaponry (60 mm, 80 mm, and 40 mm) and three machine guns, resulting in a revolutionary comrade sustaining non-life-threatening injuries after being hit in the abdomen. According to Daw Na Column, based on informant information, 18 junta troops were killed during the engagement.

Following the clash, the revolutionary allied forces retreated. While en route to transport an injured comrade for medical treatment, their vehicle carrying the injured and their motorcycle were ambushed by junta troops near a rubber farm along the highway between Kyone Laung village and We Paung village. This ambush resulted in injuries to 11 revolutionary comrades, including two in critical condition. According to the informant, 27 enemy junta troops were killed, and three managed to escape.

According to Daw Na Column, the superior strength of the revolutionary allied forces, along with the effective use of light arms and RPGs, coupled with a well-executed attack strategy, resulted in the successful capture of the enemy’s hideout within approximately 30 minutes. The operation led to the seizure of numerous weapons, and the revolutionary forces were able to withdraw successfully.

Daw Na Column additionally stated, based on information from local residents, that a military convoy of three trucks carrying around 60 troops arrived to retrieve the bodies of their troops and subsequently retreated.

4. Revolutionary allied forces launch drone attack on a junta checkpoint in Pakokku Township

On October 21, the Middle Revolution Task Force (MRTF) announced that it had coordinated with allies to execute a drone strike on a junta checkpoint in Nyaung Gyit Pin village, Pakokku Township.

The operation, conducted at 1:30 p.m. on October 20, involved collaborative efforts from various revolutionary forces, including MRTF, Thurein, Black Cobra, and Myaing Township People’s Defense Organization (Myaing PDO/Pa-Ka-Fa). The attack utilized a drone to deploy four 1.6kg grenades and one 1kg grenade.

As a result, three junta troops and junta-backed Pyu Saw Htee reportedly sustained injuries.

5. Spring UAV Force G3 introduces new member “WINTER”

On October 21, the Spring UAV Force G3 introduced their latest DIY fixed-wing UAV, named “WINTER.”

“Though our new member, WINTER, does not have much experience, it made its debut by engaging with the junta’s battalions. Its brothers, ‘CYCLONE’ and ‘TYPHOON’, had successfully launched assaults on the terrorist junta’s so-called secure bases and battalions within a month. Please welcome ‘WINTER’ as it will try step by step to follow in the footsteps of its brothers,” stated the Spring UAV Force G3.

At the moment, the revolutionary defense forces are causing significant losses to the military junta troops through the use of drones and DIY UAVs (unmanned aerial vehicles).

6. Revolutionary defense forces launch counterattack on junta troops destroying a village-connected road in Bilin

According to a report from the Seven Ravens Column, on the night of October 20, the military junta, with the support of artillery shelling and security troops, used two backhoes to destroy the road connecting Dauk Yet village and Khae Mauk village in Bilin Township, Mon State.

The Seven Ravens Column, along with the Karen National Liberation Army (KNLA), counterattacked and successfully drove them out.

There is no information about damage on the military junta side, and the members of the revolutionary defense forces reportedly sustained no injuries.

#Credit : Radio NUG


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