Myanmar Spring Revolution Morning Fresh News for 2023 July 03

1. CRPH released a statement that it would cooperate and work together with the Karenni National People’s Liberation Front – KNPLF (KaLaLaTa) according to sectors, on account of its righteous stance and attitudes

CRPH released a statement that it would cooperate and work together with the Karenni National People’s Liberation Front – KNPLF (KaLaLaTa) according to sectors, on account of its righteous stance and attitudes.

On July 2, the Committee Representing Pyidaungsu Hluttaw (CRPH) released the welcome statement.

It stated that the statement (1/2023) dated July 1, 2023, issued by the Karenni National People’s Liberation Front – KNPLF (KaLaLaTa) stating that it would fight back against the terrorist military junta together with all the revolutionary forces in the mountains and plains, will be a historical act implying the stance together with the public and its forthcoming participation in the Spring Revolution, and so the CRPH is proud of that.

As such, the CRPH gladly welcomed the official announcement of the Karenni National People’s Liberation Front – KNPLF (KaLaLaTa), resisting and revolting against the common enemy, the war devils, with strong determination, together with the people of all ethnicities who are actively participating in the Spring Revolution with all their might.

On behalf of all the people, the CRPH gains new strength after learning that the Karenni National People’s Liberation Front – KNPLF (KaLaLaTa) has set new specific goals and will work together with the CRPH and all other ethnic revolutionary forces, including the National Unity Government, in order to eradicate the military dictatorship once and for all. So, the CRPH has announced that it will cooperate and work together with the Karenni National People’s Liberation Front – KNPLF (KaLaLaTa) according to sectors, on account of its righteous stance and attitudes.

2. Union Minister Dr. Sasa urged to maintain unity and focus on common goals rather than differences

On the 2nd anniversary of the United States Chin Coalition on July 2, Union Minister Dr. Sasa’s speech included “To maintain unity and focus on common goals rather than differences.”

“We call on the international community to invest in the pro-democracy movement that will establish federal democracy and bring peace and prosperity, ending the rule of genocidal military dictatorships. Furthermore, we urge all freedom fighters in Myanmar and abroad to maintain unity at the highest level and focus on our common goals rather than our differences,” said the Union Minister.

Currently, military and political cooperation between the National Unity Government and the ethnic revolutionary forces is increasing rapidly.

3. The closing ceremony of MDYPDF’s Pyi Taw Win campaign will be attended by Minister of Defence U Yee Mon and U Min Ko Naing

MDYPDF informed about the campaign on July 2 that Defence Minister U Yee Mon and U Min Ko Naing will attend the closing ceremony of MDYPDF’s Pyi Taw Win campaign.

“MDYPDF’s Pyi Taw Win campaign has reached its target before the deadline, and there are still a large number of supporters. It was a campaign that was successful with the full support of the public, so the time has come to hold the closing ceremony with pride. Also, the time has come for the final auction of Brother Ko Min Ko Naing’s “Pyi Taw Win” painting. Now a person has offered $6,100 for the “Pyi Taw Win” painting,” it stated.

On the night of July 3 (7:30 p.m.), the closing ceremony of the Pyi Taw Win campaign will be broadcast live via Zoom, and officials such as U Min Ko Naing (8888 generation student), Union Minister of the Ministry of Defence U Yee Mon, Secretary of the Ministry of Defence U Naing Htoo Aung, Professor Dr. Khin Maung Lwin, and Dr. Tayzar San will attend.

4. NUG Pay users who are exempted for one year can donate to CDM employees if they want to pay for the activation code

On July 2, NUG Pay announced a donation plan for CDM employees that NUG Pay users who are exempted for one year can donate to CDM employees if they want to pay for the activation code.

“From July 1, 2022, to June 30, 2023, NUG Pay users who opened an account by paying an activation code (5,000 kyats) for one year will be exempted for one year without having to pay the cost of the activation code for another year from the first full year. Those who are exempted and want to pay the cost of the activation code for one year can donate to the program to provide the activation code for CDM employees,” it stated.

The QR code is listed on the NUG Pay social network for those who will donate back to CDM employees in partnership with NUG Pay.

5. More than 1,000 people are fleeing the villages in Mone Township due to the open firing of the coup terrorist military council troops

On July 2, the KNU (Headquarters) released the news that more than 1,000 people have fled the villages in Mone Township due to the open firing of the coup terrorist military council troops.

On July 2, 2023, at 4:00 a.m., the terrorist military council troops raided the villages in Mone Township of the KNU Brigade-3 (Kler Lwee Htu District) in Kawthoolei Administrative Area, opened fire with heavy weapons and small arms. As a result, 2 local residents were injured, and 4 residential houses, a cow hut, and a land mower were damaged.   

The terrorist military council troops invaded Mone Township through Yedwingone Village, and due to firing with 32 heavy artillery shells and small arms, Saw Soe Moe Khaing (42 years), and Saw Darku (30 years) were injured, and 4 residential houses in Yedwingone and Oke Shit Kone villages were destroyed.

It is said that due to the targeted attacks on civilians by the coup terrorist military council troops, a total of 1,456 people from 291 households in the villages of Yedwingone, Oke Shit Kone, and Ohnpinsu have had to flee for their lives.

6. Allied forces of KNLA and PDF attacked 2 military council vehicles that paved the way for logistics convoys in Kyaikto Township, Mon State

On July 2, the News and Information Department of the Southern Military Region informed the military news that allied forces of KNLA and PDF attacked two military council vehicles that paved the way for logistics convoys in Kyaikto Township, Mon State.

It is reported that around Inngabo, KNLA, PDF, and allied forces attacked 2 cars carrying military council soldiers from LIB-207 in Thein Za Yat, Kyaikto Township, Mon State.

It is reported that around lower Inngabo, members of joint forces attacked a total of 2 cars, 1 high-jet car and 1 four-wheel car that carried about 25 soldiers of the military council were providing road security for the their logistics convoys to travel on the Yangon-Mawlamyine Road.

The attack was carried out by allied forces of KNLA and PDF in the Southern Military Region (2), Brigade (1) area with RPG and small arms. It is reported that three military council soldiers were killed and many were injured.

7. A drone attack was launched against the terrorist military council troops stationed at the Chaung Hna Kwa Police Station and near the Chaung Hna Khwa Bridge in Kyaikmaraw Township, Mon State

The Saw Dragon Drone Force informed military news, “On July 2, at around 11:00 p.m., the Saw Dragon Drone Force and the Lion Battalion Commando – strategic column jointly launched a drone attack on the terrorist military council troops stationed at the Chaung Hna Khwa Police Station and near the Chaung Hna Khwa Bridge in Mon State’s Kyaikmaraw Township.”

In the operation, 3 drone bombs were dropped at the two locations where the military council troops were stationed, and 5 junta soldiers were reportedly killed.

After the operation, the terrorist military council troops temporarily closed the bridge, and due to the reckless firing with snipers by the junta troops, the son of a retired Major, who was riding a motorcycle nearby, was reportedly killed due to unprovoked sniper fire from the junta troops.

8. The junta troops searching for mines were detonated near Inbin Village in Pakokku Township, Magway Division

On July 2, the Young Force (UG), Squadron 2 of Pakokku Township PaKaFa, announced military news that the junta troops searching for mines were detonated near Inbin Village in Pakokku Township, Magway Division.

“On July 2, at around 6:30 p.m., the junta BE squads that were searching for mines by opening fire with heavy weapons recklessly, were detonated, and then, they ran away. We fooled the junta squads and Pyu with fake mines (sound bombs), and attacked the junta troops who were in ambush between Koebin and Inbin villages,” it stated.

The casualties are still under investigation.

9. The campaign “Yoma Calling” has raised a fund of over 93,000 USD within 8 days

On July 2, Doe Campaign informed the fund raised by the campaign “Yoma Calling” that has reached over 93,000 USD within 8 days.

“Over USD $93,000 has been raised in the 8 days of the campaign. People’s participation is at an unbelievable speed. This is proof of how much the people want strategic offensives. We want victory. We are looking forward to our sons and daughters returning home. We are ready to see the fall of the dictators,” it stated.

The campaign “Yoma Calling” will be conducted from June 25 to July 16 in order to raise the required budget for the Salmon Operation in order for our comrades in Yangon, Bago, and Ayeyarwady regions to be able to return home.

The Salmon Operation is an operation designed to gain territorial dominance over the Bago Yoma and Sittaung River basins, which is important for the military strategy of the Spring Revolution.

10. A public strike movement against the military dictatorship holding the banner “Boycott the Fascist Election, Bravely Walk the Federal Road” was conducted in Launglon Township

On the afternoon of July 2, the Dawei District Movement Strike Committee (DDMSC) carried out a public strike against the military dictatorship holding the banner, “Boycott the Fascist Election, Bravely Walk the Federal Road,” in Launglon Township.

As a protest against the fascist election planned by the terrorist military council, they marched in the strike holding the banner “Boycott the Fascist Election, Bravely Walk the Federal Road,” and many local women, youths, students, laborers, and farmers participated in the strike.

The Dawei District Movement Strike Committee stated that the coup terrorist military council has been committing violent arrests, torture, and killings of civilians on a daily basis for more than 2 years of the military coup and has also destroyed and burned down many houses.

  1. CRPH released a statement that it would cooperate and work together with the Karenni National People’s Liberation Front – KNPLF (KaLaLaTa) according to sectors, on account of its righteous stance and attitudes
  2. Union Minister Dr. Sasa urged to maintain unity and focus on common goals rather than differences
  3. The closing ceremony of MDYPDF’s Pyi Taw Win campaign will be attended by Minister of Defence U Yee Mon and U Min Ko Naing
  4. NUG Pay users who are exempted for one year can donate to CDM employees if they want to pay for the activation code
  5. More than 1,000 people are fleeing the villages in Mone Township due to the open firing of the coup terrorist military council troops
  6. Allied forces of KNLA and PDF attacked 2 military council vehicles that paved the way for logistics convoys in Kyaikto Township, Mon State
  7. A drone attack was launched against the terrorist military council troops stationed at the Chaung Hna Kwa Police Station and near the Chaung Hna Khwa Bridge in Kyaikmaraw Township, Mon State
  8. The junta troops searching for mines were detonated near Inbin Village in Pakokku Township, Magway Division
  9. The campaign “Yoma Calling” has raised a fund of over 93,000 USD within 8 days
  10. A public strike movement against the military dictatorship holding the banner “Boycott the Fascist Election, Bravely Walk the Federal Road” was conducted in Launglon Township

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