Myanmar Spring Revolution Morning Fresh News for 2023 May 19

1. Union Prime Minister Mahn Winn Khaing Thann said that there will be no delays or deviations in order to reach the original goal

The Union Prime Minister said at the meeting of the NUG’s Interim Local Administration Central Committee (ILACC) (20/2023) held on May 18 that there will be no delays or deviations in order to reach the original goal.

“We are deeply saddened by the loss of life, damages and aftermaths of Cyclone Mocha that occurred a few days ago, along with all the people in the affected area. On the way to the intended goal, we must continue to overcome unexpected tests like this, and we would like to tell the people that no matter what situation is encountered, there will be no delays or deviations in order to achieve the original goal. Although the National Unity Government is a revolutionary government that is fighting for justice, it was born from the people and is a people-centered government. So when the people experience difficulties and disasters, we need to protect them as best as possible and must also try to provide rehabilitative measures,” said the Union Prime Minister.

Following, attending members of the ILACC explained the status of the resolution adopted at the meeting (19/2023), the completion status of upcoming processes, and processes that needed to proceed, and the relevant officials discussed them extensively.

The meeting was attended by Union Prime Minister Mahn Winn Khaing Thann, Union Ministers, Deputy Ministers, Permanent Secretaries, and relevant officials from ministries.

2. Union Minister of Commerce attended the Commercialising Quantum Global 2023 Summit held in London, United Kingdom

It is reported that Union Minister of Commerce Daw Khin Ma Ma Myo attended the Commercialising Quantum Global 2023 Summit held in London, United Kingdom.

Union Minster Daw Khin Ma Ma Myo, the NUG Ministry of Commerce attended the Commercialising Quantum Global 2023 Summit held from May 17 and 18 in London, United Kingdom with the topic of “From qubits to profits: achieving near-term quantum advantage”.

Governments, experts and entrepreneurs from many countries attended the forum and discussed topics related to the application of quantum technology and quantum strategic issues in areas such as natural disaster response, health care, finance and investment, manufacturing, defense and national security, intelligence and information security, commerce, communication and news media, logistics, pharmaceutical production and distribution, crime prevention, and counter-terrorism.

It is reported that the Union Minister discussed the current political and technological development conditions of Myanmar, the conditions in which technological development has stalled due to the military coup, the quantum strategy to get a quantum advantage in building the country during the post-revolutionary period in order to be able to follow the wave of international development, and preparations for building a quantum ecosystem.

3. The Ministry of Home Affairs and Immigration held a meeting with the district people’s administrative bodies

On May 18, the meeting between the Ministry of Home Affairs and Immigration, and the district people’s administrative bodies (18/2023) was held.

The meeting was attended by Deputy Minister U Khu Hte Bu, Permanent Secretary and Associate Permanent Secretary.

At the meeting, Associate Permanent Secretary of the Ministry of Home Affairs and Immigration, gave an opening speech.

Following, Associate Permanent Secretary explained the activities of the ministry, and the attending members of the district people’s administrative bodies asked and discussed the issues, needs, and difficulties encountered on the ground, and the officials of the ministry responded.

4. An open letter to the Japan Government was delivered through the Minister for Foreign Affairs (Japan) to get more effective support for the democratic transition of Myanmar from Japan and the international community

It is reported that an open letter to the Japan Government was delivered through the Minister for Foreign Affairs (Japan) to get more effective support for the democratic transition of Myanmar from Japan and the international community.

On May 18, NUG Support Team Japan released the open letter.

“An open letter signed by more than 200 spring revolutionary activist organizations from Japan, South Korea, and Australia, was sent on May 12 to the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the host country, Japan, which will host the G-7 summit from May 19 to 21,” it stated.

It is also stated that they will continue to send it to Japanese embassies internationally, including the G-7 countries, and have requested to discuss the Myanmar issue extensively.

It is also reported that they are also planning to hold public movements during the summit and request the Japanese government and the international community to effectively support Myanmar’s democratic transition more than now, to stop the aid flowing to the terrorist military council, which is treating the civilians as enemies, as soon as possible, and to stand with the oppressed Myanmar people and support them.

5. According to the “Death Trade” report, the terrorist military junta imported the most military weapons from Russia and China, spending nearly one billion dollars

According to the “Death Trade” Report, the terrorist military junta imported the most arms and raw materials to manufacture weapons from Russia and China, spending nearly a billion dollars.

According to the UN report released on May 17: 

The military junta purchased arms, dual-use goods, equipment, and raw materials to manufacture weapons from Russia worth US$406 million with the largest purchases of fighter jets including the SU 30, from China worth US$267 million, and from Singapore worth US$254 million.

Most of the purchases were fighter jets and aircraft spare parts. It is also reported that the military also purchased military weapons worth $51 million from India and $28 million from Thailand.

6. PSLF/TNLA arrested the man who raped a 16-year-old girl with mental illness

The PSLF/TNLA officially announced on May 18 that the man who raped a 16-year-old girl with mental illness was arrested by the PSLF/TNLA.

“On May 17, at 2:00 p.m. in Longtauk Village, Namhsan Township, Brigade 2 Military Region, Ta’ang State, the PSLF/TNLA administration arrested Mong Hla Win, a villager who raped a 16-year-old girl suffering from mental illness for exactly 3 months.”

The perpetrator, 23-year-old Mong Hla Win, took a girl from the same village to the village school once a month since December 2022 and committed rape. The case was only discovered when the young girl was pregnant.

Therefore, the PSLF/TNLA Administrative Department Circuit No. 1 has arrested the perpetrator and said that they will take action in accordance with the law of the PSLF/TNLA.

7. The KRF and KNLA joint forces attacked the 100-strong terrorist junta soldiers who came down from the Melam to invade the area of Battalion-2 of KNLA Brigade-1 in Bilin Township, killing three of them

On May 18, the Kyaikhto Revolution Force – KRF confirmed the military news that KRF and KNLA joint forces attacked the 100-strong terrorist junta soldiers who came down from the Melam to invade the area of Battalion-2 of KNLA Brigade-1 in Bilin Township, Mon State, killing three of them.

“On May 18 at 7:00 am, near the Nelchar Village, KRF and Battalion-2 of KNLA Brigade-1 joint forces intercepted and attacked 100 terrorist junta soldiers who came down from the Melam side to invade the area of Battalion-2 of KNLA Brigade-1, in Bilin Township,” it stated.

The KRF confirmed that 3 terrorist junta soldiers were killed on the spot, and the battle lasted for only 12 minutes. Joint forces were able to retreat unharmed.

8. Junta soldiers who were taking security at the northern gate of Thayetgwa Pyu Camp in Myaing Township, were ambushed and attacked, killing eight soldiers

On May 18, Myaing PaKaFa informed the military news that eight junta soldiers were killed after they were ambushed and attacked at the northern gate of Thayetgwa Pyu camp in Myaing Township while taking security.

“On May 17, at around 5:30 p.m., a junta squad (about 10 strong) that was taking security at the northern gate of Thayetgwa Pyu camp was ambushed with heavy weapons and small arms along with allied groups,” it stated.

As a result of the attack, 8 terrorist junta soldiers were killed.

The attack was jointly carried out by the Battalion-01, Battalion-02, Squadron-01 (Battalion-01), and Squadron-03 (Battalion-01) of Myaing PaKaFa, Ko Aung Gyi Defense Force and Setkya Defense Force (Pauk).

9. In the KNU Brigade 3 military area, the Royal Peacock Column attacked the military council’s reinforcement with snipers and hit three junta soldiers

Royal Peacock Column confirmed military news on May 18 that Royal Peacock Column attacked the military council’s reinforcement troops with snipers and hit three junta soldiers in the military area of KNU Brigade 3.

“The Royal Peacock Column was waiting for an interception attack the reinforcements of the military council invading the military area of KNU Brigade 3. We attacked with snipers while they were carrying the wounded by using a civilian light truck. During the attack, three junta soldiers were hit and one of them ran away, so during the chase, another battle broke out,” it stated.

During the battle, two MA-1 guns, one MA-14 gun, one grenade, one Enaga, one landmine, 15 boxes of ammunition, and about 300 rounds of 5.56 cartridges were seized from the car.

10. The weekly public strike in front of San Francisco City Hall will be halted for a week

The weekly public strike in front of the San Francisco City Hall of the United States will reportedly be halted for one week.

On Saturday, May 20, the Free Burma Action Committee (Northern California) will hold its 13th Spring Revolution Fund Film and Market Festival in Daly City.

Since the ceremony will be held, it is reported that the weekly public strike in front of San Francisco City Hall will be suspended for a week.

Myanmar people in the United States are exhorting to continue marching toward victory with the souls of the thousands of martyrs who sacrificed their lives during the Spring Revolution.

  1. Union Prime Minister Mahn Winn Khaing Thann said that there will be no delays or deviations in order to reach the original goal
  2. Union Minister of Commerce attended the Commercialising Quantum Global 2023 Summit held in London, United Kingdom
  3. The Ministry of Home Affairs and Immigration held a meeting with the district people’s administrative bodies
  4. An open letter to the Japan Government was delivered through the Minister for Foreign Affairs (Japan) to get more effective support for the democratic transition of Myanmar from Japan and the international community
  5. According to the “Death Trade” report, the terrorist military junta imported the most military weapons from Russia and China, spending nearly one billion dollars
  6. PSLF/TNLA arrested the man who raped a 16-year-old girl with mental illness
  7. The KRF and KNLA joint forces attacked the 100-strong terrorist junta soldiers who came down from the Melam to invade the area of Battalion-2 of KNLA Brigade-1 in Bilin Township, killing three of them
  8. Junta soldiers who were taking security at the northern gate of Thayetgwa Pyu Camp in Myaing Township, were ambushed and attacked, killing eight soldiers
  9. In the KNU Brigade 3 military area, the Royal Peacock Column attacked the military council’s reinforcement with snipers and hit three junta soldiers
  10. The weekly public strike in front of San Francisco City Hall will be halted for a week

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