Spring Revolution Local News – May 19 (Evening)

Summary of News

1. The Union Prime Minister directs the Central Complaints Review Committee to handle the complaint promptly

Union Prime Minister Mahn Winn Khaing Thann urged the following at the meeting (20/2023) of the Interim Local Administrative Central Committee held on May 18:

“I see that the Interim Local Administrative Central Committee is conducting policy reviews. The newly established Central Complaints Review Committee needs to handle the work promptly as well. Everyone should work together in order to ensure a good solution for the political and personal aspects and to develop a better form of governance without neglecting the work being done on the ground.”

Union Prime Minister Mahn Winn Khaing Thann chaired the meeting, and Union Ministers, Deputy Union Ministers, Permanent Secretaries, and those responsible persons from relevant departments attended the meeting.

2. The National Unity Government spends a fund of 119 million kyats to build 798 bunkers in interim education schools 

On May 19, the National Unity Government’s Ministry of Humanitarian Affairs and Disaster Management published a report on the ministry’s significant actions and reviews during the previous two years.

According to the report, within two years of the formation of the National Unity Government, the Ministry of Humanitarian Affairs and Disaster Management provided 6.6 billion MMK worth of humanitarian assistance to people who were suffering due to the terrorist military council. This included providing food for an average of more than 200,000 IDPs and spending 119 million MMK to construct defences to protect civilians from the terrorist military’s airstrikes.

Meanwhile, the ministry has built 2,239 temporary tents for IDPs in various states and regions who lost their homes due to the arson attacks by the military council and affiliate groups.

3. The Australian government will provide an initial $1 million to support the victims of Cyclone Mocha in Myanmar and Bangladesh

Australian Minister for Foreign Affairs Penny Wong announced on Twitter on May 19 that the Australian government will provide an initial $1 million to support those affected by Cyclone Mocha in Myanmar and Bangladesh through the UN and NGOs.

Minister Penny Wong also stated that the Australian government is working to “reprioritse existing funding for immediate support” and that “no funding will be provided to the Myanmar regime.”

According to the report of the UNOCHA Myanmar, approximately 5.4 million people were affected by cyclone Mocha, and more than 100,000 people in Magway and Sagaing Regions were affected by severe flooding brought on by cyclone Mocha.

4. A military column of the junta’s No. 33 Light Infantry Division (LID-33) abducts about 40 locals from Hpakant, Kachin

According to the Assistance Association for Political Prisoners (AAPP), on the morning of May 17, a military column of over 200 junta soldiers from the No. 33 Light Infantry Division (LID-33) abducted about 40 locals from Nant Yar and Khin Taung villages in Hpakant Township, Kachin State, and used them as human shields.

The abducted civilians reportedly included children, pregnant women, and elderly people, and their whereabouts were unknown.

5. A group of junta soldiers drinking inside Shwebo Royal Palace were attacked by hand bombs, claiming seven deaths

On May 19, Snake Eyes PDF claimed that it had attacked soldiers stationed inside Shwebo Royal Palace with hand bombs, killing seven, as follows: “On May 18, at about 1:40 p.m., our comrades who were waiting threw two consecutive hand bombs into a group of military council soldiers drinking inside the Royal Palace in Shwebo Township. The attack resulted in the deaths of seven military council soldiers and the serious injuries of five others.”

The attack was reportedly carried out jointly by the alliance of the Bo Mi Kyaung people’s defence group, SBDF-B4/C3 (Snake Eyes PDF), and the Circle-2 people’s defence group.

6. A photo campaign will be conducted to call for an immediate action by G7 leaders to stop the regime’s massacres

On May 19, the General Strike Coordinating Body (GSCB) called on the public to take part in the photo campaign to be held from May 19 to May 21 to demand an immediate action by G7 leaders to stop the regime’s massacres as follows:

“The 49th G7 meeting will be held in Japan from May 19 to 21. On May 15, an open letter was sent to the meeting, demanding the G7 leaders take an immediate action to stop the mass massacre of civilians by air by the military dictators. Now, the protest to urge and demand by the people of Myanmar will be held both online and on the ground domestically and internationally. People who find it difficult to participate in the protest due to the threat of the terrorist military are strongly encouraged to participate in the online photo campaign that will be held from May 19 to May 21.”

The slogans to be used in the photo campaign from May 19 to May 21 are expressed on the GSCB’s Facebook page.

#Credit : Radio NUG


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