Summary of News

Acting President, Defence Minister, and Minister of Planning, Finance and Investment will attend and discuss at the meeting of the National Unity Government and the member of ONE DAY CHALLENGE

Acting President, Defence Minister, and Minister of Planning, Finance and Investment will attend and discuss at the meeting of the National Unity Government and the member of ONE DAY CHALLENGE, the meeting will be held at 7:30 pm on 17 July via Zoom Meeting and all interested parties are invited to attend the meeting.

Anti-Dictatorship Committee (Republic of Korea) started the ONE DAY CHALLENGE campaign to provide funds to the National Unity Government (NUG) on 25 July 2021 and has been sending one hundred thousand dollars to the NUG every month, so by July 2022 this year, it will be able to provide a total of 1 million dollars.

During the discussion, the attendees will be able to freely and openly ask questions, including how the ONE DAY CHALLENGE funds are being used effectively for the revolution by the NUG government.

The meeting between the Central Committee Implementing Interim Local People’s Administration and the Committee Representing Tanintharyi Region Hluttaw

The meeting between the Central Committee Implementing Interim Local People’s Administration and the Committee Representing Tanintharyi Region Hluttaw was held on 15 July and attended by Union Minister for Home Affairs and Immigration U Lwin Ko Latt.

At the meeting, Union Minister U Lwin Ko Latt delivered an opening speech and explained the activities of the Ministry of Home Affairs and Immigration in June, and the administration, education, health care, and the situation on the ground in Tanintharyi Division were discussed with the relevant departments.

The meeting was attended by the Vice-Chairman (1) of the Central Committee Implementing Interim Local People’s Administration – Union Minister for Home Affairs and Immigration U Lwin Ko Latt, members of the Central Committee, representatives from Committee Representing Tanintharyi Region Hluttaw, Permanent Secretaries and Director Generals from various ministries.

Deputy Minister of Education says the National Unity Government will announce recognized online schools

Deputy Minister of Education Ja Htoi Pan wrote on social media in July, “Ministry of Education is currently carrying out the verification process of online schools and the recognized schools will be announced soon.”

At the present, there are 51 online schools implementing the interim people’s education in connection with the Ministry of Education, and in terms of on-the-ground education, the people-centered schools are set up in areas such as Yangon, Mandalay, Sagaing, Magway, Bago, Irrawaddy, Tanintharyi, Kachin, Kayah (Karenni), Karen, Chin, Mon, Shan.

The Federal Health Professional Council will issue a Good Standing Certificate (GSC) according to the requirement

On 16 July, the Federal Health Professional Council (FHPC) released an official statement.

The statement said that at the time when a Myanmar doctor is going to study or work in a foreign country, and the Medical Council of the relevant country requests a Good Standing Certificate (GSC) from the Federal Health Professional Council (FHPC) of Myanmar, the concerned doctor must submit the necessary documents to the FHPC and pay the specified fees.

The applicant for the Good Standing Certificate (GSC) must be a person who follows medical ethics, has no criminal record, and is registered with the Federal Health Professional Council or the former Myanmar Medical Council.

The application fee for the Good Standing Certificate (GSC) is 100,000 MMK or US$ 50.

Sayadaw Ashin Zawana says that the primary purpose of the Road Trip for Democracy is to reclaim the one billion US dollars of Myanmar Government fund

During HIS visit to a state in the United States of America in July, Sayadaw Ashin Zawana said, “The main thing is to collect the signatures. We do it because there is a possibility rather than an impossible. We expect to receive one million signatures. After that, the collected signatures will be sent to President Biden.”

The Road Trip for Democracy stated on social media that, as of 15 July, 10,494 signatures had been collected.

The Road Trip for Democracy (Second time), which started on 4th June, led by Myanmar activists who support the National Unity Government in the United States, traveled to more than 30 states, and more than 100 cities where many ethnic groups of Burmese origin live, urging them to participate in the revolution until the end.

The trip also includes “one million signatures for one billion campaign” which will call on the Government of the United States to hand over 1 billion US dollars of Myanmar funds held in the United States to the Government of NUG, by signing with DocuSign in person by the people of Myanmar origin in the United States.

As part of Operation NAN HTIKE AUNG, the military junta troops in Myeik Township were attacked by mines

As part of Operation NAN HTIKE AUNG, the military junta troops in Myeik Township were attacked by mines on the morning of 16 July.

Myeik people’s defence force said, “As part of Operation NAN HTIKE AUNG, at around 7:00 am today (16 July), we attacked the car carrying the military junta troops who came to volunteer to clean Bone Pyan school in Ye-Pone ward, Myeik Township by using mine.”

It is said that the mine attack was carried out by the Myeik people’s defence force, and it had nothing to do with the public (at all).

The general public has also been warned not to travel near the soldiers, police, and Pyu Saw Htee groups.

Local people’s defence forces blew up and took down the Mytel Tower in Hpruso Township

On the morning of July 16th, Mytel Tower was blown up jointly by the local people’s defence force – Nay Pyi Taw and the combined Karenni Army KRU + KNDF.

A member of the local people’s defence force said, “Local people’s defence force – Nay Pyi Taw, in collaboration with the combined Karenni Army KRU + KNDF, took down Mytel Tower in Hpruso City was taken down this morning, to develop weapons.”

Mytel towers are a pillar of income for the military council, and the public is also encouraged not to use Mytel SIM cards and bill cards.

NUGPay users must purchase top-up codes, deposit, and withdraw only at the Agents who had opened their accounts

It is announced that NUGPay users must purchase top-up codes, deposit, and withdraw only at the Agents who had opened their accounts.

NUGPay is also expanding and forming international Agents.

People can open NUGPay accounts with authorised Agents through reliable revolutionary networks.

It is announced that NUGPay will be gradually implemented to cover the entire country.

Currently, the NUGPay account can be created with agents in Myanmar, Thailand, and Singapore, and agents for other regions will be announced soon.

#Credit : Radio NUG


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