The terrorist SAC troops burn down more than 100 houses in Htay Aung village in Myaing Township, arrested 5 people, and raped a minor

The terrorist SAC troops entered and fired Htay Aung village in Myaing Township with weapons and burned more than 100 people’s houses, 5 innocent people were also arrested and have not been released to this day, according to local residents.

On July 13th, the terrorist SAC troops who had returned from Taung Ywar Thit Village started entering Htay Aung village with a force of more than 200 troops and set fire to houses of the people, and five innocent civilians, including Aung Ngwe, Lu Myint, Moe Kyaw, Shwe Thein and Kyaw Naing, were arrested in the village, family members are concerned that they have not been released to date.

“They often enter the village. Not less than 10 times. Every time they entered, they rummaged and destroyed through the houses of the villagers. They took what they wanted. This time the village was set on fire. There are nearly 200 houses in the village. Now there are only 40-50 good houses left in the village. Arrested villagers also left for the southern part of the village after the soldiers set fire to our village. There, 5 villagers also avoided that side. They met them directly. The arrested villagers still cannot be contacted. We have not heard anything yet.”, said a Htay Aung villager who was fleeing.

Htay Aung villagers, whose homes were burnt down and hiding in the jungle, let women and the elderly to live in the shade, the men, on the other hand, are living in places without shelters.

He also said that the villagers of Htay Aung could do nothing except watch their homes burn as the following.

“I can’t do anything about watching my village burn from afar. As a son, I don’t know how to console my mother. I saw the fleeing villagers crying and looking at the smoke. They have to work as rural farmers. A house cannot be built at once. It was built step by step. It turned ashes within minutes. We have no more tears to shed now. Houses of my father’s relatives and my mother’s relatives were burned to the ground. Now we don’t even have a house to live in.”

Villagers in Htay Aung village when the Terrorist SAC troops left the village, at the time which they returned to the village to put out the burning houses, they were forced to flee the village back because the terrorist SAC troops opened fire with heavy weapons.

According to a local resident, the damage in Htay Aung village is between 3,000 and 5,000 of Million Kyats.

On July 12, the Terrorist SAC troops fired heavy artillery shells at Taung Ywa Thit village and raped a 17-year-old girl in front of her parents. Her parents and relatives, U—- (64 years old), Daw—- (45 years old) and Ma—- (54 years old) begged their daughter not to do this, but the terrorist SAC troops did not accept it and killed all the family members of the victim, a resident of Htay Aung village reported to the MPA, but the MPA has not been able to independently confirm it.

Note : According to news media ethics, no other investigation information has been described for the message that a minor girl in Taung Ywa Thit Village was raped by the terrorist SAC soldiers and killed all including her parents and relatives. International human rights organizations and such organizations that keep records of war crimes committed by the Terrorist SAC can contact the MPA news agency and request information.

Photo – MPA

#MagwayRegion # Myaing #HtayAungVillage#100housesburndown#TaungYwaThitVillage


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