Summary of News

The President’s office of the National Unity Government announced the formation of the People’s Police Force by the Statement No. (12/2022) dated 7th June 2022.

The announcement stated, “The National Unity Government (NUG) establishes the “People’s Police Force” in accordance with “People’s Police Law” to take legal action against those responsible for the Terrorist Military Council’s atrocities, war crimes and human rights violations against the people, to establish the rule of law in the interim period, to collaborate with the people to prevent crime, and lawlessness, and to be a police force that provides services to the people by the law by forming initially as a police force trusted by the whole people.

(Duwa Lashi La)

Acting President

National Unity Government”

Acting President remarks that the NUG government is a legitimate government

Acting President of the National Unity Government Duwa Lashi La remarked in an interview, “The NUG government is a legitimate government formed by the support of the people. It is a government formed by the Committee Representing Pyidaungsu Hluttaw (CRPH), which is composed of the Members of Parliament elected through the Free and Fair Elections.”

Following the military coup on 1 February 2021, the Committee Representing Pyidaungsu Hluttaw (CRPH) was formed by the elected Representatives.

That was followed by the National Unity Government (NUG) and the National Unity Consultative Council (NUCC).

National Unity Government (NUG) will prosecute the military council at ICC

In the “From NUG to People” interview organized by NST, Union Minister of Human Rights U Aung Myo Min said, “We are planning to meet the International Criminal Court (ICC) in The Hague to find a way to prosecute the military regime.”

Nearly 170 innocent civilians were killed in the massacre committed by the coup junta.

On 24 December 2021, the military troops set fire to 49 civilians, including women and children, in Moso village, Hpruso Township, Kayah State.

On 12 May 2022, 28 burning dead bodies were found after the military troops brutally torched and destroyed the Mone Taing Pin village in Ye-U Township.

NorthMyeik Education Free Online School, which will teach according to the lessons of the Ministry of Education of the National Unity Government, will accept enrollments of primary school students starting from 7 June 2022

On 5 June 2022, NSP PDF announced, “If the soldier/police force who want to get out of the life of

Myeik Education Free Online School (MEFOS) is a free online school that collaborate with education boards in Myeik District and currently open for middle and high schools.

The teaching method is that the lessons, instructed by the Ministry of Education of the National Unity Government, will be broadcast through Telegram Channel, and only the parts that are not understood will be taught with Zoom.

It also stated that, for primary school students, the guardians/parents need to monitor.

There have been 492 terrorist attacks on healthcare services by the military regime

National Unity Government

According to the Statement No. (6/2022) of the Ministry of Health of the National Unity Government, Ko Aung Ko Lin, Public Health Supervisor-2, CDM healthcare worker of Saw Township, Magway Division was arbitrarily detained by the terrorist military council, together with 4 people on 31st May 2022. Two days after his unlawful detention, on 2nd June 2022, Ko Aung Ko Lin lost his life during his questioning under torture at an investigation centre of the military council.

According to the announcement of Insecurity Insight, from 1st February 2021 to 31st March 2022, there were 492 incidents of assault on healthcare workers, clinics and hospitals, ambulances, and healthcare activities by the military that instigated the coup.

According to the data, the terrorist military council arbitrarily arrested 564 healthcare workers, 126 clinics and hospitals were raided and ransacked, and 36 healthcare workers were killed.

Monastic schools operate together with orphanages become difficult to sustain due to a shortage of donors

Orphanages and monastic schools, which rely on donors, become difficult to sustain day by day due to the violence and economic crisis happening all over the country.

The number of orphans and poor children is increasing, and they are struggling to make ends meet, said an abbot of an orphanage.

An abbot says the place for the children to live is also urgent because it was raining. The abbot also asks for help because hundreds of children have to feed daily.

According to the Ministry of Education under the NLD government, there were a total of 1,557 monastic schools in Myanmar with a total of over 708,000 students. After the military coup, charities have been in crisis because of the increasing number of orphans and poor children.

Online shoppers said that online shopping  no longer operate properly due to the closure of border trades.

An online shopper said that online shopping could no longer operate properly because of the closure of border trades at the Thailand border and Chinese border, higher transportation costs, higher exchange rates, higher fuel prices, and limited access to electricity and the internet.

Another online shopper said that, due to the decline in online sales, the incomes of the delivery people have dropped. Online shoppers have to increase the prices of the goods to cover the rising transportation costs, and they are worried that this approach will make it more difficult in the long run.

Online shoppers have to order goods from abroad step by step, which has led to higher general costs during political instability. Unstable commodity prices have made it harder for online shoppers, to whom trust is essential, to survive.

#Credit : Radio NUG

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