Summary of News

Minister of Justice of the National Unity Government, U Thein Oo will meet with Myanmar nationalities in Korea

According to the statement of the Ministry of Justice on 2 June, Minister of Justice of the National Unity Government, U Thein Oo will meet with Myanmar nationalities in Korea.

The meeting will be held by NUG Representative Office – Republic of Korea via Zoom meeting platform at 8:30 pm on 5 June.

The Ministry of Justice has made an invitation to all interested parties to attend the meeting.

The Czech representative of the National Unity Government of Myanmar, U Linn Thant, said that only educated-centered education can truly benefit the society

On 1 June, the Czech Representative of the National Unity Government of Myanmar, U Linn Thant, made a brief comment on his social media that only the educated-centered education system can truly benefit the society.

It stated, “Education is the lifeblood of a country. It is very important that education not to be stopped, even in the times of war. It is the responsibility of society for education to produce educated people. In successive military regimes in Myanmar, ‘graduated’ is the education system that produced the figures, which is used as a tool for stretching the term of military rule, and they did not want graduates to be ‘educated’.

The military junta is currently reopening schools and attracting the parents by offering incentives like ‘grade up’ education.

The representative U Linn Thant added, “The question here is, do you go to school to become educated? If you go to school, will you be educated? Otherwise, education like paper printing can only be paper education. Myanmar society does not need paper education.” 

Htee Chaing Township People’s Administration announced a blacklist of 35 teachers

It is reported that the Htee Chaing Township People’s Administration announced a blacklist of 35 education staff including teachers, township education officers and principals serving under the military junta.

The announcement on 1 June stated that it appreciates and congratulates the CDM teachers and parents who take part in the interim education program implemented by the National Unity Government.

It added that it blacklisted and issued a final warning to the traitors from the education department, who are still the main driving force to prolong the military dictatorship.

Those blacklisted include township education officers, principals, middle school teachers and high school teachers.

Kaung For You school will recruit for the positions of class teacher and subject teacher at a salary of over 200000 MMK to 350000 MMK

At Kaung For You school, the class teachers will be hired at a salary of 210000 MMK and the subject teachers at 350000 MMK, and applicants must be those who own a laptop computer, who can use a laptop computer to teach and manage documents, and who can control the class.

The new positions will be recruited on 3 June.

The applicants should prepare for interviews, writing exams and microteaching that will be examined by the relevant subject professors.

Kaung For You school is operating under the Ministry of Education of the National Unity Government and up to 100000 students enrolled on 1 June.

Business owners in Yangon Industrial Zone said that the military junta is forcing the factory business to pay taxes, electricity bills and fees for social welfare

An SME garment factory owner said that business owners have no plan to work with the military junta, although they are forcing the small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) which have struggled to operate in Yangon Industrial zones to pay various taxes and have been calling for a series of tenders that are unlikely to work.

An SME soap factory owner said that nearly 50 percent of all SMEs in Yangon have stopped their operation due to a lack of electricity and high fuel prices.

SME owners said that, according to the Directorate of Industrial Supervision and Inspection of the Ministry of Industry under the NLD government, there are more than 36000 small and medium-sized enterprises registered, and the people themselves were allowed to run their own businesses. However, at present, nobody can estimate what will happen next.

Sales of cosmetics and handicrafts have dropped dramatically, leaving small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) struggling to survive

An SME cosmetics entrepreneur said that small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) that make cosmetics, consumer goods, and handicrafts in Yangon are struggling to survive due to the dramatic drop in the sales of the goods.

An SME wood handicraft entrepreneur said that after the 2010 Thein Sein government came to power, Small and Medium Enterprises Development Law and regulations were enacted, emerging new entrepreneurs. Business ventures have flourished since the NLD government came to power, but after the military coup, many businesses found it difficult to survive.

According to the Directorate of Industrial Supervision and Inspection of the Ministry of Industry under the NLD government, there are more than 36000 small and medium-sized enterprises registered, and the people themselves were allowed to run their own businesses. However, at present, small businesses are finding it difficult to survive due to the lack of electricity and high fuel prices.

#Credit : Radio NUG

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