Myanmar Spring Revolution Morning Fresh News for 2024 February 12

The National Unity Government’s message on Karen National Day stated that they are very happy to be able to come to common agreements that the People’s Spring Revolution, which is being celebrated all over the country, is the ultimate goal not only for the Karen people, but for the people of the whole country.

On the 76th Karen National Day, which falls on February 11, the NUG said in a message that it wishes they be unite and establish a Karen State with equal self-determination and federal essence, which is all Karen ethnic’s desire, and expressed their respect and pride for the actions of the Karen nationals.

The message declares that the National Unity Government (NUG) is committed to collaborating closely with the leaders of the Karen people to implement the common agreements made between revolutionary groups, and will endeavor to work together more closely to ensure the success of the People’s Spring Revolution as soon as possible.

Similarly, the Karen National Union (KNU) sent a message on Karen National Day, stating that according to the changes in the political landscape, there are opportunities to reach the same goal from various paths in order to achieve Karen national aspirations.

KNU also urged that the time has come for Karen armed groups, Karen political parties, and Karen social organizations to work faithfully with all their abilities under one Karen national flag.

On February 11, the NUG Representative Office in the UK informed that Union Minister Daw Khin Ma Ma Myo attended the revolutionary fundraising event in London to mark the 77th Panglong Day.

“To commemorate the 77th anniversary of Panglong Day, which will fall on February 12, a revolutionary fundraising event was held in London, and many Myanmar-born ethnic groups in the UK attended,” the Union Minister said.

At the ceremony, ethnic traditional foods and traditional clothes were sold, and ethnic traditional cultural songs and dances and the current situation of the people affected by the war were also explained to the public. NUG Union Minister Daw Khin Ma Myo, NUG representative to the UK U Maung Maung Aung, and Dr. Thet Ko Ko also attended the ceremony. It is reported that the funds received will be sent to needy ethnic areas in Myanmar.

The 63rd Kachin Revolution Day ceremony was held in Australia on February 10, and the Deputy Minister of Human Rights attended.

At the event, the Deputy Minister of Human Rights of the National Unity Government, Khun Baham Htan, said, “Why do ethnic armed revolutions take place? Due to the prolonged oppression and control by military dictators and the loss of our rights to self-determination and shaping our own futures, we were compelled to take the path of armed revolution. Our aim is to establish a federal democratic union and a society that upholds human rights. The Kachin people have played a significant role in the ongoing spring revolution, with President Duwa Lashi La leading the National Unity Government. We also respect and honor all the Kachin national heroes who have sacrificed their lives since the establishment of KIO in 1961 until now. The strong leadership of General N’ Ban La has inspired various revolutions, calling for our respect and emulation. General Gun Maw is also a widely respected leader among all. Our gratitude extends to all ethnic groups, including the Kachin, for their participation and support in our endeavors.”

Myanmar-born ethnic brothers and sisters in Australia attended the ceremony dressed in their traditional ethnic attire.

U Min Ko Naing, one of the leaders of the 88th generation, urged people to fight against the terrorist military council in a variety of ways, besides coming to the liberated areas.

“Be careful of them stubbornly announcing the most brutal method of using force, even though they know that they can’t really fight after training people in hand-to-hand combat. We should fight against the forced summons as military slavery by using other methods besides escaping to the liberated area.

Currently, the military council has to admit that there are no more soldiers left, and since it has become unruly, the people must respond in an orderly manner,” he said.

U Min Ko Naing called on those who have claimed that they will stand only on the side of the people when the fascist military’s summons and medical examination boards will extort money from the people.

“Besides, I don’t want you to easily think that you will go to jail rather than joining the fascist military,” he also warned.

Min Aung Hlaing, a war criminal, enforced the military conscription law enacted in 2010 on February 10. As the Military Conscription Law has been enforced, officials from the revolutionary forces have also invited people to join them.

It is reported that the PRF released a summary of support troops in January.

“During January, we received an estimated 642,976.57 US dollars from more than 19,000 support troops,” it stated.

Their January’s services will be used for the 21st time delivery of food and general expenses for PDF battalions and columns, and will be reported back through the PRF pages when they are in possession of the people’s defense forces.

According to local news sources, after the coup military council promulgated the conscription law, the military council forces started arresting young people.

Within 24 hours after the coup military council promulgated the military conscription law, there are also reports that more than 40 young travelers have been arrested in Sagaing Township.

On the morning of February 11, between the villages of Nat Kha Yaing and Lel Gyi in Sagaing Township, more than 60 military council soldiers inspected travelers and abducted young people who had turned 18 years of age, People’s Spring reported, quoting the statement of the locals.

At around 11:00 a.m. on February 11, on behalf of the defense forces, Myinmu Township News and Information informed the civilians who use the Monywa-Chaung U-Myinmu-Sagaing road section that this road has been banned as an emergency since the announcement was made. They also request that civilians not travel at all except for emergency health issues.

Myinmu Township News and Information also informed that the appeal was made on behalf of the defense forces because the terrorist military council was forcibly abducting civilians on people traveling along the road, regardless of gender.

Sagaing Township News and Information issued a caution for the public to remain vigilant as approximately 80 military council troops have been reported to be halting vehicles and motorcycles, as well as abducting individuals between Sagaing and Nyaung Pin Wun areas in Sagaing Township on February 11, starting at 9:30 a.m.

On February 10, the Myanmar people held the 124th anti-military strike in front of San Francisco City Hall under the title “Looking Forward Together for Federal Union”.

The Myanmar people held banners such as “One Voice, One Struggle,” “Cut the roots of the fascist military,” “Free Burma,” “ICC / ICJ Arrest Min Aung Hlaing,” and “The Spring Revolution Must Prevail.”

The strike movement was led by the Free Burma Action Committee-Northern California, and the spring revolutionary forces, ethnic forces, and support people abroad participated.

The TNLA announced that TNLA Chairman Lt. Gen. Tar Ai Bone and AA Commander-in-Chief Major General Tun Myat Naing attended the victory ceremony of the entire Kokang region in Northern Shan State being freed from the military dictatorship.

The ceremony to celebrate the total liberation victory of the entire Kokang region under the military dictatorship, with the leadership of the Myanmar National Truth and Justice Party/Myanmar National Democratic Alliance Army (MNTJP/MNDAA), was attended by Palaung State Liberation Front PSLF/TNLA Chairman Lt. Gen. Tar Ai Bone and Vice-Chairman-2 Brigadier General Tar Khu Lang, as well as AA Commander-in-Chief Major General Tun Myat Naing, TNLA stated along with the photo record.

The ceremony was held on February 9 along with the ceremony of the Chinese New Year. PSLF/TNLA Chairman Lt. Gen. Tar Ai Bone delivered a speech at the ceremony.

“With the returning journey of Kokang revolution leaders, our Palaung State Liberation Front PSLF/TNLA has hardly been able to establish the political aspirations of our Ta’ang people’s dream, even if it is not a whole,” said the TNLA chairman.

In addition, he added that the PSLF/TNLA forces were able to fight together with their brotherhood alliance during the Kokang Liberation Battle, which is proof of the unity of the alliance, and he urged all to continue fighting with perseverance, unwavering determination, convictions, beliefs, and understanding among the allies to reach the national political goal.

The PSLF/TNLA News and Information Department announced that TNLA Chairman Lt. Gen. Tar Ai Bone, Vice President-2 Brigadier General Tar Khu Lang, Head of Alliance Relations Lt. Col. Tar Moe Hein, and more than 30 officers attended the ceremony.

On February 11, the Justice Soldier PDF of the Albino Tiger Column officially announced that the force has been calling for new recruits.

It stated, “If you want to apply as a trainee, you must be between the ages of 18 and 35, in good health, an enthusiast of the revolution, able to serve until the end of the revolution, able to strictly follow the duties and orders given above, and unmarried.

If you can follow the rules and regulations, you can apply on the Justice Soldier PDF team Page Messenger.”

Kyaikto Revolution Force – KRF announced that the joint revolutionary forces bombed the Sittaung New Bridge Gate and police gate in Moke Pa Lin intersection in Kyaikto Township, Mon State, with drones.

On February 11, between 10:40 a.m. and 11:00 a.m., they bombed the Sittaung New Bridge Gate (2 times) and the police gate at the Moke Pa Lin intersection (1 time) with drones.

“We bombed with 3 drones; 2 drones dropped bombs on Sittaung New Bridge Gate and 1 drone on Moke Pa Lin Road Intersection Gate.” a KRF information official said.

KRF has informed that the casualties of the military troops in the attack are still under investigation, and the comrades of the joint revolutionary forces were able to retreat unharmed.

The operation was carried out jointly by KNU/KNLA, IAF (Iron Adventure Force), ‘Kawa’ PaKaFa Drone Team, Inn Ta Kaw PaKaFa Drone Team, Yangon Northern District PaKaFa Drone Team, Kyaikto Revolutionary Force (KRF), and Kyaikto PaKaFa.

According to the KNA – Burma force, the military council camp in Aung Zeya Village, Myo Thit Township, Tamu District, Sagaing Division, was captured for the second time by the joint forces of the Revolutionary Alliance.

At 4:00 p.m. on February 9, they attacked the Aung Zeya military council camp again, and at 9:00 p.m. on February 10, they were able to recapture the camp.

The camp was occupied on December 10, but was forced to retreat due to an offensive attack by the military council on the ground with massive force and air strikes.

During the 2-day battle, 6 members of the military council were killed, 10 were injured. The military council launched airstrikes 3 times with helicopters and 3 times with jet fighters. 4 members of the joint revolutionary forces were injured (not critical).

The No. 2 Sub-Military Region, Southern Regional Command of People’s Defense Forces (PDF), announced that joint forces of the Karen National Liberation Army (KNLA) and the People’s Defense Forces (PDF) attacked the military council troops, police station, and gate camps in Zayatkyi Town, Htantabin Township, Bago Division, killing about 70 military council soldiers, as well as the casualties in the joint forces.

The joint operation of Phar Si Hein Than and Salmon carried out under the Sittaung River Basin Operation Plan of the No. 2 Sub-Military Region started to launch on February 7.

In the operation, they cut off the military council’s support route and crippled the military council’s administrative system. They attacked the enemy’s gate camp at the Myosoe Bridge and blew up the bridge. Also, they attacked the enemy’s gate camp on the main support route of the military council at the Hnit Tant Ku Bridge and the Yay Kyi Creek Bridge, and were able to blow up the Hnit Tant Ku Bridge.

In addition, it is stated along with the photographic records that they were able to attack the IB-73 based in Zayatkyi Town, seize and destroy military infrastructure, important documents, and ammunition inside the battalion.

During the operation, about 70 military council soldiers were killed, and many were injured. Some comrades of the joint forces were also reportedly killed and injured.

The Arakan Army (AA) has announced that the terrorist military council conducted airstrikes on Paletwa, Chin State, which was occupied by the AA, on the evening of February 11, resulting in the death of one civilian.

On the evening of February 11 (yesterday), a jet fighter bombarded twice and fired with a machine gun from the plane, killing one child and injuring another.

On February 10, the military council also attacked the AA-occupied Minbya Town with aircraft, heavy weapons, and warships, according to the 3 Brotherhood Alliance.

The operation in the Rakhine region started on November 13, and two months later, on January 14, the AA was able to capture the entire Paletwa Township, many battalion headquarters, and many towns such as Minbya, Kyauktaw, Mrauk-U, and Pauktaw.

AA has announced that the military council, which is suffering great damage from the fighting in the Rakhine region and Paletwa region, is carrying out targeted attacks on civilians, and many local people have been injured and killed.

  1. NUG delivered a message of honor to the Karen people who are working together to end the dictatorship of the country
  2. Union Minister Daw Khin Ma Ma Myo attended the revolutionary fundraising event in London to mark the 77th Panglong Day
  3. The Deputy Minister of Human Rights attended the 63rd Kachin Revolution Day ceremony held in Australia
  4. U Min Ko Naing urges people to resist by other means, besides escaping to the liberated areas, if the military council calls for military service
  5. PRF released a summary of support troops during January
  6. After the promulgation of the conscription law, the military continues to abduct young people
  7. The 124th protest against the military dictatorship was held by Burmese in the United States
  8. TNLA Chairman Lt. Gen. Tar Ai Bone and AA Commander-in-Chief Major General Tun Myat Naing attended the victory ceremony of the entire Kokang region being freed from the military dictatorship
  9. The Justice Soldier PDF of the Albino Tiger Column is calling for new recruits
  10. Sittaung New Bridge Gate and Moke Pa Lin Road Police Gate were bombed by drones
  11. Joint revolutionary forces captured Aung Zeya Military Council Camp in Tamu District again
  12. About 70 military council troops died in the battle of Zayatkyi
  13. The terrorist military council airstrike conducted airstrikes on Paletwa, which was occupied by the AA, killing one child and injuring another

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