Myanmar Spring Revolution Morning Fresh News for 2023 September 26

1. Union Minister Naw Susanna Hla Hla Soe informed that she met with Kaw Thoo Lei Judiciary and learned about judicial functions

Union Minister Naw Susanna Hla Hla Soe informed on September 25 that she met with the Kaw Thoo Lei Judiciary and learned about judicial functions.

Currently, the Ministry of Justice of the National Unity Government is also implementing the interim judicial sector.

The NUG Ministry of Justice aims to establish 100 township courts by 2023.

2. The Minister of Human Rights said that during the revolution, there were sacrifices and the sacrifices of our comrades won’t be wasted

Union Minister for Human Rights U Aung Myo Min said at the Ring 88 campaign ceremony held on September 24 that there were sacrifices made during the revolution and the sacrifices of our comrades won’t be wasted.

“There were sacrifices during the revolution. Every time I see a sacrifice, my heart aches in agony. We don’t want to sacrifice our heroes, who are fighting with the spirit of democracy, for the terrorist junta without knowledge or ideology. There have been more and more sacrifices. These sacrifices won’t be wasted. For each sacrifice, I got more and more strength and spirit to go on to another success,” said the union minister.

Currently, more than 30,000 members of the terrorist junta have died during the People’s Resistance War.

3. A lance corporal from the No. 930 Logistic Battalion under the Northwestern Regional Military Command entered the legal fold 

On September 25, the Chinland Defense Force/Civil Defense Militia-Siyin (CDF CDM Siyin) informed the public of the news that a lance corporal from the No. 930 Logistic Battalion under the Northwestern Regional Military Command had entered the legal fold.

“As all the public know, we, CDF CDM Siyin, are working hard to take the military council soldiers who are sidelined at this period to enter the legal fold and take shelter in the “People’s Embrace” safety as a revolutionary duty. More than 10 military council soldiers have entered the legal fold and joined hands with us. This time, a lance corporal, U Ngo Lyan Kyin, from the No. 930 Logistic Battalion under the Northwestern Regional Military Command (Monywa), has joined hands with our CDF CDM Siyin with trust and entered the legal fold safety,” it stated.

CDF CDM Siyin also stated that it will be responsible for anyone who wants to enter the legal fold and take shelter in the “People’s Embrace” until they reach a safe place.

4. 96-Soldiers PDF (Southern Military Region) provided ‘Basic Sniper Training’ to the comrades 

On September 25, Albino Tiger Company-2 reported that 96-Soldiers PDF (Southern Military Region) provided ‘Basic Sniper Training’ to the comrades. 

“96-Soldiers PDF (Southern Military Region) conducted a Basic Sniper Training Course during this period. Thank you to all the comrades and instructors who helped to organize the course,” it stated.

It also stated that it gave special thanks to the comrades in the front line who covered up for the comrades attending the training during the course.

5. The junta has been arbitrarily seizing houses, businesses, and properties of civilians

On September 25, the Assistance Association for Political Prisoners (Burma) released the news in its “Daily Briefing in Relation to the Military Coup updated on  September 25, 2023”. It stated:

“According to monitoring by the Documentation and Research Department of AAPP, since the unlawful coup of February 2021, the junta has arbitrarily seized houses, businesses, and properties of members of political parties, businessmen, strike committee members, and civilians who were protesting against them. In addition to all these acts of violence, the junta has been shooting and killing unarmed civilians, as well as arbitrarily arresting and imprisoning them across the country. Only within this month, the junta has seized 11 public properties including houses across the country, including Sagaing Town, located in Sagaing Region, Minhla and Paukkhaung Townships, located in Bago Region, Myanaung Township, located in Ayeyarwady Region, and Thein Za Yat Town, located in Mon State. 

During the last week, junta forces not only arrested civilians under specious charges and seized their properties, but also charged them under Counter-Terrorism Law. On September 20, junta forces arrested Wai Phyo, owner of “Hello Mobile”, a phone shop on Market Street, Poe Tan Ward, located in Sagaing Town, Sagaing Region, for allegedly evading arrest while being charged under the Counter-Terrorism Law. His phone shop was seized on the same day following his arrest. Moreover, on September 21, junta forces arrested Htar Htar Oo, a founder of “Yin Thway Yadanar” Private High School in Thar Si Ward, Sein Kone Rural Area, located in Sagaing Town, Sagaing Region. She was apprehended on allegations of inciting people to join the Civil Disobedience Movement and teaching at Sagaing Federal School, which was opened by the NUG. On September 22, her private school was also seized.”

6. Residents from Tanei Village, Pann Village, and Hlawa Kar Village are fleeing the war as the military council troops and Pyu Saw Htee were invading Pale Township, Sagaing Division

On September 25, the Pale Township People’s Administrative Body informed the news that the residents from Tanei Village, Pann Village, and Hlawa Kar Village were fleeing the war as the military council troops and Pyu Saw Htee were invading Pale Township, Sagaing Division.

“On September 22, the junta column arrived at In Ma Htee Pyu camp through Kan Daung Village, Pale Township, Sagaing Division, so the villagers near In Ma Htee Pyu camp started fleeing during the night. The terrorist military council column raided Tanei Village by firing heavy weapons and small arms at 6:45 a.m. on September 23. Pyu Saw Htee forces came to Tanei Village with 50 carts, and about 17 carts retreated due to detonation and heavy weapons fired by the revolutionary forces. The remaining 33 carts forcibly took public property from the village and returned to In Ma Htee Pyu camp at around 4:00 p.m.,” it stated.

On September 25, the terrorist military council column was stationed in Tanei Village, so the residents of Tanei Village, Pann Village, and Hlawa Kar Village are fleeing the war.

7. The military council troops fired heavy weapons into a residential area, and the shelling fell into a residential area in Loilen Lay

On September 25, KNDF Battalion B 12 informed the news that the military council troops fired heavy weapons into a residential area, and the shelling fell into a residential area in Loilen Lay.

“On September 24, the Infantry Battalion IB-530 of the military council based in Loilen Lay fired heavy weapons without a fight, and the shelling fell into a residential area in Loilen Lay,” it stated.

Some of the houses of local residents were damaged by the shelling, and the public is warned to take special care as the military council may continue to fire heavy weapons targeting civilians.

8. Defense forces attacked three places where the terrorist military council troops were located 

On September 25, the People Defense Organization – Tanintharyi Division (PDO – TNI) confirmed the military news.

“On September 23, at 10:50 a.m., Company 1 of the People’s Defense Force – Myeik District Battalion 2 and Tanintharyi Township People’s Defense Force cooperatively attacked the military council checkpoint gate near Bo Gyoke Bronze Statue at Tanintharyi with 40-mm and small arms for about 30 minutes. On the same day, joint forces of Tanintharyi Township People’s Defense Force and Palaw Township People’s Defense Force attacked the military council troops with landmines on the Myeik-Tanintharyi Union Road near the Shwe Kyat Yat Pagoda Mountain in Ma Zaw Village Tract, Myeik Township, and one junta soldier was injured,” it stated.

On September 24, Tanintharyi Township People’s Defense Force and Palaw Township People’s Defense Force cooperatively attacked the terrorist military council troops with landmines near Latha Village on the Myeik-Tanintharyi Union Road in Myeik Township, killing 3 junta soldiers. People’s Defense Forces were able to retreat unscathed successfully.

It warned that as the fighting on the Myeik-Tanintharyi Union Road may intensify, travelers are advised to strictly follow the rules issued by people’s defense forces.

9. DPNS/YNS comrades held a poster campaign with the title “Overthrow of the military dictatorship, the root of the public crisis”

On September 25, the Democratic Party For A New Society (DPNS) confirmed that a poster campaign was carried out somewhere in Yangon with the title “Overthrow of the military dictatorship, the root of the public crisis” on the morning of September 25.

“The 10-day public campaign to commemorate the 16th anniversary of the Saffron Revolution was held on September 25 by the comrades of the Democratic Party For A New Society (DPNS) and the Youth for a New Society (YNS) in Yangon, and it included distributing leaflets and putting up posters to the public promoting the abolition of the military dictatorship,” it stated.

It urged “Speak and preach about saffron”, “Raise the public voice and flag high”, and “Boycott Fascist Election, Bravely Walk the Federal Road”.

  1. Union Minister Naw Susanna Hla Hla Soe informed that she met with Kaw Thoo Lei Judiciary and learned about judicial functions
  2. The Minister of Human Rights said that during the revolution, there were sacrifices and the sacrifices of our comrades won’t be wasted
  3. A lance corporal from the No. 930 Logistic Battalion under the Northwestern Regional Military Command entered the legal fold 
  4. 96-Soldiers PDF (Southern Military Region) provided ‘Basic Sniper Training’ to the comrades
  5. The junta has been arbitrarily seizing houses, businesses, and properties of civilians
  6. Residents from Tanei Village, Pann Village, and Hlawa Kar Village are fleeing the war as the military council troops and Pyu Saw Htee were invading Pale Township, Sagaing Division
  7. The military council troops fired heavy weapons into a residential area, and the shelling fell into a residential area in Loilen Lay
  8. Defense forces attacked three places where the terrorist military council troops were located
  9. DPNS/YNS comrades held a poster campaign with the title “Overthrow of the military dictatorship, the root of the public crisis”

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