Summary of News

Ministry of Women, Youths and Children Affairs has been able to provide subsidies to tens of thousands of expectant mothers

On 20 August, Naw Susanna Hla Hla Soe, Union Minister of Women, Youths and Children Affairs, said, “Our ministry is supported by people’s support and donations. With the enthusiasm of the people, we could do a lot of things such as helping pregnant women, supporting children’s nutrition and medicine, and so on. Last year, we helped tens of thousands of expectant mothers financially.”

Ministry of Women, Youths and Children Affairs was able to deliver food for children to refugee camps, support CDM staff and organize safe spaces for activists.

On the occasion of the birthday of Union Minister Naw Susanna Hla Hla Soe, food was donated to the Karenni comrades who sacrificed their limbs for the revolution

On 18 August, as a celebration of the birthday of Union Minister Naw Susanna Hla Hla Soe, foods were served to the Karenni comrades who sacrificed their limbs for the revolution.

“To commemorate my birthday, chicken curry lunch and drinks were served to the Karenni comrades who sacrificed their limbs for the revolution. I pay my respect and honor to the Karenni youth who took on the great responsibility of this revolution and sacrificed themselves at the of their youth,” Union Minister said.

Deputy Minister Ja Htoi Pan says that the spring revolution is a revolution that is certain to win

Deputy Minister of Education Ja Htoi Pan said this at the fundraising event “Star jasmine shrubs covered by helping hands – 50 million kyats project” held on 20 August.

“This revolution, as we all know, is different from the revolutions of all ages. It is a big revolution that is being pushed by various sectors. It is also a revolution that is sure to succeed,” Deputy Minister Ja Htoi Pan said.

Deputy Minister also said, “What’s even more remarkable is that our Myanmar citizens, both domestically and abroad, have put aside their work and life for a while, and some of them full-time, some of them part-time, participating in this revolution.”

Deputy Minister Daw Ei Thinzar Maung says that the National Unity Government is always ready to correct mistakes in time

Deputy Minister Daw Ei Thinzar Maung said this at the fundraising event “Star jasmine shrubs covered by helping hands – 50 million kyats project” held on 20 August.

“Sometimes, since we are working in government, it is not convenient for us to work as a single ministry. When we work with different ministries, and we have some mistakes. However, as a government, whatever the mistakes are, we are ready to correct in time. We are also ready to listen to people’s voice,” Deputy Minister Daw Ei Thinzar Maung said.

National Unity Government has been in its term for over a year, and currently, administrative and judicial processes are being implemented in the governed territories.

It is said that the 2023 election to be held by the Military Council will fail

In response to radio NUG on 20 August regarding the elections to be held by the Military Council, Maubin Pyithu Hluttaw Representative Daw Ei Ei Pyone said that the 2023 election to be held by the Military Council would fail.

(Pyithu Hluttaw Representative Daw Ei Ei Pyone)

In the 2020 multi-party democratic general election, the National League for Democracy Party has already won with full public support.

However, the coup terrorist military has announced that an election will be held in 2023.

At present, the entire public is revolutionizing against the military dictatorship system through armed revolution, public uprising, silent strikes, as well as flower strikes and so on.

Since the military coup, a total of 8 military base camps in Shar Taw Township, including an inter-camp, were able to be captured

On 21 August, Karenni Army Center announced the military news that a total of 8 military base camps in Shar Taw Township, including an inter-camp were able to be captured since the military coup.

“Karenni army (KA) and Karenni Nationalities Defence Force (KNDF) B17-B14 attacked and captured Military’s base camp point 5350 (locally known as Tanguso camp) which is on Shan-Kayah border, Shar Taw township, Karenni State, and the camp was destroyed by fire. A total of 8 base camps in Shar Taw Township including the intermediate camp of the military were captured after the military coup.”

The number of people sentenced to death by the terrorist army is increasing

According to Assistance Association for Political Prisoners (AAPP), since the coup, there are a total of 83 people who have been sentenced to death and are being held in prisons as of 19 August 2022.

121 people have been sentenced in absentia, of whom 42 have been sentenced to death.

As a result, there are a total of 125 people who have been sentenced to death.

At present, the coup military is carrying out illegal executions, as if the death penalty were legal.

#Credit : Radio NUG


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