Spring Revolution Local News – 2024 Sep 14 (Evening)


1. National Unity Government’s Emergency Operations Coordination Committee holds meeting to discuss response plans to current flood risks caused by Typhoon Ragi

On September 14th, at 10 a.m. Myanmar Standard Time, the National Unity Government’s Emergency Operations Coordination Committee (EOCC) held a meeting to discuss the ongoing flood risks posed by Typhoon Ragi and formulate response plans. The meeting focused on the ongoing flood challenges, the work of relevant task forces, measures to be taken, public awareness, and alerts to avoid further risks. It also discussed emergency assistance to minimize loss of life, reunification efforts for families separated during natural disasters, preparations for post-disaster recovery, and how to secure international assistance.

The meeting emphasized the need for continuous action and discussed the importance of fully supporting the people facing natural and man-made disasters. Union Ministers Dr. Win Myat Aye, Dr. Zaw Wai Soe, Naw Susanna Hla Hla Soe, Daw Khin Ma Ma Myo, Deputy Ministers, and government officials participated in the meeting.

Due to ongoing rains, Dr. Win Myat Aye, Union Minister for the Ministry of Humanitarian Affairs and Disaster Management, has urged residents living near rivers in lower Myanmar to secure their homes and relocate to safer areas.

“Heavy rains are likely to continue over the next two days, and water from central Myanmar will flow downstream. Therefore, residents near rivers and tributaries must secure their homes and, if necessary, temporarily leave their homes and move to higher ground,” the minister said.

He further criticized the military junta’s lack of preparedness and management, stating, “Many people died unnecessarily because of the junta’s poor disaster management.”

The National Unity Government (NUG) has been sharing international weather information, but military control over weather radars and water monitoring systems in dams and rivers remains a challenge.

Continuous heavy rains in Kayah State have caused floods and landslides, leaving people in urgent need of food, personal hygiene items, and drinking water. According to the Interim Government of Karenni State’s Ministry of Humanitarian Affairs and Reconstruction, 28,735 internally displaced persons are in urgent need of basic supplies, such as rice, oil, salt, beans, and personal hygiene items for 5747 households.

In Hpruso Township, over 2,600 people in three camps were affected by floods, and a landslide in a nearby village killed three people and destroyed 25 homes. In Loikaw, five villages and a refugee camp with around 5,000 people were flooded due to additional water released from the Moe Bye Dam, damaging over 3,000 acres of paddy fields. Floods and landslides have affected 10,000 people, including those in seven IDP camps, and crops such as rice and beans have been destroyed. The area also faces severe transportation challenges due to damaged roads and bridges.

In Shadaw Township, over 1,335 people from three refugee camps have been affected by floods and have lost their homes and possessions.

The Spring Development Bank has collected over 45 million kyats in donations from its members by September 13th to assist flood victims. These funds will be distributed through the NUG’s Ministry of Humanitarian Affairs and Disaster Management to local organizations for relief efforts. The fundraising will continue until September 20th, with an appeal for more contributions.

Singer Lynn Lynn and his wife, actress Chit Thu Wai, have donated a motorboat to help reach flooded refugee camps. On September 14th, it was announced that the couple had taken responsibility for providing the boat, in addition to donating 1 million kyats for emergency aid. Several refugee camps near the Pon Chaung area are currently inaccessible due to flooding.

These updates were provided by Min Thihan and Ko Khant.

These updates were provided by Min Thihann and Ko Khant.

#Credit : Radio NUG


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