Spring Revolution Local News – Apr 03 (Evening)

Summary of News

1. Acting President emphasises importance of establishing a good system for public safety and peace of mind, free from military arms

Acting President Duwa Lashi La of the National Unity Government emphasised in a speech the significance of establishing an effective system to ensure public safety and peace of mind, devoid of military weaponry. He stated, “Establishing a good system is very important for safeguarding the lives and properties of the public and ensuring that they can lead lives free from the threat of military arms, with peace of mind guaranteed. It is essential for the public to have access to abundant food and livelihoods and to be able to move freely and safely without any disruptions. Moreover, fostering a conducive environment and a robust system to delve deeply into the meaning of our lives is a collective responsibility for all of us.” 

This statement was shared on the social media page of the Acting President on April 3, serving as a message to the public.

2. Human Rights Minister announces first open debate on Myanmar at UN Security Council

On April 3, U Aung Myo Min, the Union Minister for Human Rights in the National Unity Government, said that the first open debate on Myanmar’s affairs at the UN Security Council was scheduled for the following day at 9:00 a.m. (Myanmar time). This debate coincides with the week when the Human Rights Council will decide on a resolution concerning Myanmar. Minister Aung Myo Min emphasised the importance of not remaining inactive to ensure that the international community remains engaged with Myanmar’s affairs and takes swift action amid concerns over the slow pace of international action.

“We are actively advocating for effective measures from the international community, including addressing airstrikes, imposing bans on fuel exports to Myanmar, addressing the conscription law, addressing Rohingya affairs, and providing humanitarian aid and law enforcement,” he stated.

Furthermore, the Union Minister highlighted that while the international community plays a role in Myanmar’s affairs, the people of Myanmar themselves are the most crucial participants.

3. Deputy Minister for Electricity and Energy highlights People’s Defence Force’s resource and energy advantages over enemy

U Maw Htun Aung, Deputy Minister for Electricity and Energy of the National Unity Government, asserts that while the comrades of the People’s Defence Force (PDF) may not possess weaponry comparable to that of the enemy, they now possess the resources and energy capable of targeting the enemy’s vulnerable spots.

He emphasised, “We must double down on our effective efforts. Our current struggle is not a conventional war. We don’t have enough siege weapons, strategic, artillery, or armoured forces. However, our greatest advantage lies in our quick and resilient spirit. While we may lack conventional military hardware, we can effectively conduct offensives by leveraging modern technologies like drones and AI. While our weaponry may not match that of the enemy, we possess resources and energy capable of targeting their Achilles heel.”

Some drone teams from the revolutionary forces have drone technology capable of evading the anti-drone measures employed by the military junta.

The Deputy Minister further stated, “Engaging in warfare involves employing the right weapons and tactics to execute the strategy. Without a clear strategy, even possessing weapons will result in losses. Conversely, with a sound strategy, even a single Molotov [cocktail] can inflict heavy losses on the enemy.”

4. People’s administrative team in Pakokku Township issues warning against revolutionary forces collecting taxes outside designated areas

The People’s Administrative Team in Pakokku township, Magway Region, issued a warning on April 1, cautioning revolutionary forces against collecting taxes outside of designated areas specified by the administrative team. This warning came in response to reports that some revolutionary forces were conducting tax collection at security gates and checkpoints on roads within Pakokku township, where they have taken control.

The administrative team deemed it unacceptable for revolutionary forces to raise funds through excessive taxation, which would burden the public, or through acts of kidnapping or robbery during the revolutionary period. Instead, it advised revolutionary forces to leverage their unity and raise funds through collective farming, livestock rearing, or other productive means.

Furthermore, the administrative team warned that failure to adhere to designated tax collection areas would result in severe consequences, as determined by the township coordinating committee on defence, security, and law enforcement.

The collection of taxes within controlled territories in Pakokku township is set to start on May 1, 2024, at locations designated by the administrative team. Additionally, the administrative team emphasised that taxes should not impose undue hardship on the public and that only reasonable rates should be levied. The team reassured that tax revenue would not be utilised for personal gain by any individuals or organisations and affirmed their commitment to implementing the policies of the National Unity Government, which prioritise equitable distribution of resources for regional development and stability at the township, district, and union levels.

5. Political Prisoners Network released statement concerning extrajudicial torture conducted by military junta armed forces in Pyapon Prison, Ayeyarwaddy Region

The Political Prisoners Network-Myanmar (PPNM) issued a statement concerning the military junta’s soldiers and police forces’ extrajudicial torture of prisoners at Pyapon Prison in the Ayeyarwaddy Region.

According to the PPNM, on the afternoon of March 31, during lock-in time, a prison sergeant entered a cell and beat Nan Linn Aung, an inmate facing charges under Section 54 of the Counter-Terrorism Law but not yet sentenced to prison. Subsequently, upon unlocking, political prisoners confronted the prison sergeant and other staff involved in the assault, asserting that they lacked authority to carry out such unwarranted violence. In response, the prison staff adamantly rejected their claims, leading to a riot.

Rather than addressing the situation appropriately, the prison authorities falsely reported to military and police forces that political prisoners had colluded with other inmates and attempted to incite a prison break. The PPNM emphasised that they possessed concrete evidence proving that political prisoners had not attempted to instigate a prison break.

On the same day, junta soldiers and police forces arrived at Pyapon Prison around 5:00 p.m. and initiated a crackdown, using firearms. The PPNM reported that at least 10 shots were fired, resulting in numerous political prisoners being subjected to beatings. Subsequently, from March 31 to April 2, prisoners, including political detainees accused of harming prison staff, were singled out and subjected to beatings. As a result, 20 political prisoners sustained severe injuries requiring urgent medical attention, with some unable to stand or walk due to their injuries. The PPNM reported that torture continued until the night of April 2, with at least 80 prisoners, including political detainees, subjected to such treatment.

The PPNM urged the International Committee of the Red Cross (ICRC) to gain access to the prison and provide effective assistance. Additionally, they called on the international community, including UN member states and ASEAN member states, to exert pressure on the military junta and its prison department to halt the torture of political prisoners in various prisons across the country and secure their release.

6. Guerrilla protest takes place in Monywa

On April 3, a guerrilla protest was organised by the Monywa strike group “Anyar Pyitinehtaung Lay Myar” in Monywa town. The protest aimed to denounce the military’s forcibly abducting civilians in Monywa township, located in the Sagaing Region, for the purpose of using them as porters.

The military junta has been openly coercing civilians into portering activities in the area, following the activation of the 2010 compulsory conscription law.

The strike group cautioned civilians to be vigilant when moving outside, as the military junta has implemented stringent security measures within Monywa town.

7. Military junta launches airstrikes on villages following the KIA’s capture of Mai Sak Kawng military base in Momauk township

According to military sources, airstrikes have been launched by the military junta on villages surrounding Momauk town following the seizure of the Mai Sak Kawng military base in Momauk township, Kachin State, by the Kachin Independence Army (KIA) today, on April 3.

The KIA’s 3rd Brigade successfully captured the Mai Sak Kawng military base, located just above Dagaw village in Momauk township, at 7:30 a.m. As part of its ongoing offensive to capture military bases near its headquarters in Laiza, as well as bases in Momauk and Waingmaw townships, the KIA has now taken control of almost all military bases along the Myitkyina-Bhamo Road and Bhamo-Lwegel Road. Efforts are underway to seize the remaining bases in the area.

While the KIA and its allied forces have been successfully attacking and seizing military junta bases, the military junta has reportedly responded with airstrikes on Momauk town and its surroundings since the morning of April 3. This has led to the displacement of some residents to Bhamo, while others seek refuge in bomb shelters. Unprovoked airstrikes have targeted several villages near Momauk town, including Wawan, Wabaw, Kyayi, Tagaw, and Manhseng villages.

Since the launch of the operation on March 7, the KIA and allied forces have successfully captured over 60 military junta bases, including strategic outposts and battalion headquarters.

8. Military junta’s unprovoked airstrikes in Mabein, northern Shan State, result in seven deaths, including a monk and six civilians

Military news reports indicate that a monk and six civilians were killed by the military junta’s unprovoked airstrikes on Moe Lone village within Mabein township, northern Shan State, at 6:40 p.m. on April 2 by using a fighter jet. In addition, another five civilians sustained injuries, and ten houses were destroyed in the airstrike. The NAS, which monitors air reconnaissance nationwide for early warnings, also confirmed that it was the fighter jet that departed at 6:16 p.m. from Tada-U Air Force Base. Mabein township fell under the control of the Kachin Independence Army (KIA) and allied forces back in January this year.

Additionally, on April 1, the military junta conducted airstrikes on Jangmai village in Mansi township, located in Kachin State, resulting in the deaths of at least five civilians and injuries to several others who were travelling at the time, as reported by the KIA.

9. KNU report: Over 40 military junta troops, including three officers, killed in 99 clashes in Hpapun District during March 2024

The 5th Brigade of the Karen National Union, which holds control over Hpapun District in Karen State, issued a statement detailing the military situation in March 2024. According to the statement, there were 99 clashes with military junta forces within the district during this period, resulting in the deaths of 42 military junta troops, including three officers. This included two captains, a second lieutenant, as well as sergeants, corporals, and lance corporals. Additionally, 55 military junta troops were injured in these engagements, as reported by the KNU 5th Brigade.

Eight troops from the 5th Brigade of the Karen National Liberation Army (KNLA), the armed wing of the KNU, lost their lives, while 14 others sustained injuries. By the end of March, KNLA and allied forces had seized control of the 19th Infantry Battalion and the 642nd Military Uniform and Equipment Supply Station in Hpapun township following the desertion of military junta forces after being besieged by KNLA and allied forces since March 19. 

The statement also mentioned that KNLA forces continued their efforts to capture remaining military junta bases, including strategic outposts such as the 340th, 341st, and 343rd Light Infantry Battalions.

Furthermore, the statement reported civilian casualties and displacement due to military junta airstrikes in Hpapun District during March. Eight civilians, including a monk and a pregnant woman, were killed, while 30 others, including another monk, sustained injuries. Additionally, civilian properties were destroyed, and more than 1,600 residents were forced to flee to safety.

10. Drone attacks on a pro-junta militia camp in Monywa and junta checkpoint in Chaung-U leave seven deaths

On April 1, around 3:00 p.m., joint units of the People’s Defence Force (PDF) launched a drone strike using “Shar Htoo WAW” technology fixed-wing drones on a Pyu Saw Htee militia camp situated in Taw Pu village, Monywa township, Sagaing Region. Three air-bombs were deployed during the attack, resulting in the reported deaths of five military junta troops and Pyu Saw Htee militia members, with numerous others sustaining injuries. Following the assault, injured military junta troops and Pyu Saw Htee militia members were swiftly transported to Monywa General Hospital via express bus, as reported by the MSPDF, a participant force in the operation. Additionally, the MSPDF noted that three structures housing military junta troops and Pyu Saw Htee militia were demolished in the attack.

Subsequently, after targeting the Taw Pu militia camp, the joint PDF units proceeded to launch an attack on a military junta security checkpoint located in Chaung-U township, Sagaing Region, at approximately 5:00 p.m. During this operation, ten air-bombs were deployed, resulting in the reported deaths of two junta troops and injuries sustained by 10 others.

These operations were carried out by the MSPDF (4th Battalion of the People’s Defence Force (PDF) in Sagaing District), the Sagaing District Drone Unit, the NRDF (8th Battalion of PDF in Myingyan District), the 12th Battalion of PDF in Monywa District, the Urban Hunter Force (UHF), SHINING STARS, and Meikhtila Special Force.

#Credit : Radio NUG


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