Morning Fresh News for 2024 March 9

At a ceremony marking International Women’s Day on March 8, Acting President of the National Unity Government, Duwa Lashi La, emphasized the importance of permanently eradicating discrimination in a democratic society.

“Gender differences exist in all societies, countries, and nations. We need to be aware that there are variations in sexuality. These are the existences that exist freely in every society. The prejudiced views towards these differences stem from outdated conservative ideologies. In a democratic society that values freedom and human rights, it is important to abolish discrimination based on gender and sexuality,” said the Acting President.

Furthermore, the Acting President emphasized that the Spring Revolution represents a public uprising against antiquated beliefs, outdated principles, and undesired customs.

Union Prime Minister Mahn Winn Khaing Thann of the National Unity Government of the Republic of Myanmar sent a message to the International Women’s Day celebration on March 8.

March 8 is International Women’s Day, an annual event held around the world to raise awareness of women’s rights and gender equality. International Women’s Day emerged in the 1900s as a response to injustice and discrimination. It is a peculiar day to remark the event where women in a garment factory in New York, USA, marched to protest for political and economic equality, the right to vote, reduced working hours and higher wages in 1908, the message stated.

It is noted that it is a day of pride due to the active involvement and contributions of women in both global history and the political movements of Myanmar.

During the more than 3 years of the Spring Revolution, 1,134 adult women, 280 between the ages of 18 and 35, and 215 under the age of 18 were brutally tortured and killed by the terrorist military. Similarly, the number of women being arrested and imprisoned is 5,339 adult women, 1,118 between the ages of 18 and 35, and 114 under the age of 18, which clearly shows the sacrifices made by women during the Spring Revolution, according to the message sent by the Union Prime Minister.

This year’s International Women’s Day theme is Count Her In: Invest in Women: Accelerate Progress.

The message stresses the importance of women taking the initiative to stop the use of women as weapons of war. It urges women to lead the efforts to prevent violence, allocate the necessary financial, technical, and human resources, and work quickly to address this critical issue.

Union Prime Minister Mahn Winn Khaing Thann is calling on the global community to invest in and offer substantial assistance to women’s sectors in order to help establish the federal democratic state that the people of Myanmar aspire to, just as the National Unity Government is working on plans to meet the needs of women.

A meeting was held between the Ministry of Federal Union Affairs of the National Unity Government and the Mon State CDM Civil Servants Council (CCSC-MON) was held on March 8 via Zoom Meeting.

The Union Minister Dr. Lian Hmung Sakhong, presided over the meeting, which was attended by the associate-permanent secretary as well as the chairperson and council members of the Mon State CDM Civil Servants Council (CCSC-MON).

At the meeting, the establishment of the Mon State CDM Civil Servants Council (CCSC-MON) was introduced and explained. After that, the Union Minister welcomed the status of the council’s formation, and said that it is necessary to work together with the CDM Success Committee to establish similar CDM councils in other state/federal units such as Mon State, that the ministry will continue to cooperate in the training matters being managed by the council, and that he is very pleased to know that the council will take actions to strengthen the CDM state employees. After that, the participants also discussed back.

The Union Minister U Htin Lin Aung informed that they are trying hard to achieve communication in the revolutionary areas

On March 8, the Union Minister of the Ministry of Communication, Information and Technology U Hin Lin Aung said on social media.

“’You are so pragmatic,’ a female American officer once remarked to me in 2006. Up until now, the work proves that she is still right. I am trying hard without making any sound to achieve communication, which is one of the sectors that I am responsible for,” said the Union Minister.

Through the efforts of the Ministry of Communication, Information and Technology and the Federal Net Campaign, the Internet is already being used in the revolutionary areas.

Justice For Myanmar requests the Italian government to take immediate action against the director and shareholder of Htoo Company Group, which has been sanctioned by the EU.

“On March 4, 2024, the French lawyers William Bourdon and Lily Ravon reported Htoo Htwe Tay Za, also known as Rachel Tayza, to Italian authorities on behalf of Justice For Myanmar, requesting that they investigate her involvement as a shareholder and director of companies that are part of the EU-sanctioned Htoo Group of Companies, and where appropriate, to freeze her assets and to remove her from Italy.

Rachel Tayza has continued to reside in Italy and conduct business for the EU-sanctioned Htoo Group of Companies, a crony conglomerate that is owned by her family.

Htoo Group is a key node in the Myanmar military’s international network of businesses that provides it with funds, arms and equipment, which aids and abets genocide, war crimes and crimes against humanity,” JFM stated.

William Bourdon and Lily Ravon also submitted a dossier to Rachel Tayza’s bank, Banca Nazionale del Lavoro, which is owned by BNP Paribas, urging that they take action under EU sanctions.

It is reported that Prime Minister Xanana Gusmão said that he hopes to meet Daw Aung San Suu Kyi again and that Timor will be a voice for Burmese people at the Myanmar People’s Summit Conference held in Melbourne, Australia on March 5, 2024.

An excerpt from Prime Minister Xanana’s speech to the people of Myanmar: “In 2021, they turned everything upside down with a military coup. They are attacking the people. They are destroying public property. They are violating human rights. There are many political prisoners, including Myanmar’s democratic leader Aung San Suu Kyi. On the last day of the ASEAN meeting in Jakarta last year, I made a plea to the military dictator to allow Aung San Suu Kyi to receive medical treatment because of her poor health.

Timor also supports UN Security Council Resolution 2669, which calls for the release of political prisoners, including Daw Aung San Suu Kyi. I would like to ask the military council to respect the democratic rights of the people.

All ethnicities in Myanmar are working together to strengthen themselves. We need to support them. Peace must be restored. Democracy must be restored. President Jose Ramos Horta, the founder of Timor, has consistently stood up to support the people of Burma.

Based on our own experiences, we understands the value of democracy and dialogue and the importance of international support. Myanmar people are not alone. We stand with them. We are supporting the people of Myanmar until their dreams come true.

Listen to the voice of the Burmese people. We can say from experience that resistance is victory. The people of Burma must continue to fight for democracy, and must take the lead in the affairs of Myanmar. This is really the right way.”

“According to the data collected by the Assistance Association for Political Prisoners –  AAPP, from January 1 to March 8, 2024, (13) women and (20) men; (33) people in total, were killed by the junta in Bago Region.

Among (33) deceased, there are (6) children who were under the age of 18 and (7) elders who were over 60. 

On March 1, junta forces raided Taung Su (West) Village in Kyaukkyi Township, Bago Region. Following their departure on March 2, the body of Saw Kaw Lar Wah, who was from Ta Mar Khaw Village in Kyaukkyi Township, was discovered. He had been shot dead by junta forces,” AAPP stated.

Led by the Rosy Women’s Union (RWU), a force of the Democratic Movement Strike Committee (DDMSC), a public strike was held against the military dictatorship on March 8, International Women’s Day.

In order to eradicate all forms of tyranny, eliminate violence against women, and uproot the chauvinism still present in society, they united under the rallying cry “Women and men stand together in this fight.”

In this campaign, the Rosy Women’s Movement was carried out in Launglon Township, Dawei District, and many local women and young people participated.

The Military Administration Committee of Shan State Special Region – 1 has announced that the cars confiscated during Operation 1027 implemented in northern Shan State could be retrieved.

The Shan State Special Region 1 Military Administration Committee announced on March 6 that the cars of civilians confiscated during Operation 1027 can be retrieved before April 1 after showing proof of identity. It was also announced that cars belonging to civilians can be retrieved, but cars belonging to cybercriminals, people with arrest warrants, and enemy military council members will not be returned.

Civilians are also warned that when they come to retrieve their cars, the owners of the cars must come with the relevant certificates, and if they are found pretending to be the owners, they will be charged with fraud.

Therefore, the Special Region 1 Military Administration Committee has announced that car owners can come and apply for the relevant certificates required to retrieve their cars until the due date of April 1.

During the 1027 Operation, the cars that were confiscated by the Military Administration Committee’s without driver’s licenses and car licenses will now be reissued to the people.

According to local news sources, 2 innocent civilians were killed when the terrorist military bombarded the Circuit 1 area of Mindat Township, Chin State, with a jet fighter.

On March 8, at around 10:20 a.m., the terrorist military launched an airstrike with a jet fighter towards Mindat Township Circuit No. 1. Zalen news media, which reports on local news, informed that the airstrike site was a little far from the villages, but it hit the Maw Creek, which is usually crowded with people.

The bombing site is between Sun Taung Village and Palon Twi Village, and the terrorist military bombarded twice with 4 bombs with a jet fighter and fired with small arms. On December 17, the terrorist military carried out an airstrike once on Sun Taung Village in the Circuit No. 1 circuit in Mindat, and once in 2022, so this time makes up the 3rd time.

Similarly, on March 8, a civilian was killed and another was injured due to being stepped on by a landmine planted by the military in Loilem P Town of Chin State, according to local news sources.

The Pa’O National Liberation Army – PNLA stated that a local resident was killed and 6 houses were destroyed due to the aerial bombardment of the terrorist military Kyauk Ka Char Village in Hopong Township in southern Shan State.

On March 8, at around 11:00 a.m., the military council bombarded Kyauk Ka Char Village in Hopong Township twice with jet fighters. As a result of the bombardment, at least 6 houses were damaged and a 50-year-old local man was killed.

The PNLA stated that Kyauk Ka Char Village is not the place where the fighting took place, nor is it where the Pa’O National Liberation Army (PNLA) is stationed.

On March 6, the military council used drones to attack Hsihseng Town in Pa’O area and dropped chemical bombs, causing PNLA troops and local civilians to receive medical treatment.

It is reported that the junta troops burned down Kanlegyi and Hnawkhon villages in Kawlin. On March 8, the Kawlin Revolution – KR Team confirmed the terrorist acts of the junta troops.

“At 8:30 a.m. on March 8, the junta troops set fire to the villages of Kanlegyi and Hnawkhon in Kawlin and returned to Kawlin at 9 a.m.,” it stated.

On March 2, the junta troops stationed in Kawlin Town burned down many villages even though there was no fight. On March 1, it was reported that the junta troops from Thitfuhla Village set fire on Kyauktan Village by dividing into three columns.

On February 29, at 12:00 noon, about 200 strong of junta troops from Thitfuhla Pagoda Hill in Kyauktan Village set fire on Ngagyiai Village. It was initially reported that almost the entire village had burned down, and according to ground information, the arson was committed by Division 11st and 77nd.

  1. The Acting President said that it is necessary to permanently end discrimination in a democratic society
  2. Union Prime Minister Mahn Winn Khaing Thann of the National Unity Government delivered a message to the International Women’s Day celebration
  3. A meeting was held between the Ministry of Federal Union Affairs of the National Unity Government and the Mon State CDM Civil Servants Council (CCSC-MON)
  4. Union Minister U Htin Lin Aung informed that they are trying hard to achieve communication in the revolutionary areas
  5. Justice For Myanmar requests the Italian government to take immediate action against the director and shareholder of the EU-sanctioned Htoo Company Group
  6. Prime Minister Xanana Gusmão said that he hopes to meet Daw Aung San Suu Kyi again, and that Timor will be a voice for the people of Myanmar
  7. 13 women and 20 men; 33 people in total, were killed by the junta in Bago Region
  8. On International Women’s Day, a public strike was held against the military dictatorship
  9. The Shan State Special Region – 1 announced that cars confiscated during the 1027 Operation could be retrieved
  10. 2 civilians were killed by the military’s airstrike in Mindat
  11. A local resident was killed when the military council bombed Hopong Township with an aircraft
  12. The junta troops burned down Kanlegyi and Hnawkhon villages in Kawlin

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