Spring Revolution Local News – Mar 08 (Evening)

Summary of News

1. Acting President says Spring Revolution targets more than overthrowing dictatorship, aims to eliminate oppressions, abuses, and gender discrimination

In his address at the International Women’s Day 2024 ceremony hosted by the Ministry of Women, Youths, and Children’s Affairs today, March 8, Acting President Duwa Lashi La emphasised, “The Spring Revolution that the National Unity Government is leading now is not just a revolution to fight against the military dictatorship and dictatorship mechanism; it is also a public movement to eliminate various oppressions, abuses, and discriminations that emerged based on dictatorship.  Recognising that the military dictatorship constitutes the primary underlying issue facing our nation and its people, it can also be seen that male chauvinism and the suppression of women’s existence are also offshoots of this overarching problem.”

Acting President Duwa Lashi La asserted that these oppressions and discriminations against women’s existence would be dismantled alongside the military dictatorship.

2. Union Minister Naw Susanna Hla Hla Soe highlights women’s contributions and sacrifices in Spring Revolution

In his address at the International Women’s Day 2024 ceremony hosted by the Ministry of Women, Youths, and Children’s Affairs today, March 8, Union Minister Naw Susanna Hla Hla Soe highlighted, “The number of women brutally killed by the terrorist military after being arrested during the Spring Revolution is 1,629, while 6,576 women were unjustly arrested and detained. According to this figure, the sacrifices of women during the Spring Revolution can be seen clearly.”

The Ministry of Women, Youths and Children’s Affairs within the NUG has been actively engaged in projects aimed at the development and empowerment of women.

3. Human Rights Minister participates in Panel Discussion on “Women’s Empowerment and Human Rights in Post-Coup Myanmar” at International Women’s Day event in France

U Aung Myo Min, Union Minister for Human Rights of the National Unity Government (NUG), will participate as a speaker in a panel discussion on “Women’s Empowerment and Human Rights in Post-Coup Myanmar” scheduled for International Women’s Day in France. The panel discussion, along with a film screening featuring three short documentaries by the Democratic Voice of Burma depicting Myanmar’s women’s fight for democracy, is scheduled to take place on the evening of March 8, French local time.

Regarding the event, Union Minister U Aung Myo Min remarked, “This is a plan for International Women’s Day. One part will shed light on the challenges facing women in Myanmar, while the other will highlight the resilience of women, including transgender women, who persist amidst these difficulties and actively resist violence in all its forms.”

Alongside Union Minister U Aung Myo Min, Daw Nan Hsu Mon Aung, the Representative of NUG to France, will also participate in the discussion.

4. NUG Human Rights Minister talks with U.S. Permanent Representative to the UN Human Rights Council on actions needed for Myanmar people

On March 8, U Aung Myo Min, Union Minister for Human Rights of the National Unity Government (NUG), shared on social media about his meeting with Ms. Michele Taylor, the U.S. Permanent Representative to the UN Human Rights Council, stating, “I had a discussion with American Human Rights Ambassador Ms. Michele Taylor concerning the ongoing human rights situation in Myanmar and the necessary actions the U.S. government should take to support the people of Myanmar.”

Additionally, Union Minister U Aung Myo Min conveyed his request to the U.S. government to safeguard the women of Myanmar and provide support to those who are bravely resisting dictatorship amidst challenging circumstances. Furthermore, he highlighted the military’s tactic of deploying women during religious conflicts to fuel propaganda and sow division.

5. Prof. Sean Turnell is optimistic about Myanmar’s economic recovery through diverse economic models in post-revolution

During a conversation with the UK Myanmar community at SOAS University of London on March 3, 2024, Prof. Sean Turnell, an Australian economist and former advisor to State Counsellor Daw Aung San Suu Kyi, expressed that Myanmar’s economy could undergo a recovery post-revolution by embracing various economic models. He suggested that while the economy might suffer extensive damage, the process of recovery would not be overly challenging, and it would undoubtedly rebound with the implementation of different economic approaches.

Additionally, Prof. Sean Turnell expressed disappointment with India’s stance and highlighted China’s aversion to Myanmar’s pursuit of significant freedom. He stressed the urgency for the international community to intensify efforts towards imposing sanctions aimed at reducing the regime’s capacity and capability to support itself. Prof. Turnell remarked that unlike other regimes, the current one cannot be shamed by sanctions and is unlikely to alter its behaviour, displaying a complete lack of shame. Additionally, he urged the international community, stating, “We are on the right track in focusing on foreign exchange, that is the thing they need to buy the military equipment, and it’s the only resource that they can’t create themselves.”

6. AA discloses joint participation with KIA in offensives in Kachin State

The Arakan Army (AA) has disclosed its collaboration with the Kachin Independence Army (KIA) in synchronised attacks on junta bases in the area of the KIO/KIA headquarters in Laiza and along the Myitkyina-Bhamo Road, starting around 6:00 a.m. on March 7. The AA stated that it has joined forces with the KIA in some operations and conducted independent actions in others. Trying hard to retain its bases, the military has defended them with airstrikes and ground artillery barrages. Consequently, some artillery shells have struck the General Hospital near the KIO/KIA headquarters in Laiza, with some exploding on the neighbouring Chinese side, according to the AA.

Reports from the ground indicate that KIA and allied forces have seized 10 military installations thus far since the operation began on March 7, and they continue their offensive to capture additional bases.

7. Military occupies Bhamo University, forcing faculty and students out overnight

According to military sources, the military junta expelled all faculty, staff, and students from Bhamo University, located in the Nant Hpar area of Tar Mong Long village north of Bhamo town in Kachin State, overnight on March 7. This action followed synchronised wide-ranging offensives by the Kachin Independence Army (KIA) and People’s Defense Force (PDF) allied forces against military bases in the vicinity of Laiza, where the KIA headquarters is situated, and along the Myitkyina-Bhamo Road, starting at 6:00 a.m. on the same day. 

The majority of faculty members, staff, and students from Bhamo University were compelled to relocate to Bhamo Technological University, while some were forced to return home. A video clip showing their overnight relocation surfaced on social media. Bhamo University, now occupied by military forces, reportedly accommodates over 600 faculty members, staff, and students.

Currently, the military is reinforcing its presence in Bhamo town, deploying forces both inside and outside the town, and forces within the town have reportedly launched artillery shell attacks.

On the morning of March 7, Bhamo airport was targeted by a missile attack, subsequently, the military junta forces blocked all routes within the town and to the airport. Military junta forces reportedly made preparations for battle, occupying various locations inside Bhamo town and constructing trenches and sandbags.

8. KNLA and PDF coalition launches attack on military junta outpost in Thayetchaung township, Tanintharyi Region; four junta troops reportedly killed

According to the Dawei District Battalion 2 of the People’s Defence Force (PDF), a coalition of revolutionary forces launched an attack on a military junta hilltop outpost near Winwa village in Thayetchaung township, Tanintharyi Region, on March 2 at 12:00 p.m. The operation involved coordinated attacks using artillery, drones, and firearms, resulting in the deaths of four junta troops and injuries to others, while members of the revolutionary coalition sustained no casualties.

The collaborative effort included the Karen National Liberation Army (KNLA) of the Karen National Unity (KNU), the People’s Defence Force (PDF) of the National Unity Government (NUG), including the T5 Wings of the Dawei District Battalion 2, and Peacock Brothers Column, as well as other local people’s defence forces, including the Tavoy People Liberation Force (TPLF).

Following the engagement, reports indicated that the military junta deployed a Mi-2 helicopter to conduct aerial bombardment in the vicinity of the Winwa outpost and nearby villages around 4:00 p.m. Consequently, a passenger bus on the road was struck, resulting in the death of a woman and injuries to five others.

The T5 Wings condemned the military junta’s targeting of civilian areas and vehicles as war crimes and vowed to retaliate. Additionally, they announced that junta troops stationed at the Winwa outpost, which was besieged by the revolutionary coalition, would be welcomed if they chose to surrender.

9. Military deploys chemical gas bombs in attack on Hsihseng town, southern Shan State

The Pa-O National Liberation Army (PNLA) reported on March 8 that the military deployed chemical gas bombs using drones in an assault on Hsihseng town, located in southern Shan State, on March 6. Civilians and PNLA troops allegedly experienced symptoms such as skin itching, dizziness, rapid breathing, nausea, heightened excitability, and oxygen depletion.

Furthermore, on March 7, the military launched artillery and drone attacks in Hsihseng township, resulting in the destruction of at least six houses, as reported by the PNLA.

The PNLA condemned the military’s practice of wearing Pa-O ethnic costume during military operations targeting Pa-O ethnic communities, stating that it undermined Pa-O national identity and constituted a war crime.

10. Arakan Army continues offensives against junta bases in Rathedaung, Buthidaung, and Maungdaw; Pursues fleeing junta forces in Ramree

In a statement released on March 8, the Arakan Army (AA) declared its ongoing efforts in Rakhine State, where it continues to seize remaining junta bases in Rathedaung, Buthidaung, and Maungdaw townships, while pursuing fleeing junta forces in Ramree (Yanbye) township. The AA reports ongoing intense fighting to secure control over the 536th Light Infantry Battalion (LIB-536), LIB-537, and LIB-538 in Rathedaung.

According to the AA, over the course of 116 days of operations in Rakhine State, it has successfully seized the majority of its intended military targets and remains focused on capturing the remaining ones.

11. CDF-Hakha apprehends junta police officer and troops guarding department office in Hakha Town, Chin State

On March 8, the Chinland Defence Force-Hakha (CDF-Hakha) announced that they had apprehended five individuals from the junta’s armed forces, including a sub-inspector and four soldiers, who were providing security at the Ministry of Border Affairs office in Hakha, Chin State, controlled by the military junta on March 6, along with weapons.

Earlier, on March 2, a policeman from Hakha under the junta’s command surrendered and sought refuge with the CDF-Hakha, bringing along weapons.

12. Revolutionary forces prepare for urban operations in Mandalay, Naypyidaw, and Yangon

In an interview with The Call media, Commander Aung San Shar of the Special Operations Force (S.O.F) revealed that the revolutionary forces have been gearing up for urban operations. He outlined, “Our forthcoming strategy primarily involves launching operations to seize cities and towns. Our focus will shift to urban operations in Mandalay, Naypyidaw, and Yangon, which are anticipated to be the most challenging endeavours, once we have secured full territorial sovereignty for the ethnic groups.”

Commander Aung San Shar stated that operations will mainly target Yangon. Additionally, he mentioned that operations will also extend to the Bago and Ayeyarwady Regions.

He also said, “What we used to speak of as ‘All Routes Lead to Naypyidaw’ and ‘Let’s Reunite in Yangon’ are not building houses in the air; they are becoming a reality in practice as everyone witnesses.”

#Credit : Radio NUG


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