Spring Revolution Local News – Mar 05 (Evening)

Summary of News

1. Acting President stresses alignment of ethnic liberation struggles and the spring revolution

During the 9th Cabinet Meeting of the National Unity Government on March 5, Acting President Duwa Lashi La emphasised the importance of collective collaboration between diverse ethnic groups in the ongoing Spring Revolution. He highlighted the significance of leveraging the military achievements of ethnic liberation battles to realise genuine self-determination. The Acting President said that merely expressing national and ethnic unity through words is insufficient; it must be actively demonstrated in practice. He stressed the alignment between various ethnic liberation battles and the goals of the Spring Revolution, emphasising the need to overthrow military dictatorship to establish a unified union characterised by freedom, self-determination, and human rights.

Additionally, the Acting President expressed the National Unity Government’s warm welcome and support for the victories achieved in ethnic liberation battles during the Spring Revolution.

2. NUG ministries engage with Interim Federal Nursing and Midwifery Council to offer guidance and recommendations

A virtual meeting took place on March 3, 2024, between the Ministries of Education and Health of the National Unity Government (NUG) and the Interim Federal Nursing and Midwifery Council (IFNMC). Union Minister Dr. Zaw Wai Soe, responsible for the Ministries of Education and Health, along with deputy ministers from both ministries and relevant officials, attended the session. During the meeting, Union Minister Dr. Zaw Wai Soe, Deputy Minister Dr. Sai Khaing Myo Tun, IFNMC Chairman Dr. Khin Maung Lwin, and Prof. Alice, Principal of the School Nursing at Kachin State Comprehensive University (KSCU), delivered remarks.

The Vice-Chairman of IFNMC then provided a briefing of the council’s structure, aims, objectives, ongoing initiatives, and the drafted Professional Code of Conduct for Nurses and Midwives, as well as Standards for Program Accreditation (undergraduate program). Subsequently, participants from the ministries and IFNMC representatives engaged in discussions concerning collaboration in nursing and midwifery. Additionally, they suggested arranging meetings with Ethnic Resistance Organisations (EROs) to further enhance cooperation in these fields.

3. NUG ministers encourage public participation in the profile change campaign to observe International Women Day 2024

On March 4, the Ministry of Women, Youths, and Children Affairs of the National Unity Government extended an invitation to the public to join the profile change campaign to observe International Women’s Day (IWD) 2024. This initiative aims to recognise and celebrate the sacrifices, resilience, and bravery of Myanmar women who are actively involved in the Spring Revolution, advocating for the end of military dictatorship and the establishment of a federal democratic union, from various sectors—front lines, rear lines, and various other roles.

The theme for IWD 2024, taking place on March 8, 2024, is ‘Invest in women: Accelerate progress.’ NUG Ministers, such as Union Minister Dr. Zaw Wai Soe and Deputy Minister Ja Htoi Pan, are actively participating in the campaign and encouraging public engagement.

4. Timor-Leste Prime Minister Engages in discussions at Myanmar People’s Summit during ASEAN-Australia Summit in Melbourne

The Myanmar People’s Summit, organised by Myanmar and Australian civil society organisations and the NUG representative office in Australia, was held in Melbourne on March 4, 2024, at the United Workers Union offices. This summit aimed to demonstrate unified support for a civilian and democratic government in Myanmar, coinciding with the ASEAN Special Summit in Melbourne, hosted by the Australian Prime Minister from March 4 to 6.

A delegation led by Prime Minister of Timor-Leste H.E. Xanana Gusmão, accompanied by Francisco Kalbuadi Lay, Deputy Prime Minister and Coordinating Minister for Economic Affairs and Minister of Tourism and Environment; Bendito dos Santos Freitas, Minister of Foreign Affairs and Cooperation; Milena Rangel, Vice-Minister for ASEAN Affairs at the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Cooperation; and others, participated in the event. Prime Minister H.E. Xanana Gusmão delivered the opening remarks.

Dr. Tun Aung Shwe, the NUG Representative to Australia, also spoke during a panel session, alongside other speakers such as Mr. Joseph Mitchell, Assistant Secretary of the Australian Council of Trade Unions (ACTU), and Ms. Alison Tate, Director of Economic & Social Policy at the International Trade Union Confederation (ITUC).

During the discourse, the NUG Representative to Australia presented that rather than adhering rigidly to the 5-point agreement, which ASEAN has encountered challenges in implementing effectively, it is proposed that ASEAN leaders adopt a more comprehensive approach to addressing the Myanmar issue. Emphasising the importance of sustainable peace-building processes, the NUG Representative outlined the current status of such endeavours and underscored the leadership role of the National Unity Government of Myanmar and allied organisations. The Representative advocated for the naming of this process as the “Myanmar-led Process,” excluding the Myanmar terrorist military due to its lack of future prospects. The outdated military-centric approach is no longer viable in Myanmar.

5. NUG provides financial aid to families of fallen Chin comrades from the Taingen Battle, assists in procuring artificial legs for two wounded comrades

The National Unity Government (NUG) extended financial aid amounting to 1,300,000 kyats to support the families of 12 fallen Chin comrades from the Taingen battle, as well as to facilitate the procurement of artificial legs for two injured comrades. The assistance was channelled through the CDF Civic Defence Militia (Siyin).

Led by the Chin National Front/Chin National Army (CNF/CNA), the Chin revolutionary coalition launched an offensive to seize a military junta base near Taingen village on January 12, 2024. The base was successfully captured on January 16. Despite the coalition’s efforts to persuade the junta forces to surrender peacefully, they chose to resist, resulting in casualties on both sides. From the junta side, 12 junta troops, including a captain, and 18 junta policemen, including a police captain, lost their lives during the battle.

6. Fierce fighting erupts in Hsihseng, southern Shan State; Civilian houses destroyed by military artillery shelling

Fierce clashes erupted between the military junta and the Pa-O National Liberation Army (PNLA) near Hsihseng town in southern Shan State. The PNLA confirmed that the skirmishes lasted throughout March 4, as junta forces advanced with massive strength towards Hsihseng. The PNLA asserted that the junta forces suffered significant losses due to their determined defense. Additionally, the retreating junta troops indiscriminately fired over 40 artillery shells at Hsihseng town, resulting in the destruction of several civilian homes.

Furthermore, the PNLA reported that the military junta conducted indiscriminate artillery shelling of more than 20 rounds in the Me Nei Mountain (also known as Mt. Lwe Mai) in Hopong township of Pa-O region on the same day.

7. Junta’s infamous Ogre Column continues to carry out arson attacks in Taze township

On March 5, the Taze Local PDF reported that the notorious Ogre Column of the military junta, known for its brutal attacks on civilians, continued its rampage in Taze township. According to the report, the column arrived in the southern part of Taze township and set fire to Kone Yoe village the previous night. Subsequently, they moved on to target Hpalan Khon village and Myin Pauk village in Ye-U township. Additionally, members of the Pyu Saw Htee militia from Kanbalu township who had remained in Taze township were observed heading towards the northern villages of Taze township this morning and are expected to return to Kanbalu township, as informed by the Taze Local PDF to the public.

According to local reports, residents from approximately 30 villages, including Kan Htoo Ma village, in Taze township have been forced to flee due to the advancement of the Ogre Column, and Pyu Saw Htee militia columns following a clash at the police station in Kan Htoo Ma village on the morning of February 21.

8. Military junta extends martial law to 61 townships in Myanmar

The military junta has now imposed martial law in a total of 61 townships. The recent addition includes three townships—Mantong, Namhsan, and Namtu—in Shan State, which came under martial law on March 4, according to the Data of Myanmar, an independent research group. These three townships are currently under the control of the Ta’ang National Liberation Army (TNLA).

Additionally, prior to this, Mongmit and Mabein townships were placed under martial law on February 28. Among these, Mabein was successfully captured by the Kachin Independence Army (KIA) and allied forces on January 21, as confirmed by KIA spokesperson Col. Norbu. Similarly, in Mongmit, intense fighting has persisted since early January after the KIA, All Burma Students’ Democratic Front (ABSDF), and People’s Defence Force (PDF) allied forces launched an offensive against junta bases in the township.

Since the military coup on February 1, 2021, the junta has incrementally imposed martial law across various townships. In 2021, martial law was declared in 8 townships, followed by an additional 48 townships in 2023. The recent expansion covers 5 more townships in 2024, bringing the total to 61 townships under martial law as of March 4. This affects a population of over 8.2 million people across Myanmar.

#Credit : Radio NUG


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