Summary of News

1. Excerpts from Acting President’s Speech at 8th Cabinet Meeting in 2024

The Acting President of the National Unity Government delivered key points during the eighth Cabinet meeting held on February 27, 2024, via Zoom. Here are the summarised excerpts:

– The National Unity Government’s objective extends beyond merely ousting the military regime; it aims to establish a new federal democratic union, necessitating a cohesive national unity.

– With representation from diverse ethnic groups within the NUG, including Shan, Kachin, Karen, Karenni, Mon, Bamar, Ta’ang, Chin, etc., it’s crucial for all members to prioritise the nation’s interests over individual ethnicities to facilitate the formation of the federal union.

– Closer political alignment with revolutionary forces on the ground is vital, especially during emergencies and in humanitarian efforts, to build strong political capital to effectively and comprehensively manage public affairs.

– Swift and concrete results in the resistance effort are imperative to swiftly eradicate the military junta’s oppression and promptly alleviate public suffering. Delays in resistance efforts contribute to prolonged public hardship.

– All NUG members are encouraged to work diligently to replicate the successes of previous revolutionary victories like Operation 2017 across various regions, emphasising the significance of acting swiftly and effectively in managing national affairs.

– Recognising the rapidly changing dynamics of the 21st century, particularly the fast-paced nature of Generation Z’s abilities and characteristics, the NUG must keep pace as a government leading the Spring Revolution.

2. Union Prime Minister calls for collective effort to combat junta’s oppression

During the eighth cabinet meeting of the National Unity Government on February 27, 2024, Union Prime Minister Mahn Winn Khaing Thann addressed the ongoing challenges posed by the terrorist military group. He highlighted their illicit recruitment practices under the guise of the military service law, which includes coercing civilians into serving as porters, making arbitrary arrests during guest registrations or travel, targeting financially vulnerable university students, and threatening them with heavy fines if they refuse military service. The Prime Minister emphasised the importance of informing the public that collective and united efforts are the best way, instead of straggling individually, to eradicate this military group that continually violates human rights and oppresses the general public through various orders.

Additionally, the Union Prime Minister reiterated that, as a federal-level government, the National Unity Government is responsible for addressing issues across the entire country.

3. NUG Foreign Affairs Minister holds talks with French Parliamentary Friendship Group President

In the final week of February 2024, Foreign Affairs Minister Daw Zin Mar Aung of the National Unity Government (NUG) engaged in discussions with MP Mr. Alain David, President of the France Parliamentary Friendship Group with Myanmar. The meeting, held at the National Assembly, was also attended by Daw Nan Hsu Mon Aung, NUG Representative in France, and Vice-President MP Mrs. Anne Genetet.

Discussions centred on the latest developments in Myanmar’s revolution and the crucial need for international support. The role that France could play in supporting Myanmar’s revolution was also explored.

This meeting follows a similar engagement last year on February 1, where a delegation from the NUG, led by Union Ministers Dr. Win Myat Aye and U Aung Myo Min, met with a team from the French lower house led by MP Mr. Alain David to discuss Myanmar’s affairs and seek France’s support for the revolution.

4. Paris Town Hall Meeting: NUG Ministers brief Myanmar community on current situation and revolutionary progress

On February 25, 2024, NUG’s Union Ministers, including Foreign Affairs Minister Daw Zin Mar Aung and Humanitarian Affairs Minister Dr. Win Myat Aye, engaged in a town hall meeting with the Myanmar revolutionary community residing in France. This meeting, coordinated by the National Unity Government’s office in France and the Burmese Community of France, was held in Paris.

During the meeting, the ministers provided updates on the current situation in Myanmar and the ongoing developments in the Spring Revolution, shedding light on the hardships endured by the populace within Myanmar. Additionally, the ministers fielded inquiries from the attendees regarding the ongoing revolution and conveyed gratitude to Myanmar citizens abroad who are actively supporting the Spring Revolution. The event concluded with warm greetings extended to the attendees, marking its successful conclusion.

5. Public mobilisation campaign against military dictatorship conducted in four villages in Launglon Township, Tanintharyi Region

This morning, on February 27, the Public Mobilisation Sub-Committee of the Dawei District Democracy Movement Strike Committee (DDMSC) organised an anti-military dictatorship public mobilisation campaign at village markets in four villages within Launglon Township.

The campaign aimed to encourage residents to participate collectively in a remembrance event scheduled for tomorrow, marking the third anniversary of the violent crackdown on the Dawei public demonstration. 

The DDMSC is a strike group actively leading mass strike movements in Dawei District.

6. Junta forces carry out arson attacks and drone-deployed bombings on civilian homes in Kawkareik town, Karen State

The Karen National Union (KNU) released a statement on February 27 detailing attacks by military junta forces on civilian properties in Kawkareik town, located in the KNU’s Dooplaya District in Karen State.

Presently, Kawkareik town residents are displaced due to ongoing conflict. Exploiting this situation, units of the oppressive military junta, including the 97th Infantry Battalion, 343rd Infantry Battalion, 548th Infantry Battalion, 207th Light Infantry Battalion, 201st Light Infantry Battalion, and 203rd Light Infantry Battalion, engaged in looting civilian belongings, arson attacks on civilian properties, indiscriminate artillery shelling within the town, and daily drone bombings, as outlined in the KNU statement.

Similarly, on January 21, military junta forces set fire to civilian homes and shops, along with conducting daily indiscriminate artillery shelling and random drone attacks aimed at areas possibly occupied by the Karen National Liberation Army (KNLA) and allied revolutionary forces, as stated by the KNU.

7. Arakan Army seizes control of majority of No. 9 Military Advanced Training Depot in Minbya, Rakhine State

On February 26, the Arakan Army (AA) declared that it had gained control of the majority of the military junta’s No. 9 Military Advanced Training Depot, also known as the No. 9 Central Military Training School. Situated near Kanni village, this depot serves as a crucial base and is the sole remaining stronghold of the junta in Minbya township. This development occurred on the ninth day of the AA’s offensive aimed at capturing the base. In response, the military junta forces are defending the base through coordinated airstrikes and ground artillery shelling to prevent it from falling into AA’s hands. The AA highlighted the exceptional efforts of its troops in capturing the base.

Simultaneously, the AA has been launching offensives to seize control of military junta bases across various townships in Rakhine State, striving to liberate the region from the military junta’s grip. To date, the AA has seized control over Kyauktaw, Mrauk-U, Minbya, Pauktaw, Myebon, and Taung Pyo in Rakhine State, along with Paletwa in Chin State, as part of Operation 1027. The AA is persisting with its offensive operations to take control of additional townships within Rakhine State.

Furthermore, on February 24, the AA intercepted a reinforced military junta column comprising around 120 troops from two battalions: the 36th Infantry Battalion based in Kyonpyaw, Ayeyawady Region, under the Southwestern Regional Military Operation Command, and the 373rd Light Infantry Battalion based in Ann, Rakhine State, under the West Regional Military Operation Command. These troops were airlifted to the Ramree battlefield in seven instances using four helicopters. The AA eliminated over 60 troops on February 24 and 25, followed by an additional 20 troops on February 26.

8. Offensive launched to seize military junta’s long-standing hill-based outpost on Shwebo-Myitkyina Road

The Kawlin People’s Defence Force (KLPDF), representing the 1st Battalion of the People’s Defence Force (PDF) in Kawlin District, disclosed the initiation of an offensive aimed at seizing control of a military junta outpost situated for two years atop Thit Fu La church hill along the Shwebo-Myitkyina Road.

Launched on February 24, the offensive is aimed at capturing the base despite the defensive measures employed by the military junta forces, which include coordinated aerial bombings, machine gun fire from fighter jets, and ground artillery fire from Howitzers.

During one instance of military junta artillery shelling, as reported by the KLPDF, four civilian houses in Kyauk Tan village near the Thit Fu La hill were destroyed.

#Credit : Radio NUG


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