Summary of News

1. NUG Union Ministers Daw Zin Mar Aung and Dr. Win Myat Aye engage in meeting with Burmese revolutionary community in France

Foreign Minister Daw Zin Mar Aung and Humanitarian Affairs Minister Dr. Win Myat Aye engaged in a town hall meeting with the Burmese revolutionary community residing in France. The event, organised by the National Unity Government’s office in France in collaboration with the Burmese Community of France, took place in Paris on February 25.

During the meeting, the ministers addressed questions from attendees related the ongoing revolution.

2. AA Maj. Gen. Twan Mrat Naing suggests junta chief and generals should consider “trying to be good losers” as their best option

On February 26, the Commander in Chief of the Arakan Army (AA), Major General Twan Mrat Naing, took to X (formerly Twitter) to address a letter to military junta leader Min Aung Hlaing and his generals.

“I respect your military skills and efforts. But trying to be good losers would be the best option for you, considering that your defeat is inevitable,” wrote Major General Twan Mrat Naing.

Major General Twan Mrat Naing suggested that they should preserve some dignity for their own future generations, who will have to continue to live, even if they do not consider their own dignities. He cautioned against continuing to foolishly harm innocent civilians, urging them to avoid further senseless violence when they are unable to win conventional warfare.

3. Mon State CDM Civil Servants Council organises the fourth sharing session on the Federal Democracy Charter

The Mon State Civil Servants Council (CCSOM-Mon), comprising civil servants in Mon State engaging in the Civil Disobedience Movement (CDM), conducted a virtual sharing session on the Federal Democracy Charter for fellow CDM participants. This session, held on February 25 via the Zoom platform, marked the fourth instalment aimed at providing insights into the Federal Democracy Charter for CDM participants from Mon State.

U Toe Kyaw, a member of the National Unity Consultative Council (NUCC), provided an explanation of the Federal Democracy Charter during the session, followed by a discussion with the attending CDM participants.

4. Almsgiving and memorial event held for human rights and democracy activist and former political prisoner Ma Nobel Aye and Comrade Lay Khwin in Mae Sot

An almsgiving ceremony and memorial event for the late Ma Nobel Aye and Comrade Lay Khwin was held in a temple in Mae Sot, Thailand, on this morning of February 26.

Messages to honour Ma Nobel Aye and Comrade Lay Khwin were also received at the event.

Ma Nobel Aye, a renowned human rights and democracy activist and former political prisoner, was shot dead along with comrade Lay Khwin (aka Aung Ko Hein) by the military junta on February 8 while returning from a court appearance in Waw township under the guise of attempting to escape. Ma Nobel Aye, a 1996 generation student activist, had been arrested and imprisoned twice before, in the 1996 student protest and the 2007 Saffron Revolution.

5. Arakan Army engages and assaults airlifted junta reinforcements in Ramree, inflicting heavy causalities

The Arakan Army (AA) has disclosed an engagement with and assault on a reinforced military junta column in Ramree (Yanbye), resulting in significant casualties among the junta troops. The column consisted of approximately 120 soldiers from two battalions: the 36th Infantry Battalion based in Kyonpyaw, Ayeyawady Region, under the Southwestern Regional Military Operation Command, and the 373rd Light Infantry Battalion based in Ann, Rakhine State, under the West Regional Military Operation Command. These troops were airlifted in seven instances using four helicopters. The AA claims to have eliminated about 60 troops from this column, as evidenced by a photo displaying a large quantity of seized weapons, ammunition, and military equipment.

The AA asserts ongoing efforts to pursue and attack remaining troops from this column as well as junta bases that resist surrender in Rakhine State.

6. Heavy casualties among junta troops, including senior officers, in the Hopong clash in Southern Shan State

A clash erupted in east Hopong township as a military junta unit initiated an attack on a Pa-O National Liberation Army (PNLA) unit conducting security operations in the area, according to a PNLA announcement on February 26. The clash occurred on February 25 from approximately 10:00 a.m. to 3:30 p.m., resulting in significant casualties among the junta forces. According to the PNLA, 16 junta troops, including two senior officers and three junior officers, were killed during the confrontation. The PNLA recovered the bodies of the deceased junta soldiers following the clash. The statement did not mention any casualties among PNLA personnel. Additionally, the PNLA seized a cache of weaponry from the junta forces, including 15 MA firearms, one anti-drone gun, one pistol, and various ammunition.

Furthermore, the PNLA reported that the military junta conducted indiscriminate artillery shelling in the Me Nei Taung area and near Htam Sam Cave in Hopong township, like previous days. The junta troops stationed at Htam Sam Shwedagon Temple reportedly conducted daily indiscriminate artillery shelling.

7. Urban guerrilla group in Yangon launches drone attack on Mingaladon’s Defence Services General Hospital security checkpoint

In a statement issued on February 26, the Dark Dragon, an urban guerrilla group based in Yangon, claimed responsibility for launching a drone attack on the security checkpoint at the 1000 Bedded Defence Services General Hospital in Mingaladon, Yangon, earlier that day.

Details regarding the extent of damage inflicted on the junta forces remain undisclosed, but the group confirmed the safe retreat of its members following the mission.

According to the Dark Dragon, the hospital serves as a medical facility for junta troops injured in frontlines, and their attack was intended to send a warning to those involved in the oppression and torture of civilians under the military regime.

Additionally, the Dark Dragon urged the public to avoid proximity to the junta’s armed forces and affiliated militias, cautioning that they would continue targeting and neutralising them.

8. Revolutionary forces conduct drone strike on junta checkpoint in commemoration of Mon National Day along Mon-Tanintharyi border

To commemorate the 77th Mon National Day, a coalition of revolutionary forces, including the Kanbauk Defence Force (KPDF), Daw Na Column, Mon State Revolutionary Force (MSRF), All Burma Students’ Democratic Front (ABSDF), Ye Air Force (YAF), and Battalion 1 of the Dawei District People’s Defence Force (T1 Zone), conducted a drone strike on a military junta checkpoint along the Yangon-Dawei Road, situated on a mountain bordering Mon State and Tanintharyi Region. The attack occurred on the morning of February 25, involving the deployment of drones to drop seven grenades via drones. Of these, two grenades detonated at the checkpoint, while the remaining five exploded within their outpost.

Specifics regarding the impact on the junta forces are currently unknown, but Daw Na Column has reported the safe withdrawal of all members involved in the operation.

9. Junta forces set fire to Kawlin town and surrounding villages, forcing 25,000 residents to flee

On February 25, the Kawlin Revolution (KR) team, an independent local media network, reported that the military junta forces carried out arson attacks on villages situated to the north of Kawlin town, including Inn Boke Kone, Pay Kone, and Aung Chan Thar villages. This comes after the junta forces previously set fire to ward no. 8 in Kawlin town on February 12, resulting in the destruction of almost the entire ward.

As a result, the number of displaced individuals from Kawlin town and the surrounding 25 villages has surged to nearly 25,000, according to reports.

10. Myaing Defence Team conducts ambush on junta troops engaged in extorting money and troubling residents in Pakokku township

The Myaing township People’s Defence Team conducted an ambush on military junta troops stationed in Kan Taw village, Pakokku township, who were involved in extorting money from residents and causing trouble, according to their statement. The ambush carried out on February 26 resulted in the casualties of one junta troop.

The junta troops stationed in Kan Taw village had previously set fire to residents’ houses twice, once on February 23 and again on February 24, resulting in the destruction of approximately ten houses in the village, in addition to their extortion activities.

#Credit : Radio NUG


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