Summary of News

1. Foreign Affairs Minister Daw Zin Mar Aung asserts public rejection of military’s leadership in Myanmar’s politics

During an interview with DW News at the Munich Security Conference in Germany, Daw Zin Mar Aung, Union Minister of Foreign Affairs of the National Unity Government (NUG), said, “The military leaders need to realise that they are losing and that the people of Myanmar are no longer accepting the military leadership in politics. It is very clear. They [the military leaders] need to realise and accept it. This is the message I wish to convey to the military leadership.”

The National Unity Government declared the People’s Defensive War on September 7, 2021. Throughout 2022 and 2023, the coup military sustained significant losses due to coordinated operations by ethnic resistance organisations (EROs) and the People’s Defence Force (PDF), resulting in the loss of several towns to resistance forces.

2. NUG President Office Spokesperson and Federal Union Affairs Minister participate in Chin National Day ceremony in Toronto

U Kyaw Zaw, the Spokesperson for the President’s Office, and Dr. Lian Hmung Sakhong, the Union Minister of Federal Union Affairs, attended the 76th Chin National Day ceremony held in Toronto, Canada, on February 25.

During the ceremony, U Kyaw Zaw read out a message from Acting President Duwa Lashi La commemorating the 76th anniversary of Chin National Day, which fell on February 20, and delivered an opening speech.

Attendees included various ethnic groups from Myanmar, such as Kachin, Karen, Karenni, and Bamar, as well as members of the Chin ethnic community residing in Toronto and nearby areas.

Additionally, a fundraiser was organized during the event, with the proceeds being donated to support the revolutionary efforts in Chin State.

3. NUG Ministers and Ambassador U Kyaw Moe Tun participate in Chin National Day ceremony in Washington D.C.

A ceremony commemorating the 76th Chin National Day was organised in Washington, D.C., United States of America, on February 24. U Htin Linn Aung, the Union Minister for Communications, Information, and Technology, along with U Moe Zaw Oo, the Deputy Minister for Foreign Affairs, and U Kyaw Moe Tun, the Permanent Representative of Myanmar to the United Nations, participated in the ceremony.

Additionally, Chin ethnic people residing in Atlanta, Georgia, also organised a ceremony to commemorate the 76th Chin National Day on February 24.

Chin National Day is observed annually by Chin ethnic communities worldwide.

4. Human Rights Minister U Aung Myo Min raises alarm over potential exploitation of young people by the military junta under the guise of conscription law

Union Minister of Human Rights for the National Unity Government, U Aung Myo Min, expressed concern over the potential exploitation of young individuals by the military junta, particularly under the guise of the conscription law. During an interview with PVTV in the fourth week of February, he warned that there is a risk of the junta using young people as human shields and human minesweepers.

The Union Minister said, “There have been reports indicating that the military, or the ‘basket army’ [named because its frontline troops use bamboo baskets as backpacks], arbitrarily arrests civilians to use them as porters, human minesweepers, and human shields on the frontlines. It is now clear that they are contemplating the use of young people in these roles. Those who have a habit of mistreating the public are likely to extend such practices to new recruits, especially targeting young people, in these areas.”

The military junta implemented the People’s Military Service Law, originally enacted by the previous regime in 2010, on February 10, 2024, and is gearing up for its coming into effect in April.

5. People’s Police Force recruiting new members

The People’s Police Force, under the Ministry of Home Affairs and Immigration of the National Unity Government, is currently recruiting new enlistees and is extending invitations to young individuals from all regions across Myanmar. This recruitment drive comes at a time when young people are facing arrests and being coerced into military service under various pretexts by the military junta, following the announcement of the implementation of the People’s Military Service Law. This law mandates compulsory military service for all young men aged between 18 and 35.

Individuals interested in joining the People’s Police Force must be between 18 and 35 years old, physically fit, in good health, and willing to adhere to the disciplinary standards set by the People’s Police Force of the National Unity Government, have the desire to fight until the end of the revolution, and exhibit a sense of responsibility towards the public and the revolution. Additionally, applicants should have completed at least a secondary level of basic education.

For more detailed information, interested individuals can refer to the Facebook page of the Ministry of Home Affairs and Immigration at

6. NUG Korean Representative attends screening of ‘Don’t Lie to Myanmar’ film

The screening of the film ‘Don’t Lie to Myanmar’ took place in Incheon, South Korea, on February 25. U Yan Naing Tun, Representative of the National Unity Government in the Republic of Korea attended the screening as well.

The film was produced with the intention of rallying support from the Myanmar community residing in South Korea for the ongoing revolution as well as aiding internally displaced persons (IDPs) fleeing conflicts in Myanmar. The film also aimed to address the increasing fundraising needs as the revolution continues.

“Some go to pay taxes to the military council. Despite my efforts to comprehend their actions, it has become increasingly difficult. Don’t these individuals realise that the taxes they contribute ultimately fund the military council to murder civilians and sustain its rule? Why do they feel the need to deceive the people of Myanmar while engaging in these actions? I have always said that for anyone who is loyal to the revolution, I will do as much as I can to deal with their visa issues,” U Yan Naing Tun said.

He further urged the Myanmar community in Korea to support and participate in the revolution.

7. Myanmar people stage an anti-dictatorship rally in San Francisco

On February 24, the members of the Myanmar community in the United States organised a rally in San Francisco. The event, coordinated by the Free Burma Action Committee (Northern California), featured participants chanting pro-democracy slogans and denouncing the military dictatorship in Myanmar. Additionally, attendees engaged in symbolic acts of Myanmar’s revolution, like banging pots and pans.

The Myanmar community in the US has been actively involved in supporting the revolution back home, contributing both manpower and financial resources.

8. NUG issues warning against involvement in military junta’s forced civilian conscription process

The Counter-Terrorism Central Committee under the National Unity Government (NUG) issued a statement warning individuals involved in the military junta’s forced civilian conscription process would face legal repercussions and be considered as perpetrators of terrorism.

The warning specifically addresses those engaged in activities such as assisting, collaborating with, or facilitating the military junta’s efforts to compel civilians into porters or military service, including activities like rounding up civilians for forced enlistment and providing training for military duty.

The statement underscored that the military junta’s implementation of the conscription law aims to exploit civilians for their violent activities, potentially using them as human shields on the frontlines amidst their increasing military setbacks nationwide. It emphasised that the illegitimate junta, which is merely a terrorist organisation that has unlawfully seized power, lacks the authority to enact or enforce laws.

Following the announcement of implementing the public military service law on February 10, 2024, the military junta swiftly established the Central Body for Summoning People’s Military Servants. This has led many young people to seek ways to leave Myanmar, while others have opted to join revolutionary forces to oppose the junta’s rule.

9. Kachin: Fierce clashes erupt as KIA-PDF allied forces launch offensive against military junta’s strategic base in Myitkyina, military junta’s airstrikes reported

Local sources report intense fighting at the 141st Infantry Battalion base in Sinbo, Myitkyina, Kachin State, as allied forces of the Kachin Independence Army (KIA) and People’s Defence Force (PDF) launch an offensive to seize control of the base, with the military junta efforts to defend the base by using airstrikes.

The offensive began yesterday at 7:00 a.m., and the conflict persisted throughout the day, with airstrikes commencing around noon. The fighting remained intense into the following morning.

Since February 10, the KIA-PDF forces have been conducting operations to seize control of key installations in Sinbo town, including police stations and departmental offices. The recent offensive marks a continuation of their efforts to capture military positions in the area. Reports indicate that due to the renewed fighting after a 10-day lull, residents of Sinbo are fleeing their homes, leaving behind only a few to safeguard their properties.

Situated on the banks of the Ayeyarwady River between Myitkyina and Bhamo in Kachin State, the 141st Infantry Battalion base in Sinbo has been a significant stronghold for over two decades.

10. Southern Shan State: Military junta launches unprovoked aerial bombardments in Hopong, destroying eight houses in Loi Woe Toke village

According to a statement by the Pa-O National Liberation Army (PNLA), on February 24th, the military junta conducted multiple unprovoked aerial bombardments on Loi Woe Toke village in Hopong township, Southern Shan State. These attacks resulted in the destruction of eight houses. 

The PNLA emphasised that the military junta targeted Loi Woe Toke village, situated just one mile away from a military base captured by the PNLA the previous day, out of animosity towards innocent civilians who were unrelated to the conflict.

Additionally, the PNLA reported that on the same day, the military junta forces and their allied militias fired around 70 rounds of artillery shells indiscriminately in the Me Nei Taung area and near Htam Sam Cave in Hopong township.

The PNLA urged the junta-affiliated militia in the Pa-O region to reconsider their allegiance to the military dictatorship and join the fight for national liberation, as the entire population is actively resisting the military dictatorship.

11. Bago: Warning from people’s defence forces urges civilians to avoid shortcut roads between Myo Chaung and Seint Kant Lant villages in Minhla township and entering Yoma

The People’s Defence Forces in Minhla township, Thayarwaddy District, Bago Region, have cautioned civilians against using shortcut roads linking Myo Chaung and Seint Kant Lant villages, as well as entering Bago Range, due to the heightened risks of escalating conflict. This warning comes in light of security concerns following intense clashes between local defence forces and military junta forces on February 18. According to reports from the defence forces, four clashes occurred on that day, resulting in the deaths of 40 junta troops and injuries to approximately 16 others. Thayarwaddy District, situated in the western part of Bago Region, is known for its strong revolutionary presence and frequent confrontations between revolutionary forces and the military junta.

Thayarwaddy District, situated in the western part of Bago Region, is an area where the revolutionary forces are strong and have seen frequent clashes between the revolutionary forces and the military junta forces.

12. Mon State Federal Council calls on Mon people to join the fight against military junta for restoration of self-determination and political autonomy

On February 24, the Mon State Federal Council (MSFC), a coalition of political and social organisations in Mon State working to overthrow the military dictatorship, issued a statement on the 77th Mon National Day. In the statement, the MSFC called upon Mon people, both within the country and abroad, to unite in the revolution alongside the MSFC, its armed wing known as the Mon State Revolution Force (MSRF), and other organisations fighting against the military dictatorship in order to restore self-determination and political autonomy in Mon State.

Highlighting the challenges faced by the Mon community due to the military junta’s efforts to forcibly conscript Mon youth under the recently enforced conscription law, the MSFC emphasised that armed resistance is the only path to achieving the political aspirations of the Mon people.

Furthermore, in a separate statement on February 24, the MSFC announced its readiness to provide refuge to youth and civilians seeking to escape the oppressive political and military conditions imposed by the military junta, particularly those affected by the conscription law.

Naimon Sai, Chairman of the MSFC’s Executive Committee, stated that youths seeking refuge are welcome to join the revolution force if they wish, while arrangements will also be made for those who wish to continue their education, acknowledging that some may not have completed their studies.

#Credit : Radio NUG


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