Myanmar Spring Revolution Morning Fresh News for 2024 February 19

On February 18, the meeting between the NUG’s Interim Local Administration Central Committee (ILACC) and the township people’s administrative bodies of Tanintharyi, Ayeyarwady and Bago Divisions (4/2024) was held.

At the meeting, Union Minister for Labour U Nai Tun Pe @ U Nai Suwunna, a member of ILACC, gave an opening speech.

Following, officials from ministries explained the activities of relevant ministries, and then members of the township people’s administrative bodies exchanged views with relevant officials regarding policies, directions, activities, and challenges encountered on the ground.

Led by Union Minister U Nai Suwunna, the meeting was attended by Permanent Secretaries, Associate Secretaries, officials from ministries, and members of the township people’s administrative bodies of Tanintharyi, Ayeyarwady and Bago Divisions.

On February 18, the NUG Representative Office in Korea stated that the president of the Korea Institute for Education & Evaluation Advancement, Seong Dae Geun, and the director met with the NUG representative, U Yan Naing Htun.

Korea Institute for Education & Evaluation Advancement President Seong Dae Geun and director Teacher Chan Chan met U Yan Naing Htun, representative of NUG in Korea, this afternoon and had a friendly discussion on education support programs.

KIEEA Education Organization is working on Korean language and educational services in 5 Asian countries, and President Seong Dae Geun introduced the intention to open a Korean language library in Myanmar to support young people in Myanmar to continue their education in South Korea.

Representative U Yan Naing Tun discussed the current situation in Myanmar, the education situation that the NUG government is working on, and opportunities for collaboration. During the discussion, they resolved to continue working on educational issues that would benefit both countries.

The Mon State Federal Council (MSFC) called on the public to resist the military conscription law enforced by the military council in their own manner, and to work together with ethnic forces and revolutionary organizations fighting against the military council to offer essential protection and assistance.

MSFC said that the Myanmar military is facing unprecedented defeats in its history, leading to the forced implementation of the conscription law when they are lacking in manpower.

It has been declared that anyone who assists in implementing this plan will be considered enemies of the people and will face severe consequences.

Amid widespread armed resistance across the nation, the military council is grappling with the loss of key military bases and territories, as well as encountering military hurdles, so it is only trying to replenish the military strength. In addition, it is stated that the military council is only planning to use the people as human shields in order to protect their power and self-interest. Furthermore, it has been stated that the lives, homes, wealth, security, and freedom of the people can only be safeguarded by eliminating the military dictatorship and junta.

The Mon State Federal Council is encouraging the Mon people to join the revolution by uniting with the rest of the population to overcome the challenges and crises they are currently confronting.

The MSFC also informed adult youth in Mon State and Mon ethnic youth to join the revolutionary forces and carry out activities beneficial to the revolution.

The General Strike Coordinating Force (GSCB) issued a statement on February 17 for Ma Nobel Aye, who sacrificed her life for the country and the people on February 8, 2024, due to the inhumane killing of the terrorist military council.

“Ma Nobel Aye is a student of the 96th generation who was arrested and imprisoned by the military authorities once in 1996 and once in 2007 due to her anti-military and pro-democracy political activities. In the spring revolution of 2021, she bravely resisted the military dictatorship from the revolutionary front. On February 8, Ma Nobel Aye was killed by the Military Council in blatant violation of International Humanitarian Law (IHL) near Kyaik Lat Village, Htantabin Township, under the pretext of being remanded to court after being arrested illegally.

This action is one of the war crimes committed against the public by the terrorist military council. We will never forget and forgive this act, and we will constantly try to punish the officials of the terrorist military council who committed the war crime.

On behalf of the people of Myanmar, our General Strike Coordinating Body (GSCB) honors Ma Nobel Aye as a “people’s martyr who fought for federal democracy,” for bravely opposing the military dictatorship and sacrificing her life for the construction of a new federal democratic union,” it stated.

The KNU Thaton District reported that two local people were injured and more than 10 houses were damaged due to the military council’s heavy artillery firing and aerial attack on villages in Hpa-An Township and Bilin Township, Brigade 1, Thaton District, KNU controlled area.

On February 14, at around 5:10 p.m., the KNU stated that the military council’s LIB-208 fired 6 heavy weapons at villages in Hpa-An Township, Thaton District, KNU. As a result of the shooting, 35-year-old Naw Se Wah and 58-year-old Naw Ma Pyar of Ye Aye (Noh Law Palaw) Village were injured and 6 houses were damaged.

Also, on February 14, at 1:40 p.m., the military council’s helicopter attacked Win Tarpan Village in Bilin Township with machine gun fire and damaged 7 civilian houses. On February 10, the military council attacked Win Tarpan Village with Mi35 from the air, destroying 9 houses.

Currently, the joint revolutionary forces have sieged the military council base camp in Win Tarpan Village, and the local people have been fleeing for more than two months due to the fighting, heavy artillery firing, and airstrikes.

In addition, the Kamaung-based military council and the BGF are patrolling the villages of Ye Aye (Noh Law Palaw) and Noh Olor in Hpa-An Township, and the local people are fleeing because of the fighting between the two sides.

According to local residents, 7 people were injured and 2 people were in critical condition when the military council troops opened fire on Nyaungpin Village, Monywa Township, and Sagaing Division.

On February 17, at noon, the military council’s Artillery Unit based in Kyauk Sit Pon, Monywa Town opened fire with heavy artillery, and 4 shells exploded in Nyaungpin Village, injuring 7 people. On February 12, 4 civilians were killed and 8 were wounded when the military council forces opened fire on Htanaung (South) Village, Monywa Township. In addition, on the morning of February 18, the villages nearby Monywa Town such as Kyaukkar, Htanaung Wun, Ywar Ton, and Ye Kan Su were raided by the military council troops, forcing many local residents to flee. Similarly, on the morning of February 18, local news sources reported that the military council troops raided and torched Myo Paw Village and Zeetaw (Na) Village in Budalin Township.

According to local sources, the PNO militias under the military council is forcibly collecting new recruits in villages of southern part of Inle in southern Shan State.

According to the current statistics, 15 people from Hti Ree Village, 7 people from Hi Han Tar Village, 5 people from Aung Chan Thar Village, 11 people from Hu Ram Village, and 10 people from Sankar Lwe Khaw Village were abducted by the PNO, a local said. He said that people are forcibly collected by random ballot in the village and those who can afford it pay others to serve as new recruits on their behalf. In addition, the residents said that they are collecting 8.5 lakhs from every household to buy weapons.

Local revolutionary forces informed that the PNO militia is officially cooperating with the military council, fighting back against the revolutionary forces, and recruiting soldiers for the military council in the areas they control.

Recently, the local social organizations in Inle have strongly condemned the PNO, which has been forcibly abducting innocent civilians into the war, collecting money for the purchase of firearms and recruiting soldiers from the villages.

A Nyaungshwe resident said that the military council is providing weapons, and the PNO is looking for new recruits according to the weapons and ammunition. There have already been about 200 civilians abducted in the southern part of Inle.

On February 17, the Military Council held an arming ceremony for the PNO militia at the Eastern Military Command headquarters in Taunggyi City.

Pawarni Column confirmed that at around 6:00 a.m. on February 17, revolutionary forces bombarded the terrorist military council troops stationed at the Sittaung River Bridge in the southeast of Kywe Yine Pyin Village, Yedashe Township, Taungoo District, Bago Region, with drones.

The attack lasted for about 1 hour, and although the casualties from the initial side are not yet known, the revolutionary forces were able to conduct the attack successfully without any damage.

The attack was reportedly carried out jointly by Pawarni Column, Kiku Column, Nay Pyi Taw Roma Column, and Company 3 and 4 of PDF Battalion 3501.

On February 18, YEU PDF – Shwebo District Battalion 14 confirmed that they attacked the junta troops that raided and rampaged villages in the western part of Ye-U Township.

It is said that on February 17, around 1:00 p.m., junta troops that raided and rampaged villages in the western part of Ye-U Township were attacked with 4 dropped bombs by using 2 fixed-wing drone between Zawa village and Wet Phoe Village. The casualties of junta soldiers in the attack were still under investigation.

It is reported that a mine attack on a convoy of motorcycles and cars accompanied by the terrorist military council troops in Paukkhaung Township killed one junta soldier and injured 2 seriously.

On February 16, at around 9:00 a.m., People’s Defense Force Pyay District Battalion 3601 (PPDF), Company 5 (Taw Barin Force) and People’s Defense Force Pyay District Battalion 3602, Company 3, Platoon 2 attacked the convoy of military council troops and police force in 3 vanguard motorcycles and a Probox car carrying 6 fully armed junta soldiers that were coming out from Taung Le Village to Nyaung Wun Village in Paukkhaung Township, Pyay District, Bago Division, with mines. As a result of the mine attack, one junta soldier was killed and 2 were seriously injured.

It is reported that the body of killed junta soldier and the seriously injured ones were taken back by car to Paukkhaung. The people’s defense forces were able to conduct the attack without harm.

According to Daung Min Daung Taman Special Guerrilla Force, they attacked the military council convoy that killed 1 civilian from Ywar Tharyar Village, Myingyan Township, Mandalay Division, with mines.

On February 18, around 2:00 p.m., the terrorist military raided Ywar Tharyar Village in Myingyan Township with 3 4-wheeled vehicles and 1 Faw vehicle and shot the residents of the village. As a result of the shooting, around 30 years old Ko Aung Win was killed by two gunshots to his chest, and his father-in-law is also reported to be missing.

The military council convoy that had raided the village was attacked by the Shwe Chan Thar Guerrilla Force while they were returning from the village. The casualties of the military council soldiers due to the mine attack were being confirmed. After the attack, 2 4-wheeled vehicles returned to Koke Ke police station, and 1 Faw vehicle returned to Myingyan Town.

The Arakan Army (AA) released a video recording on February 18 at around 8:00 p.m. showing that members of the military council set fire to their own military camps on Point 402 Hill and 408 Hill in Myebon Township in Rakhine State and fled to the Western Regional Military Command headquarters.

On February 18, at around 5:30 p.m., the terrorist military council troops from the military camps at Point 402 Hill and 408 Hill, located 2.7 kilometers northwest of Hin Kharaw Village, Myebon Township, Rakhine State, set fire to their camps including weapons, ammunition, and heavy artillery. After the camps were burned down, the military council troops fled to the Western Regional Military Command headquarters in Ann City using military helicopters, the AA stated.

Rakhine Army News and Information reported that the camps that the terrorist military council troops themselves burned down were still burning until around 8:00 p.m. It is reported that within 24 hours of the announcement by the 3 Brotherhood Alliance that the military council camps in the Rakhine region are being lost one by one, and the remaining camps are on the verge of being lost, the military has burned down their own camps themselves and fled.

  1. Union Minister U Nai Suwunna attended the meeting between the Interim Local Administration Central Committee (ILACC) and the township people’s administrative bodies of Tanintharyi, Ayeyarwady and Bago Divisions
  2. The President Seong Dae Geun and director of the Korea Institute for Education & Evaluation Advancement met with U Yan Naing Htun, representative of NUG in Korea
  3. The Mon State Federal Council urges the people to oppose the conscription law and cooperate with the revolutionary groups
  4. Expressing deep sorrow over the death of Ma Nobel Aye, a member of the General Strike Coordinating Body
  5. The military council attacked villages in Hpa-An and Bilin townships with heavy artillery and aerial attacks, injuring 2 civilians and destroying more than 10 houses
  6. 7 people were injured when the military council troops opened fire on Nyaungpin Village, Monywa Township, and many people were fleeing due to the military council’s invasion
  7. In southern part of Inle, the PNO militia is forcibly collecting new recruits
  8. Revolutionary forces bombed the terrorist military council troops stationed at the Sittaung River Bridge with drones
  9. The junta troops that raided and rampaged villages in the western part of Ye-U Township were attacked
  10. A mine attack on a convoy of motorcycles and cars accompanied by the terrorist military council troops in Paukkhaung Township killed one junta soldier and seriously injured 2
  11. The military council convoy which killed one civilian from Ywar Tharyar Village in Myingyan Township was attacked with mines
  12. The military council troops burned down their military camps on Point 402 Hill and 408 Hill in Myebon Township and fled to the Western Regional Military Command headquarters

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