Summary of News

1. Acting President asserts the public will not tolerate any measures that delay the progress of the revolution

At the 77th anniversary of Panglong Agreement Day ceremony held on February 12, Acting President Duwa Lashi La said that the public would not tolerate any measures that could delay the progress of the revolution.

He said, “At this time, there is an urgent necessity to accelerate the pace of the revolution. It is clear that the public will not tolerate any actions that might delay the progress of the revolution. I trust we all grasp this concept fully. Moreover, we must embrace the joint position statement that has been released as a guide for facilitating action plans during both the revolutionary and transitional phases. It’s important to highlight that further developments stemming from this common agreement are to be expected.”

2. CRPH sends letter to the 77th anniversary of the Panglong Agreement Day ceremony

The Committee Representing Pyidaungsu Hluttaw (CRPH) issues a letter extending wishes for the safety and well-being of all ethnic communities on the occasion of the 77th anniversary of the Panglong Agreement Day ceremony on February 12.

Furthermore, the CRPH emphasises that despite efforts by the civilian government to revive the essence of the Panglong Agreement through organising the 21st Century Panglong Conferences, progress has been hindered by the formidable obstacle of the 2008 Constitution. Attempts to amend this constitution also faced difficulties due to the military’s involvement in legislative matters.

However, the Spring Revolution has unified the entire ethnic populace of Myanmar around common objectives: to dismantle military dictatorship, revoke the 2008 Constitution, and establish a Federal Democratic Union, and the collective efforts in this revolution have resulted in the nullification of the 2008 Constitution and the development of the Federal Democracy Charter, as highlighted by the CRPH.

The Spring Revolution has also maintained the ethnic unity embedded in the Panglong Agreement, witnessing the military’s near-destruction state with diminished internal morale. CRPH calls on the entire public to nurture the unity seeded by the Panglong Agreement, creating a robust shelter for all ethnic communities, like the saying, “A good tree can lodge ten thousand birds.”

3. CRPH Chairman U Aung Kyi Nyunt emphasises the critical importance of expelling the power-hungry military generals as swiftly as feasible

At the 77th anniversary of the Panglong Agreement Day ceremony held on February 12, U Aung Kyi Nyunt, Chairman of the Committee Representing Pyidaungsu Hluttaw (CRPH), remarked, “At the present time, the ethnic bothers and sisters have been resisting the war monsters that seek to enslave their own people and experiencing successes in our three-year-long revolution. At the same time, it is very important to swiftly eradicate these power-hungry military generals in order to achieve the shared objective of establishing the Federal Democratic Union as soon as possible. In my opinion, enhanced collaboration is essential at this juncture to foster mutual agreement through constructive dialogue and to coordinate efforts across all sectors—military, political, economic, and diplomatic—towards the realisation of a new union in the future.”

Currently, a joint position statement has been issued by allied organisations, including the National Unity Government (NUG) and other ethnic revolutionary organisations, engaged in the revolutionary struggle towards the annihilation of military dictatorship and the establishment of a federal democratic union, and the outlined action plans in the statement are currently being put into effect.

4. Federal Public Representatives Committee (PRCF) unveils final draft of Constitution of Federal Democratic Union on 77th anniversary of Panglong Agreement Day

The Federal Public Representatives Committee (PRCF), comprising 12 ethnic political parties, has completed the final draft of the 2024 Constitution for the Federal Democratic Union. This draft was unveiled today on the occasion of the 77th anniversary of Panglong Agreement Day.

The members of the PRCF include the Shan Nationalities League for Democracy (SNLD), the Arakan Leagues for Democracy (ALD), the Karen National Party (KNP), the Zomi Congress for Democracy (ZCD), the Democratic Party for a New Society (DPNS), the United Nationalities Democracy Party (UNDP), the Danu Nationalities Democracy Party (DNDP), the Daingnet National Development Party (DNDP), the Mro National Democracy Party (MNDP), the Kayan National Party (KNP), the Shan State Kokang Democratic Party (SSKDP), and the Mon Affairs Association (MAA).

The final draft of the PRCF’s constitution for a federal democratic union can be accessed for download here.

5. National Unity Government’s Ministry of Education hosts constitutional course with 484 participants from the educational sector

The Ministry of Education of the National Unity Government, collaborating with the International Institute for Democracy and Electoral Assistance (International IDEA), organised a Constitution Academy Mini-Guided Course. A press release from the Ministry of Education on February 11 stated that a total of 484 individuals from the education sector who have an interest in the constitution, federal democracy charter, and federal system participated. Two training course sessions took place in 2023, with participants comprising teachers from different educational tiers, such as basic education, higher education, vocational education, and teacher training, as well as other educational staff and volunteers.

The course covered a range of topics, such as constitutional principles and concepts, the federal democracy charter, the military coup that violated the constitution, the fundamentals and structures of governmental systems, the basic principles and attributes of federalism, and strategies for promoting inclusivity and gender equality in the aftermath of the coup.

The Ministry of Education has announced that additional sessions will be offered in 2024.

6. Myanmar residents in Japan to stage a protest at the United Nations University in Shibuya

The NUG Support Team Japan publicised that a protest was scheduled to be take place at the United Nations University in Shibuya, Japan, on February 15, where a letter of request would be submitted.

“Violence and injustice are on the rise with each passing day, yet the international reaction has been far from satisfactory. The recent incident in Myauk Khin Yan village, Gangaw Township, involving the brutal burning alive of two PDF members during the Alliance Operation, has highlighted the inefficacy of international measures,” the NUG Support Team Japan stated.

The NUG Support Team encourages the entire population of Myanmar to intensify their efforts and actively engage in the revolution, regardless of the challenges, until success is achieved.

7. Combined PDF forces launch attacks on military junta troops in Okpho Township in Bago Range, resulting in 16 junta troop fatalities and seizure of MA-3

On February 11, coordinated assaults were carried out by combined People’s Defence Force (PDF) units, which included Squadron 5 of the Tharyarwaddy District Battalion 3802, the Pyi District Battalion 3601 (PPDF), and its Squadron 2 known as Ayeyar Brothers Column, targeting two separate locations held by the military junta troops—one at Minhla Dam and the other near a tower—in Okpho Township, Bago Region.

According to the Bago Region PDF’s statement, during these assaults, a total of 15 junta troops were killed, and a member of the Ayeyar Brothers Column lost his life. Additionally, a junta Lance Corporal named Zin Aung was captured with injuries but succumbed to those injuries the following day despite receiving treatment in accordance with laws regarding prisoners of war. His body was properly cremated.

8. Junta troops enter Kawlin Town, steal residents’ belongings, and take them to their bases in Wuntho

According to the Kawlin Revolution (KR) team, on February 11, at approximately 11:30 p.m., military junta forces raided homes vacated by residents who had fled due to ongoing clashes in the town. They proceeded to steal valuable possessions belonging to these displaced individuals, taking the stolen items to their bases—the 111th and 120th Light Infantry Battalions—in Wuntho.

The KR team further reported that certain areas in the town were set ablaze, either due to artillery shell explosions fired by the military junta troops or intentional burning carried out by them.

Additionally, it was reported that a resident was set on fire after being doused with fuel by the military junta troops. Fortunately, members of the local people’s defence force intervened, rescuing the victim and providing necessary medical attention.

9. Yaw Revolution Army (Htilin PDF) implements a ban on transporting goods into Htilin Town, where military junta troops are stationed

The Yaw Revolution Army (Htilin PDF) has declared a ban on the transportation of any goods into Htilin Town, where military junta forces are stationed. This decision follows the establishment of a committee tasked with controlling Htilin Town, as agreed upon during discussions involving the township’s people’s administration team, People’s Defence Force (PDF) battalions stationed in the township, and the township’s people’s defence team.

For the past 15 months, the revolutionary forces have been implementing measures to cut off the food supply route to Htilin Town, as it is geographically feasible to do so, aiming to disrupt the military junta’s ration supplies at their bases in Htilin. However, despite these efforts, the revolutionary forces have discovered that goods continue to be imported into the town through various means. As a result, a meeting was convened to address this issue.

10. AA reveals a cache of weapons and ammunition seized from the military junta’s 377th and 378th Light Infantry Battalions in Mrauk-U

On February 12, the Arakan Army (AA) unveiled photographs of weapons and ammunition confiscated following the takeover of the military junta’s installations—the 377th and 378th Light Infantry Battalions—based in Mrauk-U.

11. AA rescues military junta troops escaping by swimming from sinking naval vessels during attacks

The Arakan Army (AA) said that it had rescued military junta troops who were swimming to safety from sinking military vessels during its attacks.

On February 7 and 8, the AA conducted an assault on three naval vessels transporting junta troops, causing them to sink. Additionally, the AA successfully intercepted and repelled another four naval vessels dispatched to aid those three vessels.

Despite the AA’s repeated calls for surrender via loudspeakers as the vessels were sinking, the junta troops refused to comply and attempted to retaliate by deploying drone dropped bombs. A final 30 minutes were given for surrender, but the junta troops persisted in fighting back, resulting in casualties among AA fighters, according to the AA’s report. An Arakanese fighter lost his life during the rescue operation.

Many junta troops who survived by swimming were later rescued by the AA.

12. Yangon Region PDF announces recruitment drive for new members

The Yangon Regional Military Command of the People’s Defence Force (PDF) is recruiting new soldiers, and those interested can apply through the Google form.

Individuals interested in joining the Yangon Regional Military Command must fall within the age bracket of 18 to 35, maintain good health, adhere to the set of disciplines established by the National Unity Government’s Ministry of Defence, have the desire to fight until the end of the revolution, and demonstrate responsibility as individuals who prioritise the welfare of the public and the revolution.

For more detailed information, interested individuals can refer to the Facebook Page of the Yangon Regional Military Command. Contact can also be made through their Facebook Messengers.

13. MDY PDF announces recruitment drive for new members

The Mandalay People’s Defence Force (MDY PDF) has initiated a recruitment drive for new members. Applicants must be over 18 years old, in good health, willing to serve until the conclusion of the revolution, uphold established disciplinary guidelines, and exhibit a sense of responsibility towards the public and the revolution.

For further details, interested individuals can visit the MDY PDF’s Facebook page or reach out via Facebook Messenger.

#Credit : Radio NUG


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