Myanmar Spring Revolution Morning Fresh News for 2024 January 22

On January 21, the Acting President of the National Unity Government, Duwa Lashi La, delivered this message to the people.

“The only way to root out the terrorist military, which is the ultimate goal of all of us, is to fight it with the collective strength of the ethnic armed groups and the people’s defense forces. That is why the National Unity Government is conducting positive discussions with ethnic armed groups,” the Acting President said.

Currently, the National Unity Government is cooperating with the ethnic revolutionary forces in military and political matters, and is proceeding according to the federal charter.

On January 21, the meeting between the NUG’s Interim Local Administration Central Committee (ILACC) and the township people’s administrative bodies of Tanintharyi, Ayeyarwady and Bago Divisions (2/2024) was held.

At the meeting, Union Minister for Labour U Nai Tun Pe @ U Nai Suwunna, a member of ILACC, gave an opening speech.

Following, officials from ministries explained the activities of relevant ministries, and then members of the township people’s administrative bodies exchanged views with relevant officials regarding policies, directions, activities, and challenges encountered on the ground.

Led by Union Minister U Nai Suwunna, the meeting was attended by Permanent Secretaries, Associate Secretaries, officials from ministries, and members of the township people’s administrative bodies of Tanintharyi, Ayeyarwady and Bago Divisions.

On January 21, the Deputy Minister of Education, Ja Htoi Pan, said this on social media.

“The most important thing for revolutionaries to follow is OpSec, which is called operation security. On the other hand, there is information that should be informed to those who should know, and things that should be carried out transparently within ourselves. We must try to strike a balance between these two sides. We have already published guidebooks for public education schools and accredited online schools to specifically follow this issue. We have already learned lessons from previous experiences. Therefore, accredited schools already understand this OpSec issue and work together to improve security,” the Deputy Minister said.

In addition, the Deputy Minister of Education urged schools outside of MOE’s policy that are not recognized to understand OpSec for the safety of the students and to work cleverly.

On January 21, the Gangaw Township People’s Administrative Body announced that the National Unity Government’s MOEE, through the Gangaw Township People’s Administrative Body, has provided 20 million kyats to the bridge restoration sub-committee in front of the ward/village PaAaFa in Charge to repair the “Maw Bridge” damaged by the Mocha storm in Gangaw Township, Magway Division.

It is reported that the National Unity Government is providing assistance to the things damaged by the Mocha storm.

The Chinland Defense Force (Daai) CDF-Daai informed that they successfully conducted the No. (1) N.C.O graduation ceremony.

“The No. 1 (1) N.C.O military training course was attended by the Daai administrative bodies, CDF – Daai defense chiefs, and officials from partner organizations. The course was conducted for a period of 2 months, and over 100 participants attended and completed the training,” it stated.

CDF-Daai said that it will continue to fight for the defense of Chinland, the eradication of military dictatorship and the construction of federal democracy.

According to military sources, the Kachin Independence Army (KIA) and revolutionary joint forces captured the town of Mabein in northern Shan State in the morning of January 21.

It is said that KIA-led revolutionary joint forces attacked Mabein Town starting on January 20. On January 20, day-long intense fighting broke out between the military council troops and the revolutionary joint forces, and the military council reportedly dropped at least 30 bombs by plane. It is also said that after the capture of Mabein, the KIA-led revolutionary joint forces cleared the area and found many dead bodies of the military council soldiers. It is also reported that some local residents of Mabein Town were injured due to the military council’s aerial bombardment during the battle.

Mabein is a military-important town because it borders Shan State, Kachin State, and Sagaing Division.

Local news sources said that the Kachin Independence Army – KIA attacked and occupied the military council’s Manweingyi camp in Mansi Township in Kachin State on the morning of January 21. It is reported that the Kachin Independence Army KIA and allied revolutionary joint forces have once again captured the military council’s Kaungkan base in Manweingyi, Mansi Township.

According to local news sources, the main battalion was captured on January 21, 2 days after the KIA Brigade 3 attacked and captured a military council’s LIB-424 camp based in Kaungmuyan Village, Mansi Township, on the morning of January 19. LIB-424 is located near Namhkam town in Shan State, in the Manweingyi area between Namhkam and Mansi, so locals call it Manweingyi camp.

On January 20, KIA and KPDF joint forces attacked and captured the Waykha military council camp in Hpakant Township. It is reported that KIA and KPDF joint forces have been attacking military council camps in Kachin State and Shan State border since early January.

According to military sources, the KIA has captured about 100 members of the military council who fled from the Manweingyi Kaungkhan camp of the military council in Mansi Township, Kachin State.

It is reported that about 100 members of the military council from LIB-424, who escaped from Manweingyi Kaungkhan Camp, were captured at 4:00 p.m. on January 21 in Naung Mon Village near the border creek. It is reported that the Kachin Independence Army (KIA) and allied forces were able to seize the Manweingyi military council camp on the morning of January 21, and obtain more than 200 various weapons.

In addition, they were able to continue occupying the Pankham border gate. Manweingyi Camp is located in Bhamo District of Kachin State, near Namhkam City in Shan State.

The KIA and KPDF, ABSDF and PDF alliance forces also captured Mabein Town in North Shan State on January 21.

The GBS Ayadaw Drone Force announced on the evening of January 21 that revolutionary forces attacked and occupied the camp where military council troops and Pyu Saw Htee members were stationed in Thalone Village, Shwebo Township, Sagaing Division.

At the invitation of the allied comrades in Shwebo and Depayin townships, the GBS Ayadaw Drone Force led the attack, and comrades from Ayadaw Township Circuit – 4, Mine Minthar Guerrilla Force, and Monywa District Battalion 19 joined forces to attack. The joint forces reportedly attacked with several drone bombs, including an anti-tank RPG bomb and 60 mm bombs. During the battle, the military council’s No. 8 training unit in Shwebo Town and the military council’s camps in Hpoke Kan Village fired back at the revolutionary comrades with long-range weapons, howitzers. In addition, it was also informed that they fired at least 20 times at the revolutionary comrades with 81-mm heavy weapons from the Pyu Saw Htee camps in Panyan Village and Leikshin Village, Shwebo Township.

The GBS Ayadaw Drone Force joined the attack in the battle, and the casualties on both sides and the names of the battalions participating in the joint attack are still unknown.

On the night of January 21, the Dawna Column announced that one officer and 20 soldiers of the military council were killed when the Dawna Column and the alliance attacked LIB-588 and IB-106 under the military council in Ye Township of Mon State with heavy weapons.

On January 20, the Dawna Column and allied forces attacked the Ye bridge gate on the road connecting Ye and Thanbyuzayat, killing at least 10 military council soldiers and confiscating weapons and ammunition. After the attack on Ye bridge gate, Artillery Platoon of the Dawna Column attacked LIB-588 and IB-106 with heavy weapons.

The Dawna Column also informed that about 20 military council soldiers from LIB-588 and Captain Kyaw Myint Lwin from IB-106 were killed in the battle.

The Ye Bridge Checkpoint that took cover of the monastery was attacked by Dawna Column and its partner groups, such as MSRF, ABSDF Battalion-1, Dawna Column Company 3 – YGF, Dawna Column Company 5 – MSRO, YDF and Ye Hawk Defense Force, due to the collection of money and abuse of the people nearby.

The KNU Headquarters announced that 4 civilians were killed and 6 were injured in Thaton Township, Mon State, when the terrorist military opened fire with heavy artillery.

On January 19, the Artillery Unit -314 in Thaton Township fired 2 heavy artillery shells into the village of Tattukone, killing civilians and damaging 6 houses, 2 elementary school buildings, a water pot shelf, and a shrine. It is reported that those killed by heavy artillery were women between the ages of 22 and 49, and one person who fled the war was among them. Of the 6 injured, 4, including a 2-year-old child, were seriously injured, while 2 were not seriously injured.

Similarly, on January 18, the military council’s LIB-9 camp in Thaton Township opened fire with 6 large weapons, injuring a 60-year-old couple from Kawthlainggyi Village, according to the KNU Headquarters.

Heavy artillery was fired at the north-west of the town from the military council’s Htilin base, and the explosion hit the hut where people fleeing the war were living, killing two civilians on the spot.

“Around 7:00 p.m. on January 21, heavy artillery was launched at the northwest of the city from the military council’s Htilin base. The artillery shell struck a hut where a family of four, who were escaping the war from Taw Yaung Village, were staying, resulting in the tragic deaths of the father (approximately 50 years old) and his son (around 30 years old) instantaneously. The mother and her school-age daughter were (critically) injured,” Gangaw District Battalion (15/16/17) – YRA confirmed.

The Gangaw District Battalion (15/16/17) – YRA informed that they will make every effort to bring justice to the terrorist military council forces for their war crimes of indiscriminately firing heavy artillery and carrying out airstrikes on civilian houses.

On January 21, the White Depeyin PaKaFa (People Defence Force) confirmed that the military council troops in Depayin Town were cut off from food supplies by the People’s Defense Forces.

“The People’s Defense Forces in Depayin cut off food supplies for the terrorist military council troops and attacked the military council gate camps in and out of the town, as well as the camps within the town. The military council soldiers in Depayin Town have retreated to the nearby camps and surroundings. The People’s Defense Forces are now able to control up to half of the town and are attacking the military camps in guerrilla warfare,” it stated.

It is reported that the officer in charge of the People’s Defense Forces of Depayin Township visited the controlled areas in the town and held discussions with the local People’s Defense Forces.

  1. The Acting President delivered a message that the only way to root out the terrorist military is to fight against it with collective strength
  2. Union Minister U Nai Suwunna attended the meeting between the Interim Local Administration Central Committee (ILACC) and the township people’s administrative bodies of Tanintharyi, Ayeyarwady and Bago Divisions
  3. The Deputy Minister of Education said that interim public education schools and accredited online schools must be able to balance efforts to ensure that security is not breached
  4. For the first time, MOEE provided 200 million kyats to repair the “Maw Bridge” in Gangaw Township, which was damaged by the Mocha storm
  5. CDF-Daai’s No. (1) N.C.O Military Education Graduation Ceremony was successfully held
  6. KIA and revolutionary joint forces occupy Mabein
  7. KIA occupied the Manweingyi military council camp in Mansi Township
  8. About 100 members of the military council who escaped from the Manweingyi Kaungkhan camp were captured by the KIA
  9. Revolutionary joint forces attacked and occupied the military council camp in Thalone Village, Shwebo Township
  10. More than 20 military council officers and soldiers were killed due to the heavy weapons attack by the Dawna Column and the alliance
  11. 4 civilians were killed and houses and classrooms were damaged due to the terrorist military firing of heavy artillery in Thaton Township
  12. Heavy artillery was fired at the north-west of the town from the military council’s Htilin base, and the explosion hit the hut where people fleeing the war were living, killing two civilians on the spot
  13. The People’s Defense Forces cut off food supplies to the military council troops in Depayin

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