Summary of News

1. National Unity Consultative Council (NUCC) endorses Operation 1027 of the Three Northern Brotherhood Alliance and calls on the public to actively participate in unarmed campaigns against the military coup

On October 29, the National Unity Consultative Council (NUCC) issued an official statement, extending a warm welcome and expressing firm endorsement of Operation 1027 by the Three Northern Brotherhood Alliance.

The NUCC conveyed that the objectives outlined in Operation 1027, including the eradication of the military dictator, the establishment of the Federal Democratic Union, the creation of states with the right to self-determination, and the establishment of self-administration for minorities, align with the common goals outlined in the Federal Democracy Charter that the NUCC adheres to.

The NUCC stated that preserving the longstanding friendly relationships and fostering collaboration with neighboring countries, particularly China, is also a shared aspiration of both the NUCC and the revolutionary forces in Myanmar. Therefore, the NUCC strongly supports the primary objective of “Operation 1027,” which is to end cross-border crimes and combat online gambling fraud.

The NUCC committed to forming a revolutionary coalition by coordinating with revolutionary movements from diverse regions in order to achieve the establishment of a Federal Democratic Union and the elimination of the three “military” entities—the military group, the military regime, and the military bureaucratic mechanism. On top of this, the NUCC urged armed personnel, government employees, and political parties aligned with the military junta to switch sides with the public and collaborate promptly with the revolutionary forces, warning that those who fail to do so will face punishment. NUCC also called on the entire public across the country to participate in the revolution through unarmed campaigns, such as supporting Operation 1027, boycotting military and related products, and engaging in civil resistance actions.

2. Union Minister Dr. Zaw Wai Soe holds meeting with UK Myanmar community in Manchester

Union Minister Dr. Zaw Wai Soe, overseeing the NUG Ministries of Education and Health, held a meeting with Myanmar nationals, including medical professionals, residing in the UK in Manchester.

The meeting took place during the fundraising event marking the second anniversary of the “Manchester HinOGyi” fundraising group. The discussion covered the current state of the Myanmar Spring Revolution, future plans, and the requirements of the revolution.

Representatives of the National Unity Government in the UK, U Maung Maung Aung and Dr. Thet Ko Ko, joined the Union Minister during the meeting.

3. Ministry of Women, Youths, and Children’s Affairs (MOWYCA) distributes stationery to IDP children in Pinlebu, Sagaing

The National Unity Government’s Ministry of Women, Youths and Children’s Affairs (MOWYCA) distributed stationary items to internally displaced children in Pinlebu, Sagaing Region, on October 26.

The distribution was facilitated through regional MOWYCA representatives and people’s administrative organizations (PAO/Pa-Ah-Fa), as described in a statement from MOWYCA on October 28.

4. On the second day of Operation 1027, MNDAA captures two Infantry Fighting Vehicles (IFVs)

In the course of Operation 1027, the Myanmar National Democratic Alliance Army (MNDAA) reportedly seized two infantry fighting vehicles (IFVs) in almost intact condition and subsequently destroyed them on the second day of the operation on October 28. News reports from Shan State indicate that Kokang’s MNDAA attacked Chin Shwe Hao, a strategically important town on the China-Myanmar border, and has gained control over almost the entire town.  Operation 1027 has, so far, resulted in the capture and occupation of over 40 military junta outposts and bases.

The success of Operation 1027 demonstrates that, despite the use of tanks, armored vehicles, clustered rockets, heavy artillery, and fighter jets, the military junta cannot overcome the spirit and strategy of the revolutionary forces with the support of the entire population.

In a similar instance last April, the combined forces of the Chin National Army (CNA) and the Chinland Defence Force (CDF) attacked and destroyed two armored vehicles of the military junta on the Hakha-Falam Road.

5. On the third day of Operation 1027, intense fighting erupts in Lashio, Naungcho, and Hsenwi; MNDAA captures the military base east of Lashio

On the third day of Operation 1027, intense fighting were reported in Northern Shan State, specifically in Lashio Township, Naungcho Township, and Hsenwi Township.

In Lashio Township, clashes took place near the bases of the No. 507 Light Infantry Battalion and the No. 41 Infantry Battalion from last night until this morning.

Similarly, Hsenwi Township witnessed ongoing intense fighting throughout the night.

This morning, on the third day of Operation 1027, the Myanmar National Democratic Alliance Army (MNTJP/MNDAA) announced the successful capture of a military base east of Lashio.

Local reports suggest that Hsenwi Town came under the control of the Three Brotherhood Alliance at approximately 7:00 this morning, with the withdrawal of all junta military troops and police guarding the town’s entrance.

In Naungcho Township, the combined forces of the Ta’ang National Liberation Army (TNLA) and the Mandalay PDF captured the Nat Sin Gone military outpost in Thanbo village yesterday.

6. Three Brotherhood Alliance announces capture of over 40 military bases and outposts within 24 hours of launching Operation 1027

The Three Brotherhood Alliance (3BHA) declared that they successfully captured more than 40 military bases and outposts within 24 hours of launching Operation 1027, the simultaneous and coordinated involvement of revolutionary forces within the revolutionary alliance across the country. The announcement was made at 10:30 p.m. on October 28.

The Three Brotherhood Alliance expressed appreciation to their comrades and members of other resistance forces for their collective efforts in capturing the military bases and outposts.

Additionally, the Three Brotherhood Alliance reported that the military junta, facing continuous losses of bases, launched air strikes three times at around 1:00 p.m. on October 28 using jet fighters. These strikes resulted in injuries to three local residents and the destruction of five residential houses.

7. Attack on junta-run Matupi District Administration Office by CDF-Matupi results in one fatality and five injuries among junta troops

The Chinland Defence Force (CDF-Matupi) Battalion No. 2 reported that they launched an attack on the Matupi District Administration Office, situated on the Matupi-Hakha Road and approximately one mile from Nga Leng village controlled by CDF-Matupi. The attack occurred at around 4:00 p.m. on October 27. During the confrontation, one junta troop was killed, and five others were injured. CDF-Matupi attacked the district office due to information indicating that the junta had deployed reinforcements there.

It was reported that members of the CDF-Matupi did not sustain any injuries during the confrontation.

The CDF-Matupi issued a warning to residents, urging them to avoid using weapons and hunting along the Matupi-Hakha Road due to the junta’s expanding forces, indicating the potential for conflict to erupt at any moment.

#Credit : Radio NUG


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