Myanmar Spring Revolution Morning Fresh News for 2023 October 25

1. The Acting President said that ethnic alliance relations could not go wrong and that more cooperation was needed as the People’s Defensive War gained momentum 

As the People’s Defensive War of the Spring Revolution gained momentum, military and political relations between the government and ethnic allies became important and could not go wrong, so special care must be taken, Acting President of the National Unity Government, Duwa Lashi La, said at the 33rd meeting of the National Unity Government on October 24.

“There is a need to increase military cooperation between the National Unity Government and the ethnic alliance organizations. We see that there is a special need for greater political integration. Therefore, it is necessary to continue building and maintaining friendship, love and trust between the leaders of our government and the ethnic alliance leaders.

In addition, the international diplomatic approach to the Spring Revolution is a very crucial pillar. It is especially important for us to connect with large Western countries that have already developed democracy, and we cannot neglect the situation of regional countries. Not long ago, the joint release of the EU Appeal Letter by the revolutionary forces was a milestone diplomatic achievement of the Spring Revolution. In addition, EU countries also need to pay special attention to our side.

The main point I want to talk about is that the National Unity Government’s public relations activities should be proactive and expanded. I think there are basically 2 parts here. There is an internal-centric approach and an external-centric approach. In addition, there will be public-oriented communication strategies and communication strategies aimed at relevant stakeholders. These must be expanded sector by sector.

What I would like to point out here is that whether it is with the public, relevant groups, or organizations, I would like to encourage them to seriously avoid any kind of rigid thinking and behavior when communicating. We need to be aware that if we don’t make the people love us, the revolution will have good results, but we may lose politically.

Therefore, trust can only be built with a righteous political spirit in the alliance relationship. As the period of resistance and war goes on, the crisis of trust can be faced in various forms in various sectors, so we need to pay special attention to trust-building activities and public relations strategies,” said Duwa Lashi La, Acting President of the National Unity Government.

2. The Union Prime Minister said that the military council only stands as a corrupt organization

Union Prime Minister Mahn Winn Khaing Thann said at the 33rd cabinet meeting of the National Unity Government on October 24 that the terrorist military council is a corrupt organization rather than fighting a war.

“We all deeply understand that the anti-military revolution we are waging now is much more than a war. Now the wars are raging all over the country, and we can see that the Military Council has almost completely failed as an institution to fight the war and continues to be an oppressive and corrupt institution.

However, as military dictators, no matter how weak they are, they still have the idea that they can continue to hold on to power just by gathering a little more than the opposition. According to the experience of revolutions throughout history, even if they are not strong enough, they think the revolutionary forces will soon disintegrate as they are never united. 

However, in this Spring Revolution, they are unexpectedly facing with different situations from their views and opinions. Until now, the revolutionary forces and their alliances have been able to build more trust among the alliance groups, have become more united, and have decided to root out the military dictatorship, so it is quite a difficult situation for the military dictator.

In this situation, we have to be more careful. The military council will work to cripple and weaken the revolutionary forces by all means for their survival when they are in such a tight situation. Even if our consolidation is a little less, the Military Council will have a great chance of continuing to exist, and they will get hope.

From the point of view of the revolutionary forces, not only do they not stem from a single institution like the military, but they also have diverse historical backgrounds, existences, and habits. This diversity makes it challenging to achieve perfect unity. However, it is crucial for us, as revolutionary forces, to strive for continuous growth and fortification by respecting each other’s strengths, comprehending weaknesses, and engaging in constructive discussions to find resolutions when conflicts arise. Only then will these differences not be a weakness as the military thinks they are, but a strength they could never have imagined. We all need to understand that this force is the only force that can threaten the military dictatorship and any dictatorship. The gathering of all of us holds significant importance, not only in the triumph of the revolution, but also in ensuring long-term peace and development for the forthcoming federal union. In light of this, it is imperative that we all work consciously and consistently towards these goals,” urged the Union Prime Minister.

3. The Interim Local Administration Central Committee (ILACC) held a meeting with the township people’s administrative bodies of Sagaing Division

On October 23, at 3:00 p.m., the meeting between the NUG’s Interim Local Administration Central Committee (ILACC) and the township people’s administrative bodies of Sagaing Division (42/2023) was held. At the meeting, Permanent Secretary of Ministry of Planning, Finance and Investment, a secretary member of ILACC, gave an opening speech.

Following, officials from ministries explained the activities of relevant ministries, and then members of the township people’s administrative bodies exchanged views with relevant officials regarding policies, directions, activities, and challenges encountered on the ground. Then, Union Minister for Labour U Nai Tun Pe @ U Nai Suwunna, a member of ILACC, made a closing remark, and the meeting ended at 5:30 p.m.

Led by Union Minister for Labour U Nai Tun Pe @ U Nai Suwunna, the meeting was attended by Union Ministers, Deputy Ministers, Permanent Secretaries, Associate Secretaries, officials from ministries, team leaders and members of the township people’s administrative bodies of Sagaing Division.

4. The Union Minister of the Ministry of Communications, Information and Technology and the Committee Representing Sagaing Hluttaw (CRSH) held a meeting

It is reported that the Union Minister of the Ministry of Communication, Information and Technology and the Committee Representing Sagaing Hluttaw (CRSH) held a meeting via video conference on October 24 at 11:00 p.m.

The meeting was attended by Union Minister U Htin Lin Aung along with permanent secretaries and officials, Committee Representing Sagaing Hluttaw (CRSH) Chairman U Myint Htwe, officials from the Regional Hluttaw Affairs Committee and Hluttaw representatives.

The Chairman of the Committee Representing Sagaing Hluttaw (CRSH) gave his greetings and explained the processes completed by the Sagaing Hluttaw. The Union Minister explained the status of the ministry’s work in Sagaing, the challenges faced while implementing activities with the received funds, and the ministry’s future plans.

After that, attending Hluttaw representatives discussed with each other, and the meeting ended at 1:30 p.m.

5. The Ministry of Home Affairs and Immigration held a meeting with the township people’s administrative bodies

On October 23, at 10:00 a.m., the meeting between the NUG Ministry of Home Affairs and Immigration (MOHAI) and the township people’s administrative bodies of Sagaing, Magway and Mandalay Divisions (21/2023) was held. 

At the meeting, the Associate Permanent Secretary of the Ministry of Home Affairs and Immigration, gave an opening speech and explained the upcoming processes. Then, the attending members of the township people’s administrative bodies exchanged views with relevant officials regarding the policies, direction, ground administrative activities, difficulties, and challenges encountered on the ground.

The meeting was attended by the Associate Permanent Secretary, officials from the Public Administration Department, Police Department, Fire Department, Immigration Department, and Department of Special Investigation, as well as members of the township people’s administrative bodies of Sagaing, Magway, and Mandalay Divisions. The meeting ended at noon.

6. Gender-Based Violence and Case Management TOT Training was conducted

It is reported that the Gender-Based Violence and Case Management TOT Training was conducted with the support of the Ministry of Women, Youth and Children Affairs of the National Unity Government in order to reduce violence, rights violations and rapes against women during the armed conflict.

The training, which was conducted via Zoom Platform from October 17 to October 20, was organized for township officials of the Ministry of Women, Youth and Children’s Affairs on the ground in Sagaing and Magway Divisions.

The Ministry of Women, Youth and Children’s Affairs has organized officials in charge on the ground and is provided with trainings, workshops, and educational activities continuously to effectively deal with and prevent the violation of women’s rights, including rape, in conflict areas, according to the Ministry’s press release.

7. The Permanent Representative of Myanmar to the United Nations calls for effective measures to be taken because more people will be killed as long as the international community fails to take action against the Myanmar military

Ambassador Kyaw Moe Tun, Permanent Representative of the Republic of the Union of Myanmar to United Nations stated this at the Combined Briefing on Myanmar at the Third Committee of the 78th session of the United Nations General Assembly (New York, 23 October2023).

“I call on the UN, ASEAN, and all member states to align their engagements and actions on Myanmar with the democratic aspirations of the people of Myanmar.

Every moment passes by with lack of action, the sufferings of the people get worse and more people get killed. Decisive action from the UN in particular the UN Security Council is needed now,” said the Ambassador.

In addition, Myanmar’s Permanent Representative U Kyaw Moe Tun emphasized the 4 facts: Myanmar’s current political situation, humanitarian situation, serious international crimes committed by the military and accountability, and the Rohingya repatriation, and also explained 2 solutions for a sustainable future for the people of Myanmar.

The Ambassador also stated, “I must emphasize that Myanmar people’s struggle against the military dictatorship is not against the interests of any country particularly those of our neighbours. However, it is clear that the spillover effects of the illegal military coup are ongoing and having serious regional implications. Resolving the crisis in a sustainable way is in everyone’s best interests.”

8. The military council has yet to allow the State Counselor to meet with her lawyer team, even though they lifted the ban on prison visit

Although the military council released the restriction on the prison visit for in-person meeting, which had been banned since the COVID-19 period on October 24, the State Counselor has not yet been allowed to meet with her lawyer team on the grounds that only family members will be allowed to meet, according to people close to the court.

The lawyer team has made several written submissions since last January to be allowed a meeting with State Counselor Daw Aung San Suu Kyi to discuss the cases, but the military council has not yet responded. It was said that the prison officials said to re-summit the appeal on delivering the parcels for State Counselor Aung San Suu Kyi in Nay Pyi Taw Prison on October 23.

The Political Prisoners Network – Myanmar stated that the permission to meet in person in prison visit, which was re-allowed by the military council, is limited to once a month, and only family members included in the household list are allowed for prison visit. In addition, the person to make a prison visit must bring the Identification card (original), Household Registration paper (original), testimonial letter of residence from the relevant ward made within a week, testimonial letter from the police station, and evidence of completion of COVID vaccination, etc.

“Some got married. But some have not yet been registered in the household registration. Such people are not allowed for prison visit. Only family members included in the household registration list can go for prison visit and meet. Previously, I have heard only one person is allowed for visit, but today they said they allowed two people,” said an official from the Political Prisoners Network – Myanmar to the media.

Since the end of December 2022, State Counselor Daw Aung San Suu Kyi has been cut off from contact with her lawyer team that she was allowed to meet with after she was arrested and detained, and she has no family members in Myanmar.

  1. The Acting President said that ethnic alliance relations could not go wrong and that more cooperation was needed as the People’s Defensive War gained momentum 
  2. The Union Prime Minister said that the military council only stands as a corrupt organization
  3. The Interim Local Administration Central Committee (ILACC) held a meeting with the township people’s administrative bodies of Sagaing Division
  4. The Union Minister of the Ministry of Communications, Information and Technology and the Committee Representing Sagaing Hluttaw (CRSH) held a meeting
  5. The Ministry of Home Affairs and Immigration held a meeting with the township people’s administrative bodies
  6. Gender-Based Violence and Case Management TOT Training was conducted
  7. The Permanent Representative of Myanmar to the United Nations calls for effective measures to be taken because more people will be killed as long as the international community fails to take action against the Myanmar military
  8. The military council has yet to allow the State Counselor to meet with her lawyer team, even though they lifted the ban on prison visit

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