Myanmar Spring Revolution Morning Fresh News for 2023 October 12

1. The NLD party released a proclamation stating that the terrorist military junta has carried out more than 20 massacres of 10 or more people since the coup

The National League for Democracy (NLD) party released the proclamation on October 11 that there have been 22 massacres of 10 or more people since the terrorist military seized power, and more than 590 people have died.

According to the data on human rights violations by the military junta compiled by the National League for Democracy Human Rights Documentation Team, incidents of massacres where civilians have been arrested, tortured, and killed in 10 or more cases have been published.

The statement also included:

“After the illegal coup d’état on February 1, 2021, the terrorist military council led by Senior General Min Aung Hlaing has violently cracked down the peaceful protesters by shooting them to kill, arrest, torture and imprisonment.

According to the above-mention incident, it is evident that the terrorist military council is blatantly committing crimes against humanity and war crimes thus the National League for Democracy will make efforts to hold the military accountable and responsible, to prosecute them and achieve justice for the victims.

Therefore, we urge the international community, including the United Nations Security Council, to provide more effective support in order to stop the atrocities of the terrorist military council such as war crimes and violations of democratic and human rights, and restore justice to the people of Myanmar as soon as possible.”

According to the report, the terrorist military mainly targeted and killed civilians in Sagaing, Magway, Karenni (Kayah) state, Kachin, Mon, Rakhine and Bago, and it was found that the most frequent attacks occurred in Sagaing Region alone, 14 times.

2. Canadian Embassy stated that targeting and killing civilians is a violation of international law and is unacceptable

The Embassy of Canada – Yangon issued a statement on October 11 that targeting and killing civilians is a violation of international law and is unacceptable.

The statement is as follows:

“Canada is appalled by reports of an attack against an IDP camp near Laiza, Kachin State in Myanmar on Oct 9, killing at least 29 civilians, many of them children, and wounding many more.

IDPs are already among the most vulnerable of the civilians in Myanmar who continue to bear the brunt of worsening violence on the part the regime.

Attacks against civilians continue to cause extraordinary harm and suffering across the country. The targeting and killing of civilians is a violation of international law. It is unacceptable. 

Canada condemns these acts of violence and reiterates its calls, and echoes those of partners, the UNSC, ASEAN, the Human Rights Council and the ILO, for an immediate cessation of violence, an end to the targeting of civilians, adherence to international law, and full and unrestricted humanitarian access in Myanmar.”

3. Nearly 600 people from the Mung Lai Hkyet IDP Camp are in need of emergency assistance

The Kachin Gender Star Group said that nearly 600 people in the Mung Lai Hkyet IDP Camp near Laiza in Kachin State are in need of emergency assistance.

“The people of Mung Lai Hkyet IDP Camp, which was bombed by the military council at around 11:30 on October 9, are in need of urgent assistance. The Kachin Gender Star Group also donated some urgently needed drinking water, women’s monthly used sanitary items, and some money, and provided emotional comfort.

Blankets, clothes, warm clothes, bed sheets, mats, mosquito nets, shoes, water cups, towels, baby swaddling clothes, diapers, kitchen utensils, firewood, tents, student equipment and clothes, and food for nutrition and money were needed for IDPs,” it stated.

As a result of the attack by the terrorist military council, 14 men and 15 women who fled the war, including 13 children, were killed, 57 were injured, and 133 houses were destroyed. A total of 579 people, 274 men and 305 women, are in need of emergency assistance.

Kachin Gender Star Group has announced that those who want to donate can directly contact Woichyai, the person in charge of the IDP Camp, at +8618488945304.

4. PDF comrades in Kayah Sub-Military Region were provided training on public security 

The Ministry of Defence of the National Unity Government announced on October 11 that PDFs serving in the Karenni (Kayah) State Sub-Military Region were provided public security courses.

On the fourth week of September, the officials of the Public Security Department of the Kayah Sub-Military Region and the “Lon” (security) officers of the Battalion taught the Universal Declaration of Human Rights, International Humanitarian Law, and Code of Conduct to the PDF soldiers on the frontline battlefield.

In that course, the formation, structure, purpose and process of the People’s Defense Force of the Ministry of Defence of the National Unity Government were shared.

In addition, it was announced that practical programs were conducted to clarify military target specifications in the course. People’s Defence Force (PDF) of the Ministry of Defence of the National Unity Government (NUG) is continuously teaching public security issues that must be followed by military personnel.

5. 23 comrades from SSRY Battalion 1008 officially join KNDF Battalion-B 02

KNDF Battalion-B 02 announced on October 8 that 23 soldiers from SSRY Battalion 1008 (Southern Shan Revolution Youth) are officially serving in KNDF Battalion-B 02.

It is reported that the SSRY Battalion is fighting the military council alongside other revolutionary forces, including the KNDF, in the Shan-Kayah border and Karenni areas, and is now fighting as Battalion 1008 in the No. (3) Military Region under the Ministry of Defence (MOD).

Ko Vin, who previously served as quartermaster in the SSRY Battalion 1008, along with 22 comrades, joined the KNDF Battalion-B 02 with the intention of taking joint military leadership and is currently officially serving in various sectors.

It is reported that the newly transferred soldiers were given military training, personal numbers, uniforms and badges, and welcomed by the KNDF Battalion-B 02 after taking the oath.

The KNDF Battalion-B 02 has pledged that they will continue to work towards a strong and unified command and control.

6. The sergeant clerk and his wife, who joined the CDM, were awarded a reward and transported to a safe place

The Kawa Township People’s Defense Force said that the sergeant clerk and his wife, who took refuge in the People’s Embrace from the side of the terrorist military council and joined CDM, were taken to a safe place and a reward of 1.1 million kyats was awarded.

“The Kawa People’s Defense Force is continuing to provide assistance and care to them in connection with the People’s Embrace of the Ministry of the Defence of the National Unity Government (NUG), and is now releasing the news according to their safety.

We will gladly welcome and provide assistance to CDM soldiers and policemen who will take refuge in the People’s Embrace. Therefore, we urged the remaining military and police personnel under the terrorist military council to take refuge with the public as soon as possible and conduct CDM,” it stated.

7. The Way Musical Film donates 10 million kyats to the Mung Lai Hkyet IDP Camp

It is reported that The Way Musical Film has donated 10 million kyats for emergency use for the Mung Lai Hkyet IDP Camp in Laiza, Kachin State, which was attacked by the terrorist military council.

The Way made a statement on October 11 about this donation. “Last night, The Way Musical Film immediately sent and donated 10 million kyats to be used for emergency needs in the Mung Lai Hkyet IDP Camp attack.

This urgent donation is possible because of the support of each revolutionary people who supported The Way, and the donation record is also posted.

On the road ahead, we will overcome the difficulties that will arise together. Let’s hold our hands together,” The Way announced.

The Way Musical was directed by Lynn Lynn, and has been showing in major cities around the world since September, and has been receiving great support from audiences. 

8. The main strike column of Letpadaung Mountain and Salingyi PaAFa held a joint rally in standing together with Mung Lai Hkyet and Myanmar citizens expressed their condolences at the UN Office in Bangkok

The main strike column of Letpadaung Mountain and the Salingyi PaAFa jointly held a rally in standing together with the fallen people of Mung Lai Hkyet who were killed by the terrorist military council.

The demonstration held on October 11 was jointly organized by Letpadaung Mountain Main Strike Column, Salingyi PaAFa, and the officer in charge of MOWYCA. The people protested with slogans such as “We stand with the people who have fallen in Mung Lai Hkyet. Pray For Laiza” and “Is the world that claims human rights shaking hands with terrorist military council?”

Similarly, on October 11, in front of the United Nations Office in Bangkok, Myanmar, citizens of Myanmar protested holding banners, “Save Kachin State in Myanmar” and expressed their condolences for the attack on Mung Lai Hkyet.

  1. The NLD party released a proclamation stating that the terrorist military junta has carried out more than 20 massacres of 10 or more people since the coup
  2. Canadian Embassy stated that targeting and killing civilians is a violation of international law and is unacceptable
  3. Nearly 600 people from the Mung Lai Hkyet IDP Camp are in need of emergency assistance
  4. PDF comrades in Kayah Sub-Military Region were provided training on public security
  5. 23 comrades from SSRY Battalion 1008 officially join KNDF Battalion-B 02
  6. The sergeant clerk and his wife, who joined the CDM, were awarded a reward and transported to a safe place
  7. The Way Musical Film donates 10 million kyats to the Mung Lai Hkyet IDP Camp
  8. The main strike column of Letpadaung Mountain and Salingyi PaAFa held a joint rally in standing together with Mung Lai Hkyet and Myanmar citizens expressed their condolences at the UN Office in Bangkok

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