Summary of News

1. Union Minister Dr. Tu Hkawng Stresses the Need for Collaborative Solutions Amid Revolution Challenges and Weaknesses

In a Facebook post on October 12, 2023, Union Minister Dr. Tu Hkawng highlighted the revolution’s challenges and underscored the importance of collective efforts in finding solutions.

“All those who are diligently and resolutely participating in the revolution, despite various constraints, inevitably possess weaknesses and make mistakes. In such circumstances, identifying faults is the simplest task, one that requires no special training. The most challenging lies in actively participating in practical endeavors and patiently assisting them in finding solutions to correct these issues,” Union Minister Dr. Tu Hkawng stated.

Currently, the National Unity Government is open to receiving criticism and is committed to making necessary corrections, all while being consistently attentive to the voices of the people.

2. Deputy Human Rights Minister Calls Out Military Junta’s Contradictory Actions: Killing Innocent Civilians Amid Claims of Peace

In a Facebook post, Khun Baham Htan, Deputy Minister for Human Rights of the National Unity Government, commented on the junta’s assault on the Mung Lai Hkyet IDP camp in Kachin State, pointing out the junta’s contradictory actions.

“The terrorist military council has shamelessly said that they are ready to help and rescue Burmese citizens who are in Israel amid the Israel-Palestine conflict. Once more, as they want to portray themselves as advocates of peace, they are vigorously making preparations for the anniversary of the NCA (Nationwide Ceasefire Agreement) with certain EAOs (Ethnic Armed Organizations) that are signatories to the NCA. Meanwhile, they are openly engaged in committing war crimes and crimes against humanity as defined by the international community. They have deliberately bombarded their own citizens, including those refugees in Laiza. On one hand, they are hypocritically professing a desire for peace, while on the other, they are ruthlessly killing innocent civilians,” Deputy Minister Khun Baham Htan stated.

At 11:23 PM on October 9, the terrorist military group carried out a coordinated assault involving both aerial and heavy artillery strikes on the Mung Lai Hkyet IDP camp near Laiza in Kachin State. These attacks involved the use of high-explosive bombs, resulting in an impact zone extending up to 200 feet from the center of the explosions. Tragically, this incident led to casualties, including 30 fatalities among local residents and internally displaced individuals, while also causing injuries to 57 others. Among the fatalities were nine children, including a two-month-old infant, as well as an 81-year-old elderly individual.

3. Deputy Secretary of Ministry of Defence Reveals Bago Division as a Triumph Ground for the People’s Defence Force in Spring Revolution

U Maung Maung Swe, Deputy Secretary of the Ministry of Defence in the National Unity Government, unveiled during a military briefing to the public on October 10, 2023, that the Bago Division has become a victorious ground for the People’s Defence Force (PDF).

“Bago Division is strategically important for the military junta as it shares borders with their home, Naypyidaw, and the economic capital, Yangon. Additionally, it serves as a crucial supply route for their troops. For these reasons, numerous military camps and outposts have been strategically positioned along the Sittaung River to deter ethnic resistance organizations from gaining access. Nevertheless, despite their efforts to secure the region, I would like to say that Bago Division has indeed transformed into a victorious ground for the People’s Defence Force,” he stated.

During the early hours of October 7 in Bago Division, Squadrons 1 and 5 of the Tangoo District PDF Battalion 3501, along with allied forces, launched an attack on a military outpost situated in Kyoe Pin Sake village in Tangoo Township. This offensive led to the loss of ten junta soldiers’ lives, with several others suffering injuries.

4. Ambassador U Kyaw Moe Tun Calls on UN and International Community Not to Leave Myanmar Behind in Global SDG Pursuits

In a statement delivered at the Second Committee (Economic and Financial Committee) of the 78th Session of the United Nations General Assembly, under Agenda Item 18: “Sustainable Development,” on October 10, Ambassador U Kyaw Moe Tun, Myanmar’s Permanent Representative to the UN, called on the UN and the international community not to leave the people of Myanmar behind in achieving the SDGs timely. He stated:

“The people of Myanmar have spoken loud and clear that the military has no legitimacy, capacity nor political will to govern the country and improve lives and well-beings of the people. The international community must, in the similar degree and urgency, amplify their voices and extend effective, tangible and meaningful support to the people of Myanmar in their resolution to end the military dictatorship and build a federal democratic union. It is vital to make sure that the UN and the international community does not fail Myanmar and not leave the people of Myanmar alone in this world striving towards achieving the SDGs timely.”

The Ambassador also stressed that the unlawful military coup and the atrocities committed by the military junta have reversed the substantial progress made in achieving the SDGs, which had been steadily improving the overall SDG index score until 2021. Presently, 39 percent of the SDG indicators show limited progress, while 42 percent of them are regressing.

5. Sergeant Clerk and Spouse Seeking Refuge with Kawa Township People’s Defence Organization (Kawa Pa-Ka-Fa/PDO) Awarded 11 Lakh Kyat and Relocated to Safety

According to the statement from the Kawa Township People’s Defence Organization (Kawa Pa-Ka-Fa/PDO), which operates under the Bago Region Military Command, a sergeant clerk and his wife, who sought refuge and defected to the people’s side, were safely relocated to their preferred area and were granted an award of 11 lakh kyat.

It was mentioned that they are receiving continuous support and care by linking up with the People’s Embrace Program under the Ministry of Defence of the National Unity Government.

The Bago Military Region announced that it will warmly welcome and provide assistance to those soldiers and police who want to participate in the Civil Disobedience Movement (CDM) and seek refuge under the People’s Embrace Program.

6. Internally Displaced Persons from Mung Lai Hkyet IDP Camp Face Further Displacement; Over 600 People In Urgent Need of Food and Basic Items

Families from the Mung Lai Hkyet IDP camp, which came under attack from the military junta, have been displaced once more. Over 130 families, comprising more than 600 individuals, are now in urgent need of food and essential utilities.

“In the Mung Lai Hkyet IDP camp, there were originally 168 families, consisting of 434 males and 421 females, totaling 658 individuals. Regrettably, one entire family perished during the attack. All 168 houses were demolished, with not a single item within them left in good condition. Furthermore, the residences, a school, a church, and the local market in Mung Lai Hkyet village were also destroyed. Consequently, nearly the entire village has been displaced. Presently, they are finding temporary shelter in the halls of the Woichyai IDP camp and the church hall. By yesterday morning, over 130 additional families, comprising more than 600 individuals, had arrived, and more are coming in,” explained Khun Jar, a Kachin resident.

Urgent needs include bedding, clothing, bed linens, mats, mosquito nets, footwear, toothpaste, soap, toothbrushes, buckets, feminine hygiene products, drinking water, water for daily use, cooking pots and pans, and kitchen utensils.

The IDP Refugee Committee was established to coordinate essential requirements; nonetheless, the combined efforts of the IDP Refugee Committee, civil society organizations, and individual donors have not been sufficient to fulfill the needs.

7. Myanmar Nway-Oo University (MNOU) Opens Registration for Third Batch (Second Round) of CDM Students, Resuming Education Interrupted in the Second Semester of 2020 Academic Year

Myanmar Nway-Oo University (MNOU) announced the opening of registrations for regular courses in the first, second, and third years, as well as the first year of honors (H1) for certain majors, beginning on October 12, 2023. These registrations are open to CDM students whose education was disrupted during the second semester of the 2020 academic year. In this round, classes will be offered for specialized subjects such as Arts or Science Subjects, Culture and Arts Subjects, Business Subjects, as well as subjects from the Agriculture University and Agriculture Institute.

Enrollment will be available at no cost from October 12, 2023, to October 26, 2023, through the Myanmar Education System (MES), according to the statement from the MNOU.

#Credit : Radio NUG


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