Summary of News

1. Union Prime Minister Highlights the Importance of Both Vigilance and Public Involvement in Gathering Enemy Information

Union Prime Minister Mahn Winn Khaing Thann emphasized the significance of maintaining a vigilant stance, ensuring they do not overlook any updates related to the enemy, and seeking public assistance in gathering information about the enemy.

Union Prime Minister Mahn Winn Khaing Thann said these during his remarks made at the Defence Meeting of the National Unity Government held on October 10. The meeting was attended by the Acting Prime Minister, the Union Prime Minister, members of the People’s Defence and Security Council and the Ministry of Defence, officials from the Military Headquarters Office, Regional military headquarters, officials of the People’s Defence Force (PDF), regional people’s defence organizations (Pa-Ka-Fa/PDOs).

The Union Prime Minister encouraged Ministry of Defence officials to comprehend the People’s War Strategy being developed by the National Unity Government and to adhere to it diligently.

“In accordance with the People’s War Strategy, people from all parts of the nation, whether in rural or urban areas, are actively engaging in the defensive war against the military dictatorship through various means. Additionally, there are organizations directly involved in these efforts, as well as separate organizations working towards the same goal. Given that all these forces are crucial components of the People’s War Strategy, those in charge of these forces at different levels should operate in accordance with the motto of ‘organizing while fighting, and fighting while organizing’,” Union Prime Minister Mahn Winn Khaing Thann remarked.

Furthermore, the Union Prime Minister issued a cautionary message to military leaders, emphasizing the need for them to fulfill their military responsibilities to the best of their capabilities, maintain military authority over resistance fighters, local inhabitants, and organizations, and refrain from abusing their power.

Additionally, the Union Prime Minister reiterated that the utmost priority in the Spring Revolution is the protection of the public, and when conducting military operations out of necessity, it is imperative to remain constantly mindful of minimizing harm to the civilian population.

2. National Unity Government Condemns Inhumane Assault on Mung Lai Hkyet IDP Camp in Kachin State, Urges Strong International Action Against Junta

In a statement released on October 10, 2023, the National Unity Government (NUG) strongly denounced the inhumane assault on the Mung Lai Hkyet IDP camp in Kachin State by the junta and urged the international community to take strong measures against the terrorist junta.

The statement asserted that, at 11:25 p.m. on October 9, 2023, the military junta initiated a Time on Target (TOT) attack on the Munglai Hkyet IDP Camp near Laiza in Kachin State, employing both heavy artillery and airstrikes.

The Ministry of Human Rights reports that during the gunfire barrage, high-explosive bombs were deployed, leading to a blast radius that extended up to 200 feet from the epicenter. This tragic incident resulted in the loss of lives among both local residents and internally displaced individuals while injuring many others. The victims included nine children, among them a two-month-old infant, as well as an 81-year-old elderly person.

The Ministry of Human Rights affirms its commitment to vigorously pursue justice for the people of Myanmar. It vows to hold the terrorist junta accountable for the crimes they have perpetrated, all while maintaining its primary goals of promoting equality, peace, and justice.

3. National Unity Government Establishes Humanitarian Support Fund for Donations to Provide Emergency Aid to Victims of Mung Lai Hkyet IDP Camp Attack

On October 10, the Spring Development Bank, the neobank of the National Unity Government, disclosed the establishment of the SDB Humanitarian Support Fund. This fund has been created for the purpose of receiving donations, with the aim of offering emergency aid to the bereaved families of those who tragically lost their lives and the individuals who suffered injuries in the attack on the Mung Lai Hkyet IDP camp located near Laiza in Kachin State.

The Spring Development Bank stated that it will partner with aid organizations to deliver urgent care and rehabilitation initiatives while ensuring complete transparency in disclosing all received funds to the public.

The Spring Development Bank has called upon its users, as responsible citizens, to extend a helping hand, support one another, and empathize with the suffering of those affected during this critical time, emphasizing the importance of collective support in the face of the world’s indifference.

4. People’s Police of the Ministry of Home Affairs holds meeting with People’s Security Organisations from Sagaing and Magway Divisions

People’s Police under the Ministry of Home Affairs and Immigration within the National Unity Government conducted its 40/2023 meeting with people’s security organisations from Sagaing and Magway Divisions through an online platform on October 10. At the meeting, the Associate Secretary of the Ministry of Home Affairs and Immigration delivered an opening address.

Subsequently, the Chief of the Criminal Investigation Department (CID) extended greetings. Following this, leaders of the people’s security organisations from Sagaing and Magway Divisions presented updates on their law enforcement activities, inquired about information they needed, and discussed the challenges they encountered in their operational areas.  The Associate Secretary and officials from the People’s Police responded to their queries and addressed the issues raised.

Permanent Secretary, and Associate Secretary of the National Unity Government’s Ministry of Home Affairs and Immigration (MOHAI), Director General of the People’s Administration Department under the MOHAI, senior officials from the People’s Police, and leaders representing the people’s security organisations in Sagaing and Magway Divisions attended the meeting.

5. Newly Trained Pyu Saw Htee Members En Route to Serve at Letpadaung Copper Project Arrested

Local people’s defence forces arrest more Pyu Saw Htee members who recently completed training provided by the junta’s Southwest Military Command in Thabaung Township, Ayeyarwady Region, and were tasked with serving as guards at the Letpadaung copper project. The Letpadaung copper project is a joint venture between the Chinese-owned Myanmar Wanbao Mining Company Ltd. (MWMCL) and the Myanmar military-owned Myanma Economic Holdings Ltd. in Salingyi Township, Sagaing Region.

The defence forces arrested two Pyu Saw Htee members on October 7, 2023, and an additional four on October 8, 2023, and stated that the detainees would be handed over to the Township People’s Administration Organization (Pa-Ah-Fa/PAO) and would be taken action in accordance with the law.

As reported by Ayeyarwady Time, the military junta is in the process of recruiting new members in the Ayeyarwady Region. These recruits are undergoing military training with the assurance that new employment opportunities will be arranged for them upon the completion of their training, and they will subsequently be deployed to serve in the Sagaing Region.

On August 24, the local people’s defense forces had previously arrested 14 Pyu Saw Htee members who had completed their training and were en route to serve at the Letpadaung copper project alongside junta troops.

6. Military Conducts Two Air Bombardments on Thantlang, Chin State in a Single Day on October 10

According to media reports, the military junta conducted two air bombardments on Thantlang, Chin State, on October 10. The first occurred at 12:51 a.m., followed by a second attack at 2:58 p.m., targeting the town.

“Today, there was a confrontation, and consequently, the military council carried out two airstrikes using a jet fighter. A total of six bombs were dropped. Fortunately, there were no casualties. There have been ongoing exchanges of gunfire between the two sides in the town since last month,” a local defense force member told Zalen Media.

Thantlang Town has seen the presence of both local resistance forces and military junta troops, and starting on September 15th, there have been frequent confrontations and exchanges of gunfire.

7. Curfew Reinstated in Moreh, India-Myanmar Border Area Amidst Security Concerns; Myanmar Grocers Encounter Hurdles

The daily curfew relaxation in the Indian-Myanmar border town of More in Manipur has been revoked following an order issued by the Tengnoupal District Magistrate on October 9, as reported by the media. The relaxation, which was previously in effect from 6 a.m. to 5 p.m. to allow the general public to purchase essential items, including medicines and food, has been cancelled with the immediate effect on October 10 until further order due to concerns over potential public gatherings.

The curfew announcement has resulted in a situation where greengrocers from Myanmar are unable to enter Moreh, India, via Tamu in Chin State, Myanmar.

A resident of Tamu expressed their concerns, saying, “We, including suppliers of raw goods, finished products, and greengrocers, heavily rely on Moreh. It poses significant challenges for us when Moreh is inaccessible like this,” in an interview with Zalen Media.

Although the India-Myanmar trade gate is not officially open, the Assam Rifles, Indian Border Security Force, has permitted entry and exit between Tamu and Moreh through Gate No. 1, from 6:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. Indian time.

#Credit : Radio NUG


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