Spring Revolution Local News – Jul 31 (Evening)

Summary of News

1. Military junta attempts to stop the Spring Revolution from gaining momentum by disseminating fake news at enormous expense

At the Spring Revolution Talk held in the last week of July by the PVTV, Daw Zin Mar Aung, Union Minister of Foreign Affairs, said that as the Spring Revolution gains momentum, the military council tries to reduce it by disseminating fake news at enormous expense.

“The military council is doing psywar, not by them alone. They are disseminating fake news in a group with those who returned from Russia. Recently, they even hired a lobbying group from abroad to spread fake news. This is what their side is doing to stop the momentum of our revolution. What this shows is that our revolution is gaining momentum. That’s why their side has spent so much effort to divide us, delay our revolution, and so on,” Union Minister Daw Zin Mar Aung said.

The supporters of the terrorist military regime are broadcasting fake news on Telegram channels to divide the public and the revolutionary forces.

2. Union Minister Dr. Tu Hkawng says that the revolutionaries are seeking peace with everyone having the full right to create their own destiny

In the July 2023 edition of the Ministry of Natural Resources and Environment newsletter”, under the sector “The Voice of the Union Minister,” Union Minister Dr. Tu Hkawng said, “There are two types of peace: positive peace and negative peace. Positive peace is what our revolutionaries want, with full right to create own destiny. It must be a system in which we do not have to fight for it again once we achieve it. Negative peace is a system that includes forced silence, like asking inmates to keep quiet. This can explode again at any time.”

At present, the National Unity Government is working together with the ethnic revolutionary organisations in accordance with the Federal Democracy Charter.

3. CDF-Mindat attacks patrolling military council forces, resulting in the deaths of seven

On July 31, the Chinland Defence Force-Mindat (CDF-Mindat) released an operation report, “On July 30, the CDF-Mindat attacked a patrolling car carrying soldiers and police at 3:40 p.m. near the Forest Department Office in Ashae Pyin Ward, Mindat, Chin State.”

The CDF-Mindat claimed that seven members of the military council forces were slain, citing eyewitnesses who claimed that injured soldiers and dead bodies were brought back in the vehicle.

4. Five drones were used to launch ten grenades on junta forces in junta-backed Wak Pote village in Myaing Township

The Myaing U.A.V Fighter released an operation report, “We used five drones to launch ten grenades—two 1kg grenades and eight small grenades—on the military council soldiers in Wak Pote Pyu Saw Htee village in Myaing Township, Magway Division, on July 30 starting at 9:00 a.m.”

The operation was reportedly conducted jointly by the Myaing Township People’s Defence Force (PDF) Battalion 3 Company 1, the Myaing Township People’s Defence Force (PDF) Battalion 2 Company 1, and the local people’s defence forces (LDFs). During the attack, a drone was destroyed in the return fire with two 81-mm artillery shells by the military council forces.

5. Military council columns are invading the villages of Pale Township, forcing 6,000 local residents to flee

According to the Pale Township People’s Administrative Organisation (Pa-Ah-Fa), about 6,000 local residents from the villages of Pale Township were displaced because the military column encamped for two nights in In Ma Htee, a village of military-backed Pyu Saw Htee, joined forces with another military column encamped in Kan Daunt village to conduct raids in the area.

The displaced locals are from the villages along the route of the military columns’ raids, such as Thar Yar Kone, Ohn Hnauk, Kaing Twin, Tha Yet Kan, Ta Laing Kan, Nyaung Yin Kone, Mae Za Yet, Min Taing Pin, Ywa Thit, and Thar Si villages.

In collaboration with the local community, the Pale Public Strike Steering Committee, and the Western Chindwin Association (WCA), people’s administrative groups (Pa-Ah-Fa) and people’s defence groups (Pa-Ka-Fa) in the respective neighbourhoods provided lodging and food for the displaced people.

The Pale Township People’s Administrative Organisation (Pa-Ah-Fa) also warned the local residents in the surrounding villages of Zee Phyu Kone, another military-backed Pyu Saw Htee village in Pale Township, to take extra precautions.

6. PDF-Khayan calls for public participation in their 100-million-kyat fundraising campaign

The PDF-Khayan, a local people’s defence force in Khayan Township located in the Southern District of Yangon Region, is organising a 100 million kyat fundraising campaign, which will run for one month from July 25 to August 25. It is a raffle program with each ticket costing 20,000 kyat, and detailed information about sale agents and prices by country is provided on the PDF-Khayan Facebook page.

The campaign was organised, according to the PDF-Khayan, to meet the force’s requirement for weapons and ammunition, as well as because, as an urban-based local PDF, the force’s position has become more challenging as a result of a decline in regular financial donations over time.

The campaign also seeks to raise funds for weapons and ammunition in order for the force to be able to conduct the military operations “From Khayan to Southern District” and “From Southern District to the whole Yangon Region.”

7. One acre of land will be used to cultivate ash gourd and pepper organically in order to assist the fire victims in the Sagaing Region

The S&C social welfare organisation announced on July 30 that its local members were cultivating ash gourd and pepper on one acre of land to provide food for the fire victims in Sagaing Region. The S&C also stated that crops would be cultivated organically.

#Credit : Radio NUG


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