Myanmar Spring Revolution Morning Fresh News for 2023 July 21

1. Spring Development Bank will start a soft launch with the help of 50 experts

On July 20, at the press conference for the Spring Development Bank’s official soft launch and the introduction of the Web Application (Beta), Calvin T, CEO office of the Spring Development Bank, said, “Our Spring Development Bank will start the soft launch with 50 experts.”

“This is Myanmar’s first Digital Neo Bank. We will provide services with 50 experts who will manage and operate,” he said.

The Spring Development Bank will start the UAT soft launch on July 22, and the full launch will begin in August.

It is reported that four types of currency will be accepted: the dollar, the Myanmar kyat, the Singapore dollar, and the Thai baht.

Union Minister U Tin Tun Naing said, “This Spring Development Bank is established because we believe that it is our responsibility to protect the financial security of the people from the threat of the military council.”

It is reported that the Spring Development Bank has been prepared for seven months to open and will be linked with international banks.

2. U Tin Tun Naing, Union Minister of the NUG Ministry of Planning, Finance and Investment warned that the sale of treasury bonds by the military council is illegal

At the Spring Development Bank’s Official Soft Launch and the introduction of the Web Application (Beta) held on July 20, Union Minister U Tin Tun Naing of the Ministry of NUG Planning, Finance and Investment warned that “the sale of treasury bonds by the military council is illegal.”

“I must say that the terrorist military council has been able to survive till now with the money obtained from the treasury bonds sold by the illegal government as the main source of income for terrorist acts of killing civilians. That is why all of such sales are illegal.

The second thing is that with that money, they are again carrying out terrorist acts against civilians. Therefore, local private banks and businessmen who are participating in this matter will be responsible for this,” said the Union Minister.

The Union Minister said that the purchasers of the military council’s treasury bonds will be strictly taken action in accordance with the law.

3. Union Minister U Nai Suwunna attended the meeting of the Interim Local Administration Central Committee (ILACC)

On July 20, the meeting of the NUG’s Interim Local Administration Central Committee (ILACC) (29/2023) was held.

At the meeting, Union Minister for Labour and a member of the ILACC, H.E. U Nai Suwunna, gave an opening speech.

Following, attending members of the ILACC explained the completion status of the resolution adopted at the meeting (28/2023), activities, and future plans that needed to proceed, and the relevant officials discussed them extensively.

The meeting was attended by Union Ministers, Deputy Ministers, Permanent Secretaries, Associate Permanent Secretaries, and officials from ministries.

4. The Deputy Minister of Planning, Finance and Investment clarified that the people do not have to pay for the tax unless collection is not with three-part chalans in NUG-controlled areas

U Min Zayar Oo, Deputy Minister of the Ministry of Planning, Finance and Investment, said that the people do not have to pay for the tax unless collection is not with three-part chalans in NUG-controlled areas.

On July 20, Deputy Minister of Planning, Finance and Investment Ministry U Min Zayar Oo said in response to a journalist’s question at the press conference for the Spring Development Bank’s Official Soft Launch and the introduction of the Web Application (Beta).

“We, as NUG, are collecting taxes in 38 townships in the Revolutionary Control Area. We do not collect taxes from households. We only collect taxes from businesses. Taxes are collected by the tax officials in the townships and with tax chalans. We only collect businessmen by three-part chalans. If not with it, the people do not need to pay taxes,” said the Deputy Minister.

As of last December, the National Unity Government has collected up to 10 billion kyats, and the taxes have been divided into three parts: flow for the revolution, flow to the townships PaAFa, and distribution to the Union.

5. The enemy junta troops, invading Myinkar Mountain, Kyein Chaung intersection, and Dragon Fruit Farm Mountain in Saw Township, were attacked, killing 18 junta soldiers and injuring a lot

On July 20, the People’s Defense Force (PDF) (Military Headquarters) of the Ministry of Defence informed the military news that enemy junta troops, invading Myinkar Mountain, Kyein Chaung intersection, and Dragon Fruit Farm Mountain in Saw Township, were attacked, killing 18 junta soldiers and injuring a lot.

From July 14 to 17, the joint column of the 130-strong enemy forces under Divisions 55, 77, and 101, who were invading into the Myinkar Mountain, Kyein Chaung intersection, and Dragon Fruit Farm Mountain in Saw Township, Gangaw District, Magway Division, were attacked cooperatively by the Gangaw District People’s Defense Forces (PDF) Battalion 8 and 13, Pakokku District PDF Battalion 5 and 19, and Magway District PDF Battalion 1. In the attack, 3 enemies were killed, and many were wounded.

On July 16 and 17, about 180-strong of the enemy’s forces invading near Ah Kyi Ka Tin Village, Saw Township, Gangaw District, were jointly attacked by the People’s Defense Forces (PDF); Gangaw District Battalion 3 and 5, and Minbu District Battalions 1, 2 and 5, killing about 15 enemies. The defense forces were able to retreat without harm.

6. Over 100 people died in Shan State due to the terrorist junta, and 621 are still in detainment

According to data collected by the Assistance Association for Political Prisoners (AAPP) on July 20, more than 100 people have died in Shan State due to the terrorist military junta, and 621 are still in detainment.

“From February 2021 to July 20, 2023, (111) people in Shan State have been killed by the junta. Moreover, (1,076) people were arrested in Shan State and (621) are still in detainment. Among those currently detained, (166) were given prison sentences under specious charges,” it stated.

7. “Let’s Take Over Min Aung Hlaing’s House To Support Anyar” Campaign sold a total of 3,532 EOD shares and earned more than 350,000 dollars

EOD shares announced on July 20 that “Let’s Take Over Min Aung Hlaing’s House To Support Anyar” sold a total of 3,532 EOD shares and more than 350,000 dollars were earned.

“Let’s Take Over Min Aung Hlaing’s House To Support Anyar” campaign ended on July 19, 2023, as scheduled.

A total of 3,532 EOD shares were sold from June 25, when the public was informed, until the end of the campaign. We received more than 350,000 dollars to support Anyar,” it stated.

Respectfully honor each and every one of the revolutionary people who actively contributed to the campaign, and it is said that all the collected funds have been continuously sent to the Anyar areas.

  1. Spring Development Bank will start a soft launch with the help of 50 experts
  2. U Tin Tun Naing, Union Minister of the NUG Ministry of Planning, Finance and Investment warned that the sale of treasury bonds by the military council is illegal
  3. Union Minister U Nai Suwunna attended the meeting of the Interim Local Administration Central Committee (ILACC)
  4. The Deputy Minister of Planning, Finance and Investment clarified that the people do not have to pay for the tax unless collection is not with three-part chalans in NUG-controlled areas
  5. The enemy junta troops, invading Myinkar Mountain, Kyein Chaung intersection, and Dragon Fruit Farm Mountain in Saw Township, were attacked, killing 18 junta soldiers and injuring a lot
  6. Over 100 people died in Shan State due to the terrorist junta, and 621 are still in detainment
  7. “Let’s Take Over Min Aung Hlaing’s House To Support Anyar” Campaign sold a total of 3,532 EOD shares and earned more than 350,000 dollars

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