Myanmar Spring Revolution Morning Fresh News for 2023 July 19

1. The Acting President said that the eradication of the military dictatorship must be done with the people’s force as well as with the political force

The 24th cabinet meeting of the National Unity Government was held on July 18, and at the meeting, Acting President Duwa Lashi La said, “The eradication of the military dictatorship must be done with the people’s force as well as with the political force.”

“Since the Spring Revolution is a people’s revolution, the importance of the masses of workers’ force cannot be underestimated. Therefore, we must look forward to the integration of all people and classes in the spring revolution. The eradication of the military dictatorship must be done with the people’s force as well as with the political force,” said the Acting President.

At the cabinet meeting, Union Prime Minister Mahn Winn Khaing Thann said, “The military council will further divide the revolutionary forces in various ways in order to overcome its crises.”

“In order to overcome its crises, the military council will continue to act more various divisions among the revolutionary forces, issues that will distract the public, and atrocities to control fear. Our revolutionary forces must also continue to walk the path we will walk in accordance with the will of the people,” Union Prime Minister said.

In addition, the Union Prime Minister said that it is an important time for the revolutionary forces to strengthen their cooperation according to their sectors and responsibilities, as well as to overcome all kinds of divisions and atrocities of the terrorist military council, and then we will see victory.

2. The terrorist military junta has used humanitarianism as a weapon, refusing and blocking aid

The Union Minister for Human Rights, U Aung Myo Min, said on July 18 that the terrorist military junta used humanity as a weapon and refused and blocked aid.

“During Cyclone Mocha, it was seen that the terrorist military junta used humanitarianism as a weapon like it did in Cyclone Nargis. There are many points left to point out, such as cutting off contact with the people, refusing help, banning them, and preventing those who are helping. Such points were strongly pointed out by the United Nations Special Rapporteur for Human Rights and the United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights. The United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights reported that during Cyclone Mocha, the people of Myanmar, including the Rohingya, suffered a lot from both natural disasters and the blockade by the terrorist military, but this fact is not clearly mentioned in the resolution,” it stated.

At the 53rd United Nations Human Rights Council Session, Resolution A/HRC/53/L30/Rev.1 on the Rohingya and minorities in Myanmar was adopted without a vote on July 14.

On May 14, 2023, most of the victims of Cyclone Mocha were Rohingya in the refugee camps in Sittwe Township.

3. The Deputy Minister of Education informed that the Ministry of Education will continue to take legal action against those who disrupt public education and those who misuse public donations

In a clarification about FOEIM School on July 18, the Deputy Minister of Education, Ja Htoi Pan, clarified that “the Ministry of Education will continue to take legal action against those who disrupt public education and misuse public donations.”

“The ministry has all the information and records about this case. This case will not expire. The case is not over yet. The ministry will continue to take legal action against those who disrupt public education, misuse public donations, and violate the rights of employees,” the Deputy Minister said.

In addition, it has been clarified that the baseless accusations against the Deputy Minister of Education regarding the financial issues of FOEIM are not correct, and that the Deputy Minister of Education is only carrying out revolutionary and educational activities in the ground revolution areas.

4. Introducing Spring Development Bank, which will firmly stand as a genuine People’s Bank

On July 18, the Spring Development Bank, which will firmly stand as a true People’s Bank, was introduced.

“Spring Development Bank is Myanmar’s first secure, independent and digital modern bank. Built with block exchange technology based on the highest security system, we will always strive to safely collect and manage the public’s wealth. We have obtained a legal license for banking and financial services approved by the Interim Central Bank established by the National Unity Government (1-6-2023),” it stated.

In addition, it is known that the Ministry of Planning, Finance and Investment has opened the Facebook social network page of the Interim Central Bank in order to present information and announcements related to the Interim Central Bank of the National Unity Government of the Union Republic of Myanmar to the public in a timely manner.

The National Unity Government’s Central Bank of Myanmar Facebook page link has been announced on the National Unity Government’s social network page.

5. The NUG Representative Office – Republic of Korea appointed Mr. Lee Il, a veteran lawyer, as a legal advisor

On July 18, the NUG Representative Office – Republic of Korea of Union Republic of Myanmar announced that the National Unity Government’s Representative for the Republic of Korea, U Yan Naing Tun, has appointed veteran lawyer Mr. Lee Il as a legal advisor for the purpose of protecting Myanmar citizens in South Korea within the legal framework of Korea, and providing legal advice for the implementation of activities for the Spring Revolution.

Mr. Lee Il, a veteran lawyer, is also a leader of the Advocates for Public Interest Law (APIL), a non-profit public interest organization that advocates for the human rights of vulnerable migrants in South Korea, including political asylum seekers, trafficked migrants, illegally detained migrants, and stateless migrants.

6. Czech NUG Representative U Linn Thant met with the head of International IDEA, Mr. Marcus Brand

On July 18, the NUG Representative Office – Czech Republic officially stated that NUG Representative U Linn Thant discussed with Mr. Marcus Brand who is the head of International IDEA’s Myanmar programme.

“At NUG Representative Office – Czech Republic Prague, NUG Representative U Linn Thant, discussed with Mr. Marcus Brand who is the head of International IDEA’s Myanmar programme to support the democratic institutions in Myanmar,” it stated.

Czech NUG Representative U Linn Thant recently attended the swearing-in ceremony of the President of East Timor together with the NUG Foreign Minister.

7. The new head of the U.S. Embassy said that the United States supports the efforts of ethnic organizations and civil society, including the National Unity Government (NUG)

The US supports the efforts of ethnic organizations and civil society, including the National Unity Government (NUG), said Susan Stevenson, the new head of the U.S. Embassy.

Susan Stevenson said, “The United States has been at the forefront of international efforts to pressure the military regime and hold perpetrators accountable. We have sanctioned more than 100 individuals and entities, including two of Myanmar’s largest state-owned financial institutions. In coordination with our allies, these actions put pressure on the regime and make it more difficult to access financial markets. At the same time, we support the efforts of the pro-democracy movement, including the N.U.G., ethnic organizations, civil society, and all those working to resolve the conflict.

The U.S. The embassy will continue to work at your side, supporting your aspirations for a future with fundamental rights and genuine democracy.”

8. In Madaya Township, the junta troops tortured and killed civilians, and threw the bodies into the water

Wetlet Informational Network reported on July 18 that the junta troops tortured and killed civilians, and threw the bodies into the water in Madaya Township.

“On July 14, the junta troops stationed at the monastery of Nat Gyi Sin Village, Madaya Township, arrived in Nyaung Oke Village and arrested 3 civilians, natives of Nyaung Woon Village, Singu Township, and 1 civilian, native of Nyaung Oke Village, Madaya Township, who were working as carpenters. They tortured and beat them in the southern part of Nyaung Oke Village,” it stated.

After that, 2 men were killed, and their bodies were thrown into the water. The remaining 2 men were taken to the monastery of Nat Gyi Sin Village. Then, these 2 were also killed on July 15, and their bodies were discarded into the water.

It is reported that the bodies of 3 of the 4 civilians, who were killed, emerged onto the water surface and local residents incinerated them when the junta troops left.

9. As the Next Plan for “Yoma Calling”, U Min Ko Naing’s painting will be auctioned at a floor price of US$3,000

The “Yoma Calling” campaign announced that, as the Next Plan of “Yoma Calling”, U Min Ko Naing’s painting has been started to be auctioned at a floor price of US$3,000.

“We will announce the Next Plan for “Yoma Calling”. Our respected 88th generation leader, Ko Min Ko Naing, has donated a self-painted painting for “Yoma Calling”. The name of this painting is “Return of Salmons”. This painting will be auctioned for nearly 20 columns. The 1,000 million fund raised by the “Yoma Calling” campaign cannot be supported for 100 million per column, so we have auctioned the painting donated by Ko Min Ko Naing again.” It stated.

This painting is the first among the Spring Revolution artworks of Ko Min Ko Naing to be auctioned as a ‘Physical Artwork’. The painting “Return of Salmons” can be bided with a floor price of USD $3,000.

Bidders can bid by commenting on the auction post of the “Yoma Calling” Facebook page, or by sending a message to its Page Messenger.

  1. The Acting President said that the eradication of the military dictatorship must be done with the people’s force as well as with the political force
  2. The terrorist military junta has used humanitarianism as a weapon, refusing and blocking aid
  3. The Deputy Minister of Education informed that the Ministry of Education will continue to take legal action against those who disrupt public education and those who misuse public donations
  4. Introducing Spring Development Bank, which will firmly stand as a genuine People’s Bank
  5. The NUG Representative Office – Republic of Korea appointed Mr. Lee Il, a veteran lawyer, as a legal advisor
  6. Czech NUG Representative U Linn Thant met with the head of International IDEA, Mr. Marcus Brand
  7. The new head of the U.S. Embassy said that the United States supports the efforts of ethnic organizations and civil society, including the National Unity Government (NUG)
  8. In Madaya Township, the junta troops tortured and killed civilians, and threw the bodies into the water
  9. As the Next Plan for “Yoma Calling”, U Min Ko Naing’s painting will be auctioned at a floor price of US$3,000

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