Spring Revolution Local News – Jul 11 (Evening)

Summary of News

1. The Union Prime Minister expresses his deep gratitude and pride to all those who have stood firm in their devotion to the Spring Revolution and have consistently contributed to it in whatever way they can

Union Prime Minister Mahn Winn Khaing Thann, via Cabinet Meeting No. 23/2023 of the National Unity Government (NUG), expressed his deep gratitude and pride to all those who stood firm in their devotion to the Spring Revolution and have consistently contributed to it in whatever way they can.

“The revolution has now reached a period of two and a half years. As the revolution has been going on for a long time, the entire people, as well as the government officials at all levels who have been supporting and taking part in our government, have to think about the issues of sustaining their lives, and I would like to express my deep gratitude and pride to them for standing firm in their devotion to the Spring Revolution and having consistently contributed to it in whatever way they can,” he said.

The Union Prime Minister continued by saying that the most crucial aspect of the Spring Revolution is people’s participation and that the revolution needs a robust financial sector as well.

2. A project of the EOD to sell a residential property illegally acquired by terrorist military leader Min Aung Hlaing, which is situated at six and a half miles in Yangon, still left 30,000 shares worth US$3 million to sell

On July 10, U Tin Tun Naing, Union Minister for Planning, Finance and Investment of the National Unity Government, declared that 30,000 EOD shares (worth US$3 million) from an EOD project to sell the 6.5 Mile residence illegally acquired by the terrorist military leader Min Aung Hlaing are still left to sell.

He said, “There are countless real estate properties illegally acquired by terrorist military leader Min Aung Hlaing across Myanmar. Out of these, we have implemented the land situated at 14/Inya and the house and land situated at the 6.5 Mile as part of the End of Dictatorship (EOD) program as a revolutionary mission. As for the 14/Inya, we were able to completely seize it with the set amount of US$10 million in our desire to root out the terrorist military dictator. But for the 6.5 Mile project, although more than 50% of the specified amount can be acquired, there are still about 30,000 more shares worth US$3 million left [to sell].”

The second project of the EOD (the initiative by the NUG-MOPFI), InyaView@6.5 Mile, a residential property illegally acquired by terrorist leader Min Aung Hlaing and situated at six and a half miles from Yangon, saw the sale of 40,000 of its 70,000 shares, generating US$4 million. Now, the remaining 30,000 shares worth US$3 million, at US$100 each, will be sold within 20 days and donated to the victims of the terrorist military’s arson attack in the Anyar region.

“The most basic idea for the success of this revolution is to smash and destroy the curriculum called the dictator, especially the source of the dictator’s power madness,” the Union Minister continued.

3. The Minister of Justice says that the moves that will lead to a federal union will soon be seen

U Thein Oo, Union Minister for Justice of the National Unity Government, remarked the following in his opening remarks at the July 9 meeting of the Ministry of Justice with the people’s administrative bodies (Pa-Ah-Fa) and legal officers from townships where legal offices were established:

  • Powerful measures and moves leading to a federal union will soon be seen.
  • Internationally recognised moves have already been seen.
  • The Ministry of Justice has put its focus on two main priorities: Federal Justice, or criminal justice at the federal level, and Civil Justice, or justice pertaining to crimes and injustices in local communities.

The meeting then reviewed legal recommendations as the township Pa-Ah-Fa leaders and legal officers presented an overview of the crime situation in each of their respective townships.

4. Union Minister U Htin Linn Aung says that the Federal Wings Drone Force has been strengthened

U Htin Linn Aung, Union Minister for Communications, Information and Technology (MOCIT) of the National Unity Government, said at the opening ceremony of the USD 40,000 fundraising campaign, which aims to acquire a combat drone for the Yaw Region Drone Forces, held on July 10, that the Federal Wings Drone Force, a drone technology force under the MOCIT, has been strengthened.

“We [the MOCIT] have strengthened the Federal Wings Drone Force, and the Ministry of Defence has also strengthened it. The Federal Wings Drone Force is also undertaking many efforts to improve its capabilities. They have tried various techniques to bypass the anti-drone jumpers, and so far the drones of the Federal Wings [Drone Force] have been able to bypass the jumpers and drop drones of the military council and bombs on various military targets and the military council’s bases,” Union Minister U Htin Linn Aung said.

At present, some forces of the Federal Wings Drone Force have been gathered and formally formed as the No. 1801 Drone Force under the Ministry of Defence.

The Ministry of Defence announced that it will provide financial support to Federal Wings for the funds required for the production and installation of combat drones according to operation plans.

5. The military regime is murdering political prisoners under the pretence of transferring them to another prison: 37 political prisoners from Daik-U (Kyaiksakaw) Prison have gone missing

The Assistance Association for Political Prisoners (AAPP) issued a statement on Extrajudicial Murders of Political Prisoners on July 10, 2023.

According to the statement, 37 political prisoners from Daik-U (Kyaiksakaw) Prison have gone missing since the military took them out of the prison under the pretence of transferring them to another prison on June 27, 2023. When family members of missing political prisoners inquired at Daik-U Prison, the prison authorities repeatedly denied their whereabouts, the AAPP said.

Signed letters dated June 29 from Daik-U Prison Officer Kaw Zeya were sent to the families of Khant Linn Naing and Pyae Phyo Hein to inform them of their deaths on July 7 and 8, respectively. The letters claimed that while being transferred from Daik-U Prison to Insein Prison, by taking advantage of the vehicle transporting them being involved in an accident, the two attempted to flee and were shot dead by “warning shots” fired by the security forces.

According to the AAPP statement, the family of political prisoner U Sein Win was informed on July 2 that he had passed away in Myingyan Prison the same day from gastrointestinal tract bleeding. The statement also stated that the prisoners inside the prison had revealed that U Sein Win had been taken from prison and interrogated and that bruises were found on his body at the time of his death based on information received from his family members.

6. Fund supporters from the UK have contributed the most to the “Yoma Calling” campaign, which has so far raised more than US$210,000

On July 11, the “Yoma Calling” campaign team announced, “Until last night, the fund raised was US$206,578 and this morning it reached US$217,470. The UK is running at the top. Japan, Korea, and Thailand are slower than normal. We encourage them to catch up with the domestic supporters.”

The “Yoma Calling” fundraising campaign, which will be taking place from June 25 to July 16, aims to raise the required revolutionary funds for the Salmon Operation, which will enable revolutionary fighters from the Yangon, Bago, and Ayeyarwady Regions to return home.

The Salmon Operation aims to gain territorial control of the Bago Yoma and Sittaung River Basin, which are critical to the Spring Revolution’s military strategy.

#Credit : Radio NUG


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