Myanmar Spring Revolution Morning Fresh News for 2023 May 28

1. Acting President Duwa Lashi La and Union Prime Minister Mahn Winn Khaing Thann met with representatives of the National Unity Government from various countries

It is reported that on May 27, the Republic of the Union of Myanmar, the National Unity Government, Acting President Duwa Lashi La and Union Prime Minister Mahn Winn Khaing Thann met with representatives of the National Unity Government from various countries.

The meeting was attended by the Union Minister and Deputy Minister of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the National Unity Government, and Ambassador U Kyaw Moe Tun, Permanent Representative of Myanmar to the United Nations. Representatives from various countries presented and discussed their international activities.

It is reported that the representatives also discussed the messages and suggestions from the Myanmar people abroad to the National Unity Government.

2. The NUG Union Minister Dr. Zaw Wai Soe and Union Minister U Htin Lin Aung discussed Myanmar issues and the education sector at the University of San Francisco in California

The Ministry of Communications, Information and Technology announced on May 27 that NUG Union Minister Dr. Zaw Wai Soe and Union Minister U Htin Lin Aung discussed Myanmar issues and the education sector at the University of San Francisco in California, USA.

It is reported that Union Minister Dr. Zaw Wai Soe and Union Minister U Htin Lin Aung arrived at the University of San Francisco in San Francisco, California, USA, on May 23.

After that, the Union Ministers held a meeting with the Professor of the Department of Education and 6 other professors, and discussed focusing on the future education of Myanmar youth during the crisis and conflict caused by the military coup in Myanmar.

In addition, it is known that cooperative processes in the technology sector and not only short-term but also long-term plans were discussed on how to move forward during the post-revolutionary period.

3. Union Minister Dr. Tu Hkawng and Dr. Sasa will attend a discussion titled “State of International Cooperation on Myanmar’s Natural Resources and Environmental Conservation”

On May 29, at 7:00 p.m. Myanmar time, a discussion titled “State of International Cooperation on Myanmar’s Natural Resources and Environmental Conservation” will be held in cooperation with the Ministry of International Cooperation of the National Unity Government, and Union Minister Dr. Tu Hkawng and Union Minister Dr. Sasa will discuss.

In the discussion, the importance of international cooperation in Myanmar’s natural resources and environmental protection activities, successful examples of international cooperation in natural resources and environmental conservation during the revolution, and ongoing activities related to international cooperation, will be discussed.

The discussion will be broadcast live on the Facebook pages of the National Unity Government’s Ministry of Natural Resources and Environmental Conservation, Ministry of International Cooperation, and news media.

4. The Technological Universities Network (TU Network) has announced that interim education programs will begin in June

The Technological Universities Network announced on May 27 that interim education programs will begin in June.

“Technological Universities Network will begin interim education programs in June 2023 aimed at “continuing learning for students who have been on strike against the military junta’s slavery education,” it stated.

Therefore, the 33 member universities of the TU Network have informed the CDM students, who are on strike against the military junta’s education, to connect with the relevant interim university councils and deal with issues related to learning in advance.

5. The Cobra Column informed that 114 junta soldiers, including military council officers, were killed and 129 were injured during the battles in 2 months

The Cobra Column released the military news that 114 junta soldiers, including military council officers, were killed and 129 were injured during the battles in 2 months in Karen State.

“The intense contact battles broke out for 2 months between the revolutionary joint forces containing KNU/KNLA Brigade-6, Cobra Column-01, Cobra Column-02, Black Panther Column, Golden Eagle, Federal Wings, and Raung Ni defense force, and the terrorist junta columns containing 44th Division, LIB-2, IB-275, LIB-355, IB-8, BGF Battalion-1019, LIB-118, Thin Gan Nyi Naung strategic column, etc.,” it stated.

In these battles, 114 junta soldiers, including terrorist military council officers, were killed, 129 were injured and 11 were captured alive. It is also reported that a total of 41 weapons, including one 60-mm long barrel gun, one 60-mm short gun, and one 40-mm gun, were seized. In addition, they were able to capture 3 BGF camps under the military junta.

Because of the many casualties on the ground, the terrorist military council carried out 22 airstrikes and 1081 rounds of heavy artillery fire in these two months.

6. At least 12 junta soldiers were killed in an attack with clustered mines on a 6-vehicle junta convoy in Thabeikkyin Township

It is reported that at least 12 junta soldiers were killed in an attack with clustered mines on a 6-vehicle junta convoy in Thabeikkyin Township.

On the morning of May 27, a convoy of approximately 6 military vehicles containing about 100 junta soldiers was ambushed by clustered mines, said the Thabeikkyin PaKaFa.

“At 7:46 a.m. on May 27, a 6-vehicle convoy of about 100 junta soldiers was ambushed with clustered mines. At least 12 junta soldiers were killed and many were wounded. Due to the random firing by the junta soldiers, 1 civilian from Se Zin Kone Village was killed and 2 were seriously injured,” it stated.

Due to the damage to convoy vehicles and the large number of casualties, the junta troops continue marching with 2 military vehicles and on foot to the upper Tagaung region. At 12:06 p.m., they were ambushed again at a road section with clustered mines, damaging both vehicles and injuring at least 6 junta soldiers in front of these two vehicles.

It is said that the second car hit the mine and the front of the car was damaged, killing 2 junta soldiers in the car instantly. It is reported that 2 civilians from Let Pan Kone Village were seriously injured due to random firing by the junta troops.

7. The revolutionary forces attacked the Infantry Battalion IB-910 in Mandalay with 40-mm

On May 27, at 8:00 a.m., the revolutionary comrades opened fire and attacked the IB-910, according to Bo Nat Soe of the Nat Soe Underground Revolutionary Force.

“Along with the beauty of Mandalay Hill, which is the honorable part of Mandalay City, your sweethearts flying with big guns, urban rebels, will bring bigger events than this next time. Be prepared, and build your bunkers strong,” he said.

At present, the damage and casualties are still being confirmed and investigated. It is reported that there was an explosion of heavy artillery shells.

8. MDY PDF’s “Pyi Taw Win” campaign to raise funds of 4,000 lakhs is set by June 8

It is reported that the “Pyi Taw Win” campaign for MDY PDF has set until June 8 to raise funds of 4,000 lakhs.

The Fundraising Campaign called “Project Pyi Taw Win” has been started since May 25 to reclaim Mandalay’s moat and palace.

“With proper organization and full support, the “Pyi Taw Win” campaign will definitely bring back not only Mandalay, but the entire county for the people of Myanmar,” it stated.

The Project Target is 4,000 lakh Myanmar Kyats, and all the funds raised from the Project will be used for big Missions that will threaten the junta’s Central Military Command (RMC).

The Mandalay PDF, properly-organized under the MOD’s CoC, is one of the front forces that will bring forth the hopes of spring in the near future.

  1. Acting President Duwa Lashi La and Union Prime Minister Mahn Winn Khaing Thann met with representatives of the National Unity Government from various countries
  2. The NUG Union Minister Dr. Zaw Wai Soe and Union Minister U Htin Lin Aung discussed Myanmar issues and the education sector at the University of San Francisco in California
  3. Union Minister Dr. Tu Hkawng and Dr. Sasa will attend a discussion titled “State of International Cooperation on Myanmar’s Natural Resources and Environmental Conservation”
  4. The Technological Universities Network (TU Network) has announced that interim education programs will begin in June
  5. The Cobra Column informed that 114 junta soldiers, including military council officers, were killed and 129 were injured during the battles in 2 months
  6. At least 12 junta soldiers were killed in an attack with clustered mines on a 6-vehicle junta convoy in Thabeikkyin Township
  7. The revolutionary forces attacked the Infantry Battalion IB-910 in Mandalay with 40-mm
  8. MDY PDF’s “Pyi Taw Win” campaign to raise funds of 4,000 lakhs is set by June 8

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