Myanmar Spring Revolution Morning Fresh News for 2023 May 2

1. Acting President informed that future federal democratic governance frameworks will include commitments to protect and promote workers’ rights

Acting President Duwa Lashi La informed that future federal democratic governance frameworks will include commitments to protect and promote workers’ rights.

Acting President of the National Unity Government stated this in his message to the workers on May 1st, International Workers’ Day (May Day).

“As workers are the backbone of our society, we have already included the commitment to “As workers are the backbone of our society, we have already included the commitment to protect and promote workers’ rights in the future federal democratic governance frameworks that the National Unity Government is developing. Currently, we are working together with the relevant ministries, including the Ministry of Labour, to increase assistance activities for workers, and to build and improve their capacity,” he said.

In addition, the Acting President said that the various social problems of local workers can be solved only when the victory of the revolution is achieved.

2. The National Unity Government’s Ministry of Labour held the International Workers’ Day (May Day) ceremony

The National Unity Government’s Ministry of Labour held the International Workers’ Day (May Day) ceremony.

On May 1st, the 133rd International Workers’ Day (May Day) ceremony was held through the virtual (Zoom) system, and Union Prime Minister Mahn Winn Khaing Thann attended and delivered an opening speech.

At the ceremony, the International Workers’ Day (May Day) message sent by the Acting President was read by the Deputy Secretary of the Ministry of Labour. Then, the National Unity Consultative Council (NUCC), U Khun Myint Tun from the Pa-O National Federal Council (PNFC), Secretary U Tun Myint from the Committee Representing Pyidaungsu Hluttaw (CRPH), and Union Minister of Labour U Nai Suwunna gave May Day commemorative remarks.

Next, a video recording of the activities of civil servants (CDMs) and private staff, who are the heroes of the Myanmar Spring Revolution, was shown. Special guest Ms. Sue Longley, the Secretary General of the International Union of Food, Agriculture, Hotel, Restaurant, Catering, Tobacco and Allied Workers’ Association (IUF), and Lawyer U Htay, legal advisor of the All Myanmar Trade Unions Network (AMTUN), the WE Generation Network and the Basic Education Workers Union (BEWU) on behalf of all workers and Myanmar Labor Alliance (MLA), gave remarks.

3. The Ministry of Home Affairs and Immigration met and discussed with the township people’s administrative bodies

On May 1, the meeting between the NUG Ministry of Home Affairs and Immigration (MOHAI), and township people’s administrative bodies of Sagaing, Magway, Bago, Tanintharyi, Ayeyarwady, Mandalay and Yangon Divisions (9/2023) was held.

At the meeting, Union Minister U Lwin Ko Latt, Ministry of Home Affairs and Immigration, gave an opening speech.

Following, the Permanent Secretary of MOHAI explained the activities of the ministries, and the attending members of the township people’s administrative bodies exchanged views with relevant officials regarding the policies, direction, difficulties, and challenges encountered on the ground.

The meeting was attended by Union Minister U Lwin Ko Latt, Permanent Secretary, Associate Secretary, officials from the Public Administration Department, People Police Force, Fire Department, Immigration Department, and Department of Special Investigation, and members of the township people’s administrative bodies of Sagaing, Magway, Bago, Tanintharyi, Ayeyarwady, Mandalay and Yangon Divisions.

4. Thousands of local residents are fleeing due to the invasion of terrorist military council troops into the border villages of Depayin and Ye-U

It is reported that thousands of local residents are fleeing due to the invasion of terrorist military council troops into the border villages of Depayin and Ye-U.

On May 1, the Depayin Township War Refugees Support Group confirmed the news.

Zein Zun, Mu Kha Twin, Tha Yet Taw, Nyaung Hla, Let Yet Kone, Koke Ko Su, Moke Si, Mu Thar,  Pitakatt Ywar, Ywar Thar Lay, 

“Thousands of local residents are fleeing due to the marching of terrorist military council troops into the border villages of Depayin and Ye-U. The junta column started to invade on April 30, and on the morning of May 1, through Moke Si Village, about 80 troops of the terrorist military council invaded around Se Gyi, Pauk Thar and Zein Zun villages at the border of Depayin and Ye-U. Therefore, thousands of local residents from villages such as Se Gyi, Koke Ko Su, Zein Zun, Ywar Thar Lay, Mu Thar Kone, Pauk Thar, Nyaung Hla, Tha Yet Taw, Let Yet Kone, and Mu Kha Twin have fled to safety,” it stated.

It is reported that the terrorist junta column burned down Pauk Thar Village in Ye-U Township on the afternoon of May 1, and is stationed around the villages of Zein Zun and Pitakatt.

5. A junta soldier died in a bunker when a mine was detonated at the junta’s gate at the entrance to Taloke, Myingyan Township

A junta soldier died in a bunker when a mine was detonated at the junta’s gate at the entrance to Taloke, Myingyan Township.

On May 1, the Myingyan Public Movement Committee informed.

“Early this morning, when a mine was planted and detonated in the junta’s gate entering Taloke, one junta soldier inside the bunker was killed and one outside was injured,” it stated.

Junta troops are often attacked by guerrillas in Myingyan Township.

6. Ye Guerrilla Force claimed that they were able to seize 14 enemy weapons during the two years of the revolution

On May 1, the Ye Guerrilla Force announced that they were able to seize 14 enemy weapons during the two years of the revolution.

“It has been 2 years and 2 months since the military coup took place by using armed forces against the people.

During this period, we tried to make the enemy’s weapon our own weapon. We were able to seize 14 enemy weapons, and we have succeeded to some extent,” it stated.

On February 3, 2022, two AKs, one AK rifle, and its eighty-five rounds of ammunition were seized at the Chaungtaung Administration Office incident, and it is said to be the first seizure of weapons in Mon State.

Similarly, on September 17, we seized one AK47 gun, 30 rounds of AK ammunition, and 120 rounds of M16 ammunition from a member of the junta-backed militia.

“Moving forward, we pledge to the people that we will work hard to seize more of the enemy’s weapons in Mon State with better missions,” said the Ye Guerrilla Force.

7. Myat Thar Village’s Police Station in Mawgyun was attacked with 79 grenade launchers as part of the Ayeyarwady Nan Htike Aung operation

It is reported that Myat Thar Village’s Police Station in Mawgyun, Ayeyarwady Division, was attacked with 79 grenade launchers as part of the Ayeyarwady Nan Htike Aung operation.

On May 1, the People’s Defense Force – Hinthada District Battalion announced the military news.

“On April 30, at 7:10 p.m., Myat Thar Village’s Police Station in Mawgyun was attacked with 79 grenade launchers and 40mm bombs as part of the Ayeyarwady Nan Htike Aung operation successfully,” it stated.

In the attack, the main building of the police station was hit by a bomb, and the details of the damage are still under investigation.

The operation was carried out by the Bogalay Dolphin People’s Defence Force, the Ayeyarwady Dolphin Defence Force Mawgyun, and the Mawgyun People’s Defense Forces.

8. The winner of the first prize of 100 lakh kyats of the “Victory Spring Lottery” donated 10 lakh kyats to the Spring Lottery team.

The winner of the first prize of 100 lakh kyats of “Victory Spring Lottery” donated 10 lakh kyats to the Spring Lottery team

On May 1, the We Pledge CDM (WPC) family announced regarding the spring lottery.

On April 2023, during the lottery week 18 of the “Victory Spring Lottery”, the New Year is welcomed by winning the first prize of 100 lakh kyats from tickets sold by members of the WPC family. The winner, a support comrade, donated 10 lakh kyats from the prize to the Spring Lottery team immediately,” it stated.

Most of the proceeds from the Spring Lottery sales go to support CDM Heroes, so participating in the monthly Spring Lottery is also supporting CDM Heroes.

9. Everyone who purchases a bond in May will receive an autograph and postcard from actor Paing Phyo Thu

United Bond announced on May 1st that everyone who purchases a bond in May will receive an autograph and postcard from actor Paing Phyo Thu.

“Everyone who purchases bonds in May will receive handwritten congratulatory words and postcards with signatures from the actor Paing Phyo Thu as souvenirs,” it stated.

The famous symbol of the movie “It’s not over yet, we still have our turn”, which is the illustration of “the actress dancing gracefully in the middle of the fire”, the congratulatory words written by the actor Paing Phyo Thu, and postcards with Thu Thu’s signature will be received as souvenirs by everyone who purchases the bond in May.

  1. Acting President informed that future federal democratic governance frameworks will include commitments to protect and promote workers’ rights
  2. The National Unity Government’s Ministry of Labour held the International Workers’ Day (May Day) ceremony
  3. The Ministry of Home Affairs and Immigration met and discussed with the township people’s administrative bodies
  4. Thousands of local residents are fleeing due to the invasion of terrorist military council troops into the border villages of Depayin and Ye-U
  5. A junta soldier died in a bunker when a mine was detonated at the junta’s gate at the entrance to Taloke, Myingyan Township
  6. Ye Guerrilla Force claimed that they were able to seize 14 enemy weapons during the two years of the revolution
  7. Myat Thar Village’s Police Station in Mawgyun was attacked with 79 grenade launchers as part of the Ayeyarwady Nan Htike Aung operation
  8. The winner of the first prize of 100 lakh kyats of the “Victory Spring Lottery” donated 10 lakh kyats to the Spring Lottery team.
  9. Everyone who purchases a bond in May will receive an autograph and postcard from actor Paing Phyo Thu

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