Spring Revolution Local News – May 01 (Evening)

Summary of News

1. The Union Prime Minister states that efforts are being made to ensure full labour rights and to assist workers

Union Prime Minister Mahn Winn Khaing Thann remarked at the Labour Day Celebration held on May 1 that the NUG is also working on to ensure full labour rights and to assist workers.

“I would like to say that the National Unity Government is also working hard in the sectors of ensuring full labour rights and assisting workers for the revolution period as well as the post-revolution period when rehabilitation of the country is made,” the Union Prime Minister said.

Furthermore, the Union Prime Minister also expressed his respect for and pride in the workers who have been fighting for two years since the Spring Revolution against the military dictatorship.

2. The CRPH expresses its pride in workers at home and abroad who are overwhelmingly participating on the front lines of the Spring Revolution

In its message for 2023 International Labour Day on May 1, 2023, the Committee Representing Pyidaungsu Hluttaw (CRPH) expressed its best wishes to all the physical and intellectual workers as well as all the ethnic people of Myanmar all over the world and in Myanmar to be able to get more job opportunities, full access to labour rights, and a healthy workspace.

The CRPH also expressed its pride in all workers who bravely fought against the military dictatorship and attempted to build a federal democratic union that fully guarantees the basic rights and rights for different ethnic groups during the uprisings throughout the ages, as well as in the workers who are bravely participating on the front lines of the Spring Revolution both domestically and abroad.

After the illegal coup of the terrorist military in Myanmar, the country’s citizens have severely lost their basic rights, and the country’s workers have also been totally deprived of their rights because the military dictatorship’s illegal organisations and individuals are corrupt, allowing workers to be oppressed, exploited, and coerced.

3. NUG’s Minister of Human Rights exhorts people to fight against the military dictatorship for labour rights, human rights, equality, and all other rights

On May 1, U Aung Myo Min, Union Minister for Human Rights, called on everyone to fight against the military dictatorship in order to ensure labour rights, human rights, equality, and all other rights.

After the military seized power on February 1, 2021, many labour rights were lost, foreign investments quit, and employment rates rose as a result.

4. NUG’s Ministry of Justice announces that it has gathered records on unfair exploitation for the entire workforce population

On May 1, the Ministry of Justice of the National Unity Government issued a statement on International Labour Day.

The Ministry of Justice stated that it would uphold the basic principles of justice, equality, and human rights for all workers and other citizens of Myanmar.

The ministry also stated that it had gathered records on the unfair exploitation that the entire workforce population has experienced after the illegal coup by the terrorist military and that it would take legal action during the transitional period.

The Ministry of Justice pledged in the statement to search for the rights and justice of the entire workforce and will continue to support and protect the rights of the workers, recognising the important role played by workers from all walks of life in building Myanmar’s society and economy.

5. 200 organisations, including the Myanmar Labour Alliance, jointly carried out Comprehensive Economic Sanctions (CES) in order to completely stop the flow of money to the military regime

The message sent by the Myanmar Labour Alliance to the 133rd International Labour Day (May Day) on May 1st stated that 200 organisations, including the Myanmar Labour Alliance, jointly carried out Comprehensive Economic Sanctions (CES) in order to completely stop the flow of money to the military regime.

In the implementation of the Comprehensive Economic Sanctions CES, a key strategy to cut off the military’s revenue stream is to “stop all international financial transactions of the regime,” “sanction all international financial services (including banks),” “stop income from oil and natural gas industries,” “demand dual-use fuel importing ship operations to stop tankers carrying dual-use fuel,” and “call for marine insurance companies to stop working in Myanmar,” according to the Myanmar Labour Alliance.

Myanmar Labour Alliance stated that it, together with other revolutionary forces, is cooperating with the National Unity Consultative Council (NUCC) as a member and the relevant joint coordination committees (JCCs) in building a federal democratic system and pledged to continue to work together with the people to fight for the loss of workers’ rights and human rights that have been violated during the terrorist military dictatorship.

6. Magway District 2nd Battalion of the PDF successfully produces handmade drone grenades

On May 1, Magway District 2nd Battalion, the People’s Defence Force, displayed the successful production of handmade drone grenades and invited anyone who wanted to help to get in touch with it through its Page chatbox or Telegram account.

According to the Magway District 2nd Battalion, the cost of producing a drone grenade is roughly 50,000 kyats.

7. FGWM unions go on guerrilla strike holding a banner: “Towards a living wage, a good workplace, and federal democracy”

On May 1, the Federation of General Workers Myanmar (FGWM) carried out an guerrilla strike.

The FGWM stated, “Today, May 1st, which marks the 133rd International Workers’ Day, the unions of the FGWM, which actively take part in the affairs of Myanmar democracy from their given responsibility, conducted a guerrilla strike while holding a banner that read and called for ‘Towards a living wage, a good workplace, and federal democracy.'”

Currently, the non-violent civil disobedience movement (CDM) workers and union leaders who opposed the military coup were arrested and tortured. Employers fired workers for no reason, cut wages, and pregnant women were denied.

At present, the military regime has banned the rights of labour such as forming labour unions and collective demands.

8. The film “We Will Share The Merit Only After We Are Free” will be screened in New York, USA, on May 6

The film “We Will Share The Merit Only After We Are Free” was announced to be screened in the New York, USA, on May 6.

On May 1, the New York City Burmese Community (NYCBC) released the following information on the movie’s showing schedules:

“The revolutionary-era true story movie ‘We Will Share The Merit Only After We Are Free’ directed by artists Ko Sein Thee and Ko Aung Thaw, which was scheduled to be screened on May 6, 2023 (Saturday) at Kaufman Astoria Studio, 35th Street, Queens, NY, 11106, will be shown four times at 11:30 a.m., 1:30 p.m., 3:30 p.m., and 5:30 p.m.”

In New York, United States, at the screening of the film “We Will Share The Merit Only After We Are Free,” directors Ko Sein Thee and Ko Aung Thaw will meet and answer questions from the audience.

#Credit : Radio NUG


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