Myanmar Spring Revolution Morning Fresh News for 2023 May 1

1. Union Minister Dr. Win Myat Aye expressed his special thanks to all the people who purchased Spring Inya Condominiums

Union Minister Dr. Win Myat Aye said that he would like to express his special thanks to all the people who purchased Spring Inya Condominiums.

On April 30, Union Minister Dr. Win Myat Aye said the following regarding the Spring Inya Condominiums sale:

“Time is telling that there have been too many sacrifices of lives. In order to quickly fulfill the wishes of the people and their needs, we can guarantee this project. I would like to thank those who participated and purchased in the project.”

It has been reported that within 12 hours of the opening of the sale of the Spring Inya Condo, $6.06 million worth of purchases were made.

The sale of Spring Inya Condo was opened on April 29.

Spring Inya Condominium is a project that will build condominiums on 30 acres of land on Parami Road, on the side of U Tun Nyein Road, which will be confiscated legally from the terrorist military.

2. Union Minister Dr. Zaw Wai Soe said that the Karenni youth’s participation and sacrifice in the spring revolution are paradigms of revolution

Union Minister Dr. Zaw Wai Soe said that the Karenni youth’s participation and sacrifice in the spring revolution are paradigms of revolution.

Union Minister Dr. Zaw Wai Soe, Ministry of Health, and Ministry of Education, said about participation in the “Karenni Point 5” campaign held in April.

“I would like to say that the participation and sacrifice of GZ and the Karenni youth in the Karenni region are paradigms in this revolution. That is why we can say that the Karenni region is under our dominance, not even leaving Loikaw. Even if they drop bombs for saying this, it shows that they are brutal. We need Point 5 to be able to resist and revolt against them,” said the minister.

KNDF’s strategic “Karenni Point 5” equipment installation project to promote the Karenni Liberation Zone is currently underway and is a US $ 400,000 campaign from April 23 to May 13.

3. Union Minister Dr. Tu Hkawng said that it is necessary to quickly implement a federal system in which all the people of Myanmar have the right to freely administer their own regions

Union Minister Dr. Tu Hkawng said that it is necessary to quickly implement a federal system in which all the people of Myanmar have the right to freely administer their own regions.

On April 30, it was reported in the “Newsletter of the Ministry of Natural Resources and Environmental Conservation,” Volume 2, No. 3,, in the section of the Union Minister’s voice.

“Federal democracy is not exclusive to the rights of ethnic people. Federalism is also necessary for Burmans. We need to quickly implement a federal system where all the people of Myanmar have the right to freely administer their own regions. Only then will we be free from the cycle of dictatorship,” the minister said.

Currently, all the ethnic revolutionary forces are working together to fight against the military dictator.

4. The Interim Local Administration Central Committee (ILACC) held a meeting with the people’s administrative bodies of Tanintharyi, Ayeyarwady and Bago Divisions

On April 30, the meeting between the NUG’s Interim Local Administration Central Committee (ILACC) and the people’s administrative bodies of Tanintharyi, Ayeyarwady and Bago Divisions (17/2023) was held.

At the meeting, Union Minister U Aung Myo Min, Ministry of Human Rights and member of ILACC, gave an opening speech.

Following, members of the township people’s administrative bodies exchanged views with relevant officials regarding policies, directions, operations and challenges encountered on the ground.

The meeting was attended by Union Ministers, Deputy Ministers, Permanent Secretaries, Associate Secretaries, relevant officials from ministries, and members of township people’s administrative bodies of Tanintharyi, Ayeyarwady and Bago Divisions.

5. The Minister of Justice said to establish a fair justice system based on the truth in conducting law enforcement activities 

Justice Minister U Thein Oo said to establish a fair judicial system based on the truth in conducting law enforcement activities.

On April 29, Minister of Justice U Thein Oo said at the meeting No. (7/2023) of the discussion with the judges on the ground.

“We have a responsibility to establish a justice system that is fair, based on the truth and the interests of the public, where law enforcement activities are carried out. If we look at the division of the judicial work where there are 3 parts, there may be difficulties in matters of remand before the trial in the current period, in summoning and examining witnesses during the judicial process, and in exporting the evidence to the court. Such issues will inevitably be encountered during the revolution, and we must not lose heart and coordinate with each other to overcome difficulties and achieve success,” said the minister.

Union Minister of Justice U Thein Oo, Permanent Secretary U Min Naung Khaing, Associate Permanent Secretary U Myo Aung, Directors General U Yan Gyi Aung and U Naing Myo Tun, Deputy Permanent Secretary Daw Lin Htet San, Deputy Director Generals, Directors, Advisors, officials from the Interim Judicial Affairs Department, judges and communications officers from the 25 District Court Offices attended the ceremony.

6. 30 junta soldiers marching the border areas between Pekon and Pinlaung townships were killed in the Mezalun Village battle

On April 30, Karenni Nationalities Defense Force B/01 confirmed the military news that 30 junta soldiers marching the border areas between Pekon and Pinlaung townships were killed in the Mezalun Village battle.

“The skirmishes between the Karenni revolutionary forces and the military council (the Military Operations Command MOC-2, LIB 248 and 247, and PNO joint forces) that are marching the border areas of Pekon Township and Pinlaung Township have lasted for about 2 months. During April, there were at least 10 skirmishes. In the Mezalun Village battle on April 24, 30 junta soldiers, including a sergeant, were killed and many were wounded. In addition, 12 weapons and related accessories were seized,” it stated.

On April 26, the military council troops from the 66th Division stationed in Nyaungwine Ward of Mobye, were attacked, resulting in the deaths of 20 junta soldiers, including the sergeant of the military council, and the capture of 2 others alive, as well as the seizure of 12 weapons and related accessories.

On April 14, the Karenni Nationalities Defense Force (KNDF) attacked the military council troops who were playing water on the road in Saung Kang Village on the border of Pekon Township and Loikaw Township, killing five 5 including a military council officer.

7. 5 bombs were dropped by 6 drones on No. 6005 Tank Battalion of the military council located in Ohntaw Village, Sagaing Township, killing two junta soldiers

5 bombs were dropped by 6 drones on No. 6005 Tank Battalion of the military council located in Ohntaw Village, Sagaing Township, killing two junta soldiers.

On April 30, the 6th Battalion of Sagaing District reported the military news.

“At 2:52 p.m. on April 29, 5 bombs were dropped by 6 drones on No. 6005 Tank Battalion of the military council located in Ohntaw Village, Sagaing Township, killing 2 junta soldiers and injuring 6,” it stated.

Similarly, on April 29, at 6:04 p.m., 6 drones dropped 7 bombs on a place where approximately 100 junta soldiers and Pyu Saw Htee were stationed in Mar Lae Taw Village, Sagaing Township. There were casualties, and the exact number of dead is not yet known.

The attack was carried out by Sagaing District Battalion-07, Anya Brothers LPDF Collective Force (ABCF), Phoenix (SGG), Unicorn Guerilla, Young Wolf, Myinmu Revolution Force (MMRF), Fight for Federal, Thunder Bird, Anyar Thar Lay (SGG), Sagaing Township PaKaHpa, and Myinmu PaKaHpa under the lead of the drone officer of Sagaing District Battalion-06 Squadron-01.

8. A contact battle broke out in the area secured by the Cobra Column, and a total of 5 junta soldiers, including a major and one IO of the 207th battalion, were killed.

In a contact battle that broke out in Karen State in the area secured by the Cobra Column, a total of 5 junta soldiers, including a major and one IO of the 207th battalion, were killed.

On April 30, the military news was confirmed by the Cobra Column.

“On April 29, the terrorist military council tried to invade the area secured by the Cobra Column by firing more than 90 times with heavy weapons and 8 missiles, and then the contact battle broke out,” it stated.

During the battle, 5 enemy soldiers, including a major and one IO of the 207th battalion, were killed and 6 wounded. One MA-5 gun, one MA-5 cartridge, 67 rounds of DI bullets, 15 rounds of 9-mm bullets, 4 boxes of MA ammunition, 2 walkie-talkies, 4 Enagas, 3 RPGs, 3 RPG ammunition, 1 knife, 1 Jammer backpack, etc. were seized.

According to the Cobra Column, the enemy’s YAK Jet Fighter fired once at 15:45 and again at 15:50, but there was no damage at all.

9. A prayer rally for Kanbalu and the people who were suffering was held in Japan

Young people held a rally in Japan to pray for Kanbalu and the people who were suffering.

The Global Myanmar Spring Revolution (GMSR) Organizer Team (Japan) reported that the event was led by young people in Japan on April 30.

“I would like to express my respect and gratitude to each and every one of you who gave your valuable time for the motherland despite being busy. I would like to record, pay respect and gratitude to each and every one of my Myanmar-born brothers and sisters, who marched in the column with full pride despite the bad weather,” it stated.

The Global Myanmar Spring Revolution (GMSR) event was held in Japan, and Myanmar youths in Japan have joined.

  1. Union Minister Dr. Win Myat Aye expressed his special thanks to all the people who purchased Spring Inya Condominiums
  2. Union Minister Dr. Zaw Wai Soe said that the Karenni youth’s participation and sacrifice in the spring revolution are paradigms of revolution
  3. Union Minister Dr. Tu Hkawng said that it is necessary to quickly implement a federal system in which all the people of Myanmar have the right to freely administer their own regions
  4. The Interim Local Administration Central Committee (ILACC) held a meeting with the people’s administrative bodies of Tanintharyi, Ayeyarwady and Bago Divisions
  5. The Minister of Justice said to establish a fair justice system based on the truth in conducting law enforcement activities
  6. 30 junta soldiers marching the border areas between Pekon and Pinlaung townships were killed in the Mezalun Village battle
  7. 5 bombs were dropped by 6 drones on No. 6005 Tank Battalion of the military council located in Ohntaw Village, Sagaing Township, killing two junta soldiers
  8. A contact battle broke out in the area secured by the Cobra Column, and a total of 5 junta soldiers, including a major and one IO of the 207th battalion, were killed.
  9. A prayer rally for Kanbalu and the people who were suffering was held in Japan

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