Myanmar Spring Revolution Morning Fresh News for 2023 April 25

1. Union Prime Minister said to be cautious as the enemy is trying to annihilate the revolutionary forces in various ways from time to time

Union Prime Minister Mahn Winn Khaing Thann said to be cautious as the enemy is trying to annihilate the revolutionary forces in various ways from time to time.

On April 24, Union Prime Minister Mahn Winn Khaing Thann said the following in his message to the 2nd anniversary of the Chin Defence Force (Mindat).

“At this time, we are embarking on an armed revolution, so it is inevitable to suffer losses. However, until reaching our goal, we must continue to march relentlessly with mutual support, trust, loyalty, and unity. We must be cautious of the enemy’s attempts to destroy us in various ways from time to time, and we must strive with wisdom and unity until the victory is achieved,” he said.

In addition, the Union Prime Minister said that he gladly honors and records the strong revolutionary spirit and self-sacrificing participation of the Chin Defence Force (Mindat) in the Chin State Front during these 2 years of the Spring Revolution.

2. The NUG’s Interim Local Administration Central Committee (ILACC) met with leaders of Public Strike Committees 

On April 24, the meeting between the NUG’s Interim Local Administration Central Committee (ILACC) and leaders of Public Strike Committees was held.

At the meeting, Union Minister U Lwin Ko Latt, Ministry of Home Affairs and Immigration, and Chairman of the ILACC, and Union Minister Dr. Win Myat Aye, Ministry of Humanitarian Affairs and Disaster Management, and a member of the ILACC, gave opening remarks each. Then, Dr. Lwan Wai gave a greeting on behalf of the Public Strike Committees.

Following, attending members exchanged views with each other regarding activities to escalate the revolution, currently faced challenges, public service issues, dissemination of advance information to prevent terrorist acts by the military junta, recommendations and suggestions for better enforcement of the people’s administration on the ground, and suggestions of more clear job discrimination for PaAHpa, PaKaHpa, and PaLaHpa for their better cooperation, etc.

The meeting was attended by Union Minister U Lwin Ko Latt from Ministry of Home Affairs and Immigration, Union Minister Dr. Win Myat Aye from Ministry of Humanitarian Affairs and Disaster Management, Deputy Minister U Kyaw Ni from Minister of Labour, permanent secretaries from each ministries, relevant officials from ministries, and leaders and comrades with a total of 31 people from Public Strike Committees.

3. 27 lakh kyats of support funds and food were provided to the villagers of Hnawkan Village, Pale Township, which was burned down by the terrorist military council

The People’s Administration of Pale Township said on April 24 that they have given Kyat 27 lakhs support funds and food aid to the villagers of Hnawkan Village in Pale Township, which was burned down by the terrorist military council.

“The People’s Administration of Pale Township visited and provided 27 lakh kyats of support fund and food items donated by donors to the villagers of Hnawkan Village in Pale Township, which was burned down by the terrorist military council,” it stated.

The Hnawkan Village needs a lot of help because 104 households out of 136 were burned.

It is reported that ethnic brothers and sisters who want to help can contact and provide assistance either directly or via the Township People’s Administration.

4. The terrorist junta forces have been arbitrarily capturing and abducting people as human shields

It is said that the terrorist junta forces have been arbitrarily capturing and abducting people as human shields. On April 24, the Assistance Association for Political Prisoners (AAPP) informed about the current situation.

“Recently, a military column of junta forces captured and abducted civilians as human shields from four villages in Hpakant Township, Kachin State: Kat Hmaw Zup Village, Hsaing Hpa Ra Village, Hmaw Pon Village, and Hsan Hka Village.

In addition, on April 21, a military column of junta forces captured and abducted many civilians as human shields from Hmaw Pon Village and Hsan Hka Village in Long Hkin Village Tract, Hpakant Township, Kachin State. Some of the civilians were being detained at Kam Si Strategic Hill, while others were being detained in Ma Zup Yan Detainment Cell,” it stated.

From the coup to April 24, 2023, a total of (21,514) people were arrested and among them (17,609) are currently under detention, (5,652) of whom are serving sentences.

5. More than 450 soldiers of the military council were wiped out in 218 battles between the CDF Mindat and the junta troops

There were 218 battles between the CDF Mindat and the junta troops, and more than 450 soldiers of the military council were wiped out. It is included in the statement of the Chin Defence Force (Mindat) on the 2nd anniversary of the revolution. 

“During the revolutionary attack, there were 218 battles between the coup military council troops and the Chin Defence Forces, and more than 450 people under the military council were wiped out.” 

During the battle, 55 members of the Chin Defence Force (Mindat) lost their lives for the country and the people. 

It has been 2 years since April 24, 2021, that the whole people of Chin State’s Mindat have been fighting against the military coup d’état with weapons available.

6. The Cobra Column released the news that the military council had attacked with large weapons believed to be chemical weapons

On April 24, the Cobra Column announced the military news that the military council attacked with heavy weapons believed to be chemical weapons.

“On April 23, the military council fired at least 30 times at the area secured by our revolutionary forces. The weapons that were fired included chemical bombs (gas bombs),” it stated.

On April 24, at about 10:20 in the morning, the enemy bombarded the area where the Cobra Column was secured with a YAK130 Jet Fighter.

As mentioned, the terrorist military council fired large weapons, believed to be chemical bombs, as well as air strikes, but there was no damage from the joint revolutionary forces.

7. Two junta lackeys were killed and seven were seriously injured when a mine detonated near the junta troops and Pyu Saw Htee, who were going from the Pakhan Gyi area police station to the Pakhan Nge police station in Yesagyo Township

Two junta lackeys were killed and seven were seriously injured when a mine detonated near the junta troops and Pyu Saw Htee, who were going from the Pakhan Gyi area police station to the Pakhan Nge police station in Yesagyo Township. On April 24, the military news was confirmed by the Public Defense Force.

“While heading from the Pakhan Gyi area police station to the Pakhan Nge police station, 3 cars and four motorbikes carrying junta troops and Pyu Saw Htee were detonated with 4 mines on the road on April 23, at 12:15 p.m.,” it stated.

As a result of the land mine attack, two junta lackeys from the military council side were killed and seven others were seriously injured. In the operation, the people’s defense forces were able to retreat without being harmed.

8. Pyu Saw Htee and junta troops in Pakokku Township’s East Hponekan (Pyu Saw Htee Village) were fired with 10 long-range improvised launchers

Pyu Saw Htee and junta troops in Pakokku Township’s East Hponekan (Pyu Saw Htee Village) were fired with 10 long-range improvised launchers. On April 24, the Pakokku Township People’s Defense Force (PaKaHpa) announced the military news:

“At around 10:00 a.m. on April 23, Pakokku Township People’s Defense Force (PaKaHpa) Squadron 01, Pakokku Special Guerrilla Force (PaKaHpa-PSGF), Rural Guerrilla Force (Myaing) and King Fighter Team jointly fired 10 long-range improvised launchers at East Hponekan (Pyu Saw Htee Village).”

Regarding this incident, the damage situation from the enemy’s side is still being investigated, and the people’s defense forces were able to retreat unharmed.

9. The Pauk Village People’s Defense Force and the allied defense forces attacked Zeepyar police station and Thayawgaing Pyu village

The Pauk Village People’s Defense Force and the allied defense forces attacked the Zeepyar police station and Thayawgaing Pyu village in Pauk Township, Magway Division. On April 24, at 03:10 p.m., Myaing PaKaHpa confirmed that they fired at the Zeepyar police station and Thayawgaing Pyu village.

“On April 24, at about 03:10 p.m., Zeepyar police station and Thayawgaing Pyu village were attacked by Pauk Village People’s Defense Force and the allied defense forces, Pakokku Urban Guerilla Force, and Myaing PaKaHpa, Battalion 01, Squadron 03, Platoon 02 with more than 40 heavy weapons until 04:29 p.m.,” it stated.

Currently, the damage situation is still under investigation.

10. Click2Donate informed that there will be a click campaign at the end of April

On April 24, Click2donate informed that there will be a click campaign at the end of April. 

“Ten days after the end of the month, I will try twice as hard as before. I will plan a click campaign. I want to earn more than 100 million in ten days. In order to succeed, I will have to get help from the strong clickers from now on.

As for how to help, please log in to,,,, and daily from now on to prevent sudden spikes in traffic. Later, we’ll announce what kind of clicks we’re going to get and let’s try hard,” he said.

Click2donate is to donate the income earned by people’s clicks to the revolutionary forces.

  1. Union Prime Minister said to be cautious as the enemy is trying to annihilate the revolutionary forces in various ways from time to time
  2. The NUG’s Interim Local Administration Central Committee (ILACC) met with leaders of Public Strike Committees 
  3. 27 lakh kyats of support funds and food were provided to the villagers of Hnawkan Village, Pale Township, which was burned down by the terrorist military council
  4. The terrorist junta forces have been arbitrarily capturing and abducting people as human shields
  5. More than 450 soldiers of the military council were wiped out in 218 battles between the CDF Mindat and the junta troops
  6. The Cobra Column released the news that the military council had attacked with large weapons believed to be chemical weapons
  7. Two junta lackeys were killed and seven were seriously injured when a mine detonated near the junta troops and Pyu Saw Htee, who were going from the Pakhan Gyi area police station to the Pakhan Nge police station in Yesagyo Township
  8. Pyu Saw Htee and junta troops in Pakokku Township’s East Hponekan (Pyu Saw Htee Village) were fired with 10 long-range improvised launchers
  9. The Pauk Village People’s Defense Force and the allied defense forces attacked Zeepyar police station and Thayawgaing Pyu village
  10. Click2Donate informed that there will be a click campaign at the end of April

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